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56252325 No.56252325 [Reply] [Original]

Eight men own the same amount of wealth as world's poorest 3.6 billion people.

>> No.56252347
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>> No.56252349

should we execute the bottom 3.6 billion?

>> No.56252353
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One man owns the same amount as those eight men as well.

>> No.56252355

wealth is for the wealthy, not the poory

>> No.56252359

We should execute you and your Jewish brethren

>> No.56252369

Capitalism was a mistake. We need a new economic system for the 21th century and beyond.

>> No.56252378

what would giving a bunch of poos and blacks the money from the 8 men do?

>> No.56252384

>Eight men own the same amount of wealth as world's poorest 3.6 billion people.
Kek, net worths aren't accurate or grounded in reality. If any one of those eight tried to liquidate even 10% of his "net worth" it would crumble into nothingness.

>> No.56252470

No imaginable economic system will eliminate inequality. All men are most certainly NOT created equal. Some are smart, some are stupid. Some are tall, some are short. Some are attractive, some are ugly. Some have good parents, some have shitty parents. Those, and countless other, random inequalities insure inequalities in economic outcomes no matter what you do. There will ALWAYS be economic and social hierarchies. The only relevant questions are on what criteria will the hierarchies be based and who will decide.

>> No.56252488

This fact surprises a lot of people until you find out that, of course there has to be more people because you are plussing up ONLY the poorest ones. Really makes you think how the first people figured all this stuff out

>> No.56252501

Or maybe idk they pulled the numbers out of their ass?

>> No.56252527
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Just because they're not 100% liquid assets or raw cash doesn't mean it isn't an accurate assesment of the power they hold.
Hurr durr le billionaire doesn't akshually have 1 billion dollar, he cries as he lashes out against the minimum wage workers building his vanity project insterstellar rocket.
Braindead retard.

>> No.56252533

The world's poorest people don't have capitalism.

>> No.56252537

this is unfortunately true. every attempted socialist economy still had vast wealth inequality. leftists don't want to accept this fact. is because they're troons?

>> No.56252544

Yes and they are all nephulium digging tunnels for when the whistle is blown on their central banking cabal

>> No.56252617

>would you rather give money back to the goyim
Release the gas Hans

>> No.56252645

Ok, let's say that these men decided to distribute all their wealth between the 3.6 billion. What happens next? Do you think reallocating bits of paper and numbers in a database creates food and goods out of thin air? If they gave all their money away so that these people aĺl had equal amounts of spending power, the price of goods would go up, and nothing would change for anyone. Leftienomics is fucking retarded.

>> No.56252654

all the browns in the world barely carry the human worth of one european village

>> No.56252662

Women are unbearably repulsive

>> No.56252680

>redistribute wealth, i.e. 40 trillion dollars, thereby reducing the 1% to poverty
>distribute it amongst 7,000,000,000 people
>$5000 per person will "lift them out of poverty" and totally fix their life
>oh wait, everything is just more expensive now
>but control the prices
>normies overconsoom everything
>everyone starves
That wasn't real communism.

>> No.56252696

The poos are going to call you jewish for this

>> No.56252759

thats how it works, the ones have it want it more than the rest and so did their ancestors

>> No.56252784

Control the prices and inflation won't happen.
Jail anyone who produces less food in response, execute them if they still don't get it.

>> No.56252798

what will YOU be doing in this situation?

>> No.56252806

Instead, he should buy BIPOC people PlayStations and stuff them with KFC for free.

>> No.56252809

running my AI bot company taking advantage of the new disposable income the public got from the billionaires

>> No.56252814

My relatives fought commie scum for 7 years. I'll gladly take up their cause.

>> No.56252820

delusional. You'd most likely get rapped to death by a pack of niggers.

>> No.56252821

Companies are inherently anti-egalitarian, bigot.
You won't be "running" shit, get in the gulag, fucking capitalist pig.

>> No.56252829
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so you're supporting these guys who want the rich to have fun while everyone else gets absolutely wrecked

>> No.56252849

Okay sure that's fine. I wouldn't be able to stop it without moving to another country anyway. I don't care.
I'd still be pretty happy if we took all the money from the billionaires and used it to feed the poor.

>> No.56252860

Shut the fuck up, commie shitstain

>> No.56252864

... until all the poor starve, because your retarded price controls result in the disappearance of all goods.
And then you can Make Communism Again(tm).

But it's all good, because you butchered everyone so nobody is left to call you stupid.

>> No.56252890

That 3.6 billion are the consumers

>> No.56252893

Jail everyone who stops producing goods and replace them with someone who is willing to take over.

>> No.56253074

Only their parents for shitting out kids without any plan.

>> No.56253142

No, its a fair point about how inflated the markets are, and you get to see it IRL every once in a while, 2007, march 2020, 1929 etc

>> No.56253182
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How many of those 8 are jewish

>> No.56253200

>execute people that don't comply
Sounds like real communism to me

>> No.56253564

even if it wasnt retarded, all the poor would just funnel all that wealth right back to the billionaires by buying all their corporate monopoly crap like fast food and watever they see on tv.

>> No.56253760
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And half those men are jewish. There is no limit to jewish excellence and brilliance.

>> No.56253790

I too believe slavery is a valid work model!