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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56248793 No.56248793 [Reply] [Original]

Living in an apartment is actual hell even living in a trailer park is unironically better than this

>> No.56248797

lol rent cucks

>> No.56248801

yes, badly build buildings are literal hell
it is on purpose
it is soul crushing

>> No.56248807

Renting is better in this case !!!
Because you can move !
imagine getting a big ass loan to pay for the smells and etc

>> No.56248818

im surprised the jewish developer didnt take down that old tree

>> No.56248833
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Yes, it sucks. But, I can't afford a house.

>> No.56248839

Will you ever want to buy an apartment?

>> No.56248875
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>Mom saves up all her youth to buy a house
>Buys a fucking condominium instead for 300,000 just because it's on the beach
>foreclosed in 10 years
>Same piece of shit costs 600,000 now
>I could have inherited a house but instead I inherited an alcoholic to care of

>> No.56248883
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I can't buy any apartment in the complex. It's all renting only.

I live in basically what I call a commie-block. It's 3, 3 story, brick buildings, with 2 parking lots, owned by 1 company. Built in the 1970's with shitty appliances.

I live in the rural midwest. The median income in my town is only $35k. But, my town is 97% White and super safe (although very boring). I share my 2 bedroom apartment with my mom and it's $845/mo. The landlord is very reasonable though. Our rate is only increased once a year and it's always only 2% - 3%. While other places have jacked up rates by 15% - 20%.

The average home price is around $280k though, which is ridiculous. Even if you put down 20%, you still owe like $1,800/mo.

My buddy just bought a $170k house is the neighboring town with a 3% rate, and he's still paying $1,200/mo. It's out of control.

>> No.56248894

OK, but if you could buy, would you buy?
(of course you will not)

>> No.56248903
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Depends on the price. You're asking me a hypothetical without any details.

>> No.56248904

Out of interest, how big is your Pepe folder?

>> No.56248909
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Massive, but unknown. How about yours?

>> No.56248923

Yeah those do suck. I rent a superior apartment that was built for my landlord's MIL. It is fully furnished and has free high speed internet for 4k streaming. Place is really nice. I considered buying the whole house with a $60k down payment when rates were low but I didn't qualify for fixed rate. I pay $8000 a year for this small palace.

>> No.56248966

COPE. Your Zestimate WILL crash like a shitcoin. Nobody is buying your bags. Living in the apartment is much better because you aren’t tethered to the US pussy prison.

>> No.56248982
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I've lived in many apartments as well as owning my own house and I can say that they both have their pros and cons. In an apartment you basically have zero responsibility on upkeep which means you are free to just exist there because mowing the grass and maintenance is someone else's problem. Also they are usually centrally located so they are conveniently close to a lot of restaurants, stores and other businesses. It's basically adult living on easy mode. Cons are that you have to deal with neighbors sharing potentially paper thin walls, high rent, and if the landlord is a slumlord, poorly maintained amenities. All said, in your 20s it's not that bad.
Owning a home is a whole other ball game. You are the master of the domain but you also have to deal with shit yourself when it breaks and make sure everything is maintained. Mortgage's are also rigged against you because banks front load all of the interest in your payments until they get it all before you can really start making headway on your principle. Hopefully by that point in your life you've got a good paying job.

>> No.56249018

Yes apartment living is absolutely terrible. My wife and I used to put our ears to the door before going anywhere so we wouldn't run into anyone in the hall. Or building was full of section 8 dss niggers who did nothing but watch Steve Harvey all day at full volume. We used to change everyone's smoke detector batteries so we weren't kept awake nights with the incessant beeping. Ever since we got a house it's heaven on Earth.

>> No.56249042

sooo, you are not dreaming to BUY and renting is good, and even if you had the money you will not buy an apartment ever

>> No.56249062


>> No.56249067

i've been rentcucking for 8 years. it's hell. hopefully i'll be buying a home in another 1-2 years. so far i've seen

>downstairs 60 year old bipolar roastie neighbor had a psychotic episode over a period of 2-3 weeks, had to call the cops twice
>neighbor i shared the wall with had a domestic disturbance incident, half a dozen police came out to arrest him
>1 shooting when i was out of state (niggers dealing drugs i think)
>another neighbor who parked her car next to mine was carjacked at gunpoint
>1-2 other carjackings at gun point within the complex
>niggers robbing the gas station on the corner at gunpoint, last seen running down the street i lived in

>> No.56249074

Would you buy, the thing you are renting currently, even if you had the money?

>> No.56249100

no. i moved an hour away from that ghetto shithole (morrisville pa, across the bridge from trenton nj) into a nicer and much whiter area, but it's still awful sharing walls with people.

i work remotely and am considering two options: 1) buying a $350k house with a mortgage about an hour from the city on 0.25 acres minimum or 2) buying a $120-150k house almost entirely with cash in my flyover 98-99% white hometown.

>> No.56249106

Thats why i have zero respect for city cucks, they choose to live like that

Own nothing and be happy, the real reason behind that is that it makes people dependent on other entities for everything, they cant fix anything themselves because no tools or space, cant drive anywhere they want because no car, the perfect cattle, consoom consoom consoom

>> No.56249112

your current situation is due to inbalances
you will balance it out
zestimate will go to zero

>> No.56249139

i prefer apartments because it's way cheaper for equivalent sq footage and location where i live, i will say that in college i had paper thin walls and it was suicide fuel when the guy next door would bring his petite asian gf and bang the shit out of her

>> No.56249148

in real reality, there is no choice
because apartments are unusable as a homes
they are temporary shelter at best

>> No.56249178

Its not that bad.

>> No.56249199

why do you think it's temporary? i've looked through boomer bogleheads forums and there are rich boomers who advocate for lifelong renting for the flexibility, low liability, and freedom from being tied to the bank mortgage

>> No.56250147
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Realtor shill thread

>> No.56250200

some of the best years of my life I've spent living in an apartment, it's entirely circumstantial and not what /biz/ makes it out to be.

>> No.56250211

Why do pajeets love apartment buildings so much? They've taken over entire complexes out here. I used to live in a small building and pajeets lived below me. Whole place always smelled bad and they kid was always toot tooting on some kind of saxomaphone

>> No.56250254

My current apartment is top floor corner, bedroom shares no walls with neighbors (floor doesn’t count)
It’s nice and quiet

>> No.56250256

Idk my rent is only $1100/month and my only immediate neighbor is an old Russian lady. Like I don't enjoy it particularly but it's been kino for saving money.

>> No.56250415
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Do you want a family? Sometimes I get all worked up and forget that you can actually live in these things and put a wife in one instead of buying and selling them