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56262099 No.56262099 [Reply] [Original]

>Silver hasn't had a new ATH in USD since 1980
People actually hold this garbage unironically.

>> No.56262287

Silver will be remonitized within this decade, and it will do at least a 10x in doing so.

>> No.56262290

>shiny rocks
>big prime numbers
>beanie babies
What's the difference

>> No.56262513

Normalfaggots who trap themselves into becoming silver baggies are the goodest of goys.

Yawn. Same was said 20 years ago by the jew-lover Alex Jones and his silver-shillers on the Alex Jones Show. That silver is acckkkshually worth $5000 or whatever and COMEX collapse was imminent, so you gotta buy our silver now dear listeners, call now and get your "walking liberty" or whatever for -5% by mentioning the code INFOWARS1776...

>> No.56262534

>Chainlink hasn't had a new ATH in USD since 2021
>People actually hold this garbage unironically.
A glimpse to the future

>> No.56264513

Since it hasn't ATH in +40 years, and gold did a few years ago... silver lags gold so Silver ATH coming soon. With how the market dropped today, I bet the Comex lost even more reserves. Silver sucks but I'm a sucker. I'm glad I went with low cost real-estate so I have lots of free $$$ to spend on silver. Ooooffffff I bet the don't like goyim like me

>> No.56264516

Still better than link

>> No.56264538

The Hunt Brothers proved that the squeeze is not only possible, but inevitable.
>Alex Jones said to buy silver so it's bad
Gayest take.

>> No.56264594

Every year for my dad's birthday I like to send him the market returns he would've got from an S&P index fund vs how much he's got from his dumb silver and gold stack. Then I send him a fake invoice demanding the payment of the difference. He laughs, but I can tell it breaks him a bit. That's what he gets for being a precious metalcel.

>> No.56264636

I have a tiny 2kg silver stack just as a hedge in case the government decides to ban the unvaccinated from society again and locks out my bank account or something. It's something small and easy to sell for a bit of cash. But actually thinking that it's going to significantly appreciate in price is retarded.

>> No.56264658

Even though he's wrong and you're right, now you dishonor you father. Both by disrespecting him, and now by holding him to shame before anonymous internet "frens." Repent.

>> No.56266172

anything a bank wouldn't touch with a 10-ft barge pole is useless

>> No.56267547

nowdays everyone invests in sp500 so you play the contrarian and invest in silver and commodities? Is this how it works?

>> No.56267749

Elaborate sir. What is silver remonitization?

>> No.56268057

ATH's are for retrads who don't know how to sell. Also if you're weren't even born before 1980 let alone working age why would you give a shit? The only thing you should care about is whether or not the price you bought at is lower than the price now.

>> No.56268537

>I can tell it breaks him a bit

you are a shitty son.

>> No.56268596

You are not inheriting that stack

>> No.56269211

yeah they also proved that the exchange and market participants generally will change the rules to negate a serious squeeze once it is happening

>> No.56269552

The nickel squeeze last year proved it will happen. They were able to hide the nickel crisis. It will be 100x worse when it happens to silver.

>> No.56269858

Difference is he's prepared for the collapse. The only thing you've prepared for the collapse is your anus