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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56250795 No.56250795 [Reply] [Original]

just dropped 8K to pay off bad cc debt I accrued while semi drunk and retarded. THIS IS DEGENERATE and MY FUCKING LIVER HURTS EVER SINCE I PRESSED THE BUTTON FUCK

But I also continue to keep my streak of PAYING YIDS LITERALLY FUCKING NOTHING in my entire life (except mortgage which I suppose totally shreks my point but Ill post this anyway)

Someone please validate me for being a responsible white man with a future rather than a retard that debtmaxxers will point and laugh at. I only have like 9g in total savings after this v

>> No.56250846

cc interest is like 23%, only retards hold cc debt

>> No.56250879

I have $80k of cc debt I recently put on because I'm expecting a cyberpandemic and debt jubilee, where degen will win except people who have mortgages
This is not financial advice and may also be larp... this is 4chan u morons
But maybe it will happen

>> No.56250907

in modern USA, you have to have cc debt, or you basically live like a cockroach. Biden era fucked people financially, cc debt forgiveness is in the horizon, or worse. there will be alot of defaults.

>> No.56250923

i have no cc debt and save quite a bit every month. getting into cc debt is what forces you to live like a cockroach

>> No.56250931

Not happening. Seek God.