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56257834 No.56257834 [Reply] [Original]

500k is life changing money

>> No.56257879

5k is life changing money for me

>> No.56257931

If i had 50k euro I could become a billionaire and I’m being serious

>> No.56258006

How? Why not just keep doing the same thing on a smaller scale?

>> No.56258023

500k rupees could buy me villge lots of masala dosa good morning sir

>> No.56258087

500k here means I could do nothing for 8 years. Or I could seriously start a viable business

>> No.56259569

Here, I could live comfortably for 17 years with 500k

>> No.56259647

500k is literally nothing. Where I live, its 1 million dollars for An average cookie cutter house in a mixed race neighborhood that was constructed in the 1990's. 500k isn't life changing at all, but it would be nice to have as an emergency fund or in a money market making 5% interest

>> No.56259795

The average American has less than 1000 dollars in their bank account. How is 500k not life chaning money you dumb fucking mutt

>> No.56259816

So go get a loan you dumb fuck

>> No.56259818

Because he isn’t the average American. It’s the same where I live. A beater house starts at 500k. A decent middle class house goes for over 800k to one million. In other words 500k would barely buy me a place to live here. So it wouldn’t be that life changing. I could keep renting I guess. If I wanted to “make it” I’d need at least 2 to 3 million.

>> No.56259885

Pay attention to what >>56259818
this anon says. 500k is not life changing. It might be enough to get started with a good investment portfolio, but if you are going to blow it on a cuckshed house, then no, thats not enough to make it.

>> No.56259977

With 250k i could live wuth boomer passive income of 3k a month...
I could spend the rest of my life living as a coomer traveling and not having to work...
Now imagine what i could do with $500k.


>> No.56260000

Love these blowhards lmao

>> No.56260013

how the fuck can you have a passive monthly income of 3,000 a month with just 250k?? You cannot get a 15% return passive income on 250k. You would need 600k in a money market yielding 5.5% to get 3000 a month. You dumb fuck.

>> No.56260025

500k is enough to buy a house in a non pozzed area or at least have a down payment on a house that’s enough to reduce your mortgage by a ton

>> No.56260043

so what? You can buy a condo or make a down payment on a house. Thats not life changing money. Unless you live in a flyover state

>> No.56260065

It’s so easy to spot the reason these airheads are poor: they are fucking retarded

>> No.56260164

If you think 500K is an emergency fund, you are a complete baffoon. There is literally no emergency sans your entire house and family going down in a massive fire, that would require even 50K on the spot. Also There is no Money Market paying 5% you dolt. Tbills, okay. But MM pay maybe 75 basis point. Please Unalive yourself publicly to atone for your stupidity.

>> No.56260179

That's 12% and the guy is probably hoping for some high dividend yield or something, but yeah it's retarded. Almost as retarded asthe part where he says he can travel and coom for the rest of is life on $3k/month.

That being said, $500k is in fact a life changing amount of money, yes anywhere in the world.

>> No.56260188

You didn't even speak on how you earn 15 returns per year. How stupid can you be to avoid proving your mom didn't waste her energy on a braindead retard like yourself?

>> No.56260345

You guys are shitty with money

>> No.56260441

My life would not really change but I would feel a lot more secure. I would not, for example, immediately quit my job.

>> No.56260457

100k is enough to soft retire in Vietnam

>> No.56260655

boohoo I live in my dystopian niggerland where drywall boxes cost a million it's nothing nothing!!
>It's only life changing when I can buy everything I want and never work a day in my life
Even cutting your 40 years of mortgage payments into half is life changing you retard
you mutts deserve black people

>> No.56260684


>> No.56260753

not really. 500k would move my retirement date 4 years sooner. If I had 500k less I'd have to work around 8 years longer.

spoken like a true low wit.

also that. my 200k starter house is closer to a million bucks now, the whole economy is totally mental.

yeah just live where the cost of living is nothing. There's surely great paying jobs there right?

>> No.56260778

>wanting to be stuck in Vietnam for the rest of your life

>> No.56260789
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I took a 250k loan to invest fully on both 0.2 and the allah launch on wednesday. Needless to say this is the make it or brake it moment of my life
Various things are ocurring perhaps

>> No.56260922

>8 years
>~5500 dollars net to live comfortably
wtf are you doing with your money?

>> No.56260974

>yeah just live where the cost of living is nothing. There's surely great paying jobs there right?
No but you can get a decent brick house for the same money relative to income with no black people around

>> No.56261031

500 LINK is not life changing money...

>> No.56261220
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>make it or brake it moment

>> No.56261778

>It might be enough to get started with a good investment portfolio
I'm no doctor or scientist but that's quite literally life changing. Most people are burned out and lack the dark triad traits needed to fuck over friends, family and community in order to get such capital. 25k is life changing in that regard. No you can't fuck top tier prosties, eat steak every day and play vidya for the rest of your life with 500k but it can change the average person's life anywhere in the world.

>> No.56262648
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It is literally retirement money in every single country that has inhabitable rural areas.
>buy rural house for under 100K to live in
>buy city apartment full cash for under 400K
>rent it out
>live a comfy frugal NEET life

>> No.56262658

How’s 3 usd sound?

>> No.56262731

500k would allow me to fast track my plans for like 5-6 years
800k would be life changing

>> No.56263287

how poor is biz? spending 5500 a month puts you right at average in the US. priced rent or a mortgage recent? poof more than half your money gone without ever paying for transportations food or utilities. i know everyone on biz was retarded not to buy a 250,000 starter home when they were in middle school with a small loan from their parents.

>> No.56265520

I have 800k but I'm burned the fuck out of working. How can I live forever in my investment when the stock market is absolute bullocks? I barely made shit since I started investing in 2021

>> No.56265611
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I have 150 bucks left to my name thanks to alcohol and cocaine addiction. Just barely paid the rent this month. I just want to feel economically secure again.

>> No.56265654

you don't want to enjoy vietnamese coffee every day and die of diabetes in 3 years?

>> No.56265693

>That's 12%
No, >>56260013 is right, it's about 15.4%.

>> No.56265706
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you just need to man up

>> No.56265740

>started investing in a bearmarket and expected returns

>> No.56265742

I did a bad math i don't remember the exact numbers but my bank pays 14.5% APY if i hold my money for 1 year so that would be $2.7k +/- per month with $240k
Not everyone lives in Muttmerica jew know?

I don't understand why you think i'm bullshiting. In fact Americans should get a higher % since they're get paid in dollars and their country is the richest nation in earth...

$2.8k or $3k is ENOUGH for living like a king traveling doing normie shit.

I don't need to stay more than 1 week anywhere..
Tround trip ickets costs like $400 or something
Cheap and nice AirNb's in prague for example like 300 1 month..
The rest is needed for hookers and food.

TL:DR $500k is life changing money unless you spend it like a retard or live in Switzerland

>> No.56265757

$350 so I can visit an escort would be life changing amount of money.

>> No.56265760

I live in a studio apartment in a major city

My total expenses are $1200/month

>> No.56265809

>500k would move my retirement date 4 years sooner. If I had 500k less I'd have to work around 8 years longer
500k could buy a pack of sigarettes in 30/40y and there is no simple way to stay ahead of inflation (maybe BTC)

>> No.56265863

>There is no Money Market paying 5%
In the US, there are several. The Fidelity Money Market Fund (SPRXX) is one example.

>> No.56265864


>> No.56265868

If you want 500k, you gotta imagine the idea of the imagination of 50k. Here's the guide

>> No.56265875

I used to make this every paycheck. Then I found this place. Leave while you still can.

>> No.56265899

How would it change your life?

>> No.56265903

stop doing cocaine dumbass

>> No.56266059

It didn't bear until after invested...

>> No.56267192

Pay of my bank rent and have $350k left in cash.

>> No.56267238

I can save up 500k € in the next 15-20 years with my deadend 9-5 job. Then I am going to retire, 500k for a few decades should be enough. Thanks for listening.

>> No.56267308

>gets paid 14.5% APY for depositing funds in colombian pesos
>colombian pesos depreciates 20% against USD in that same year
>would have been better off holding USD
think, brainlet.

>> No.56267367

bank account, not investments, you retard.
there is literally no point in having more than 1000 dollars in your bank account.
10% of all americans are millionaires.

>> No.56267518

How did you made so much

>> No.56267906

Glad you didn't add crypto to it

>> No.56267950

With defi, I could also live comfortably for a really long while, so far platforms like SpoolFi and Beefyfinance keeps their returns decent.

>> No.56267966

get a job you bums

>> No.56267986

Can you help me get an online job so I can survive in south america?

>> No.56268290

DCAing is how you can get back anon, except for memes. I've been DCAing my bags to position well for the bull, hopefully Pha, Nxra,Arb, and Icp makes me smile.

>> No.56268712

I don't see a reason to have a lot of money sleeping in my bank account when the market is still bearish and I can add a few more to my bag of Rio, Cymi, Xtz, At etc.

>> No.56268723
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>make fun of MongoTV
>realize this is future me

>> No.56268786

My mm on vanguard has a 5.24 sec yield

>> No.56268802
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Receiving any amount of money for zero effort on my part is life changing, however small.

>> No.56268947

How do you live without fun when owning OGBX could introduce you into the p2e world just to get your bags filled while having living comfortably.

>> No.56268991

Don't be lazy anon, the bull is much closer now. Can't wait to slurp EVR when it's listed on MEXC tomorrow ahead of the bull season.

>> No.56269030

No thought of OGBX? Why not add it to your bag to increase your chances of earning massively.

>> No.56269042

i would enjoy pretty viatnamese pussy enjoying my white dick if you catch my drift.

>> No.56269053

Yeah. Crypto is long dead and gone.

>> No.56269081

I'd still hold just onto it until the housing market crashes

>> No.56269220

The zoomer race is unequipped to exist in hard times

>> No.56269849
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Keep complaining about crypto while I continue increasing my networth with EVR.

>> No.56269960

Not him but I could finally buy a car or startup a small business of some kind
>inb4 you need more than 5k for a business
Watch my poorfag ultra budgeting in action

>> No.56270304
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>> No.56270437


>> No.56270534

How old are you, if you dont mind me asking, just so I can compare with you and feel inferior because you are probably like 23, right?

>> No.56270556
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Im conviced the whole "500k is nothing bub, because inflation and uhhhhhhh.... It would last like a week man" is a demoralization campaign, with that money you can live quite nicely in the us, live like a sultan in south america and become a living god in east asia, so please stop playong dumb because im beyond sick of your retarded charade, 500k is life changing money you dumb fucking cretins

>> No.56270591

What would you do with 500K cash?

It really isn't that much money. Like you can buy a nice house in the midwest and then not have a mortgage. But then you still have to work and your kids aren't really better off. Invest? the market is kind of fucked right now. What is the move cash bros?

>> No.56270648

At 23 I think I had $10k in net worth

>> No.56270652

>your kids
Why poor faggots always have Kids if they cant afford to give them a good life from the start, dont have kids if you can barely feed yourself you absolute asswash

>> No.56270707

I don't what the Jews says, just want to be successful in crypto while holding OGBX. The staking reward will melt faces.

>> No.56270865

For most Americans, it'd be used to pay down debts and eliminate all or a portion of their mortgage. This doesn't enable them to retire today but it does buy them substantial financial breathing room. Remember that these people are often living paycheck to paycheck, so one bad month and they're destitute on the streets.

>> No.56270884

>t. poorfags

>> No.56270901

This is fud (price anchoring). No i will not sell u my link for 500k fagot