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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56262915 No.56262915 [Reply] [Original]

Good job wagie

>> No.56262920

why do they try so hard?

>> No.56262936

For social media claps

>> No.56262949

Way to go, Sandra! Your reward is: unpaid time off

>> No.56262995

>implying Sandra got anything at all
Her reward: enjoying her new knee injury and getting harassed by PETA fags for inter species discrimination

>> No.56263029

For loyalty, you see their company is like a family

>> No.56263203

gangster ass reservation lady laying down primal law

>> No.56263296

natives once again btfo the living deer.

>> No.56263337

She probably just saw the opportunity to manhandle a deer and took it

>> No.56263379

She’s raping that innocent animal

>> No.56263390

that shits a tanned belt and vest now

>> No.56263403

Deer dindu nuffin wrong

>> No.56263473

Aw yeah, she's gonna do it right there!

>> No.56264889

I wouldn't miss out on a few free meals either if I worked at fucking Walmart.

>> No.56266245

>ITT soimen who wouldn't tackle a deer if given the opportunity
Fucking lame

>> No.56266258

There's deer in my yard regularly, should I tackle one?

>> No.56266277

It's called ownership. Your generation could learn a thing or two about it.

>> No.56266311

Loyalty and devotion to work. They're programmed to value work. It's central to their survival because they have no capital, they have no collateral, no money. They only have their bodies and their futures to sell for sustenance, and they're taught to evaluate moral worth by hours worked and devotion for minimal hourly wages. They believe it's virtue.
They are not Human. They are to be regarded as animals and resources.

>> No.56266322

ownership of what?
The car they finance?
The house they mortgage from the bank?
The shitty box they do not own but rent?
The ephemeral output of their daily labor to someone else's intellectual property and capital they have absolutely no equity in but that's their problem?

>> No.56266323

too bad those lyme disease shots she'll need aren't covered by the nonexistent health insurance. kek

>> No.56266364

Of course, teach that deer whose boss anon

>> No.56266382
File: 93 KB, 436x512, Festive Chud.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will save her

>> No.56266960

follow /k/'s example and fuck it

>> No.56267980

They don't own anything. Even their position is in someone elses hands.
enjoy your lymes disease

>> No.56268060
File: 741 KB, 941x530, ishi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ownership as in being stewards of their company and contributing to its sustainability and future success. I don't mean actually owning the company or other stuff. Holy shit you zoomers are clueless.

>> No.56268074

your children are going to put you into the blackest nursing home they can find

>> No.56268156

If all you did during your working hours for years on end, all day, every day, was to just stand around and act busy while watching people shop, wouldn't you be bored? Wouldn't you take the chance to bodyslam a deer inside a Walmart with everyones permission?

>> No.56268289

Only posters to have the right answer. Everyone else here might have lower testosterone than a senior lady working at Walmart

>> No.56268461

Are you saying I literally have to go wrestle a deer to virtue signal boss they better not fire me instead of just calling the guard to do it, as a walmart wagie?

Holy shit its like youre slightly more valuable than nothing at all. Workers truly are expendable in deer fights. Next time i bet its a dog or raccoon and shes gonna do it again.

>> No.56268478

Prices were getting too deer

>> No.56268485

I'd do it for kicks and shits. l pretty much guarantee that the boss doesn't approve but it's not like there's anything in policy that says i can't do this. I spent a shift at Whole Foods once trying to catch a bird that got in the store

>> No.56268512
File: 173 KB, 1000x563, 1696244618829598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what im absolutely convinced i will die from the medical diversity hires who just want in hospitals for a loco paycheck, they snort your drugs and leave you in pain while no nurse is gonna check on you for weeks coz theyre busy wrestling a deer and fucking in the janitors closet or treating 10 shot tyrones a day who didnt do nothing. And then theres you, amputated in car accident waiting 10 weeks to take a shit and it never happens. You just die.

>> No.56268554
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>got him!
>this is as far as I had planned it out...

>> No.56268960

Slave morality. I recommend you read Nietzsche's On the Genealogy of Morality. Very eye opening.

>> No.56269491

None of that bullshit matters. None of that bullshit secures stable shelter and healthy living and real contributions to the local community.
Fuck you pay me. No more SBA credit for you.

>> No.56269717

>no webm

>> No.56270112

Walmart usually pays pretty well if you are management
I made 80k after performance bonuses

>> No.56271290

just trying to save a buck

>> No.56271577

>good job on stopping that deer from destroying thousands dollars worth of goods in the electrical goods department
>here's a coupon for a free box of cookies Sandra nice work
>oh you got a tick bit from laying on it and have lyme disease now?
>so you're telling me you won't be doing overtime on Friday?
>Sorry Sandra but that's not acceptable I'm going to have to let you go if you can't match our standards

>> No.56271585

is /k/ a white woman?

>> No.56271612

You're a disgusting human being. Your kind needs to die.

>> No.56271712

Take a look out that window and touch grass. That's the way the supply and demand works.

>> No.56271787

You talk about people like they are cattle. The world gets better when people like you are gone.

>> No.56271959

That's how business treats labor.
That negative view is how executives and stuffy middle managers and small business owners frequently treat service workers.
That is what kids are brought up in public school to defend. That is said to be American Democracy. That is Capitalism. When kids are taught, they're taught to confuse those concepts as the same thing, they are not. But to too many people, there's no distinction, and so they're brought up with certain values conducive to GDP growth and creating value on property that many of them will never enjoy while attacking their peers in the same circumstance. That's the culture war. They have no stake or equity in the health of the broader economy, and we say that's their problem.
In some ways this is worse than classic feudalism.

>> No.56272019

You don't get it bro you need to have extreme ownership bro didn't you read jocko willinks book...

If anything they are begging wagies not to do anything. Especially when it comes to theft. The ones that do get fucked over so yes of course people have realised the most logical thing to do is as little as possible. Yes that destroys society but it's not the individuals fault but rather society that has forced this behaviour.

>> No.56272061

Research loimu and use it as an example on how to proceed.