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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56247294 No.56247294 [Reply] [Original]

My father is an oil executive worth eight figures. I’m a fucking depressed loser at 23 years old. My mother is willing to leverage as much funds as I wish from my father’s net worth to make me happy. Wat do?

>> No.56247297 [DELETED] 

just saged your gay blogpost thread LMAO

>> No.56247298

Get a hobby. Maybe it's the food you eat and lack of sunshine. I'd be building greenhouses if I were you.

>> No.56247301

Commit suicide.

>> No.56247302

tell her youre converting to Catholicism

>> No.56247311

My hobby is being racist on CSGO. Or I guess CS2 now

What will that do

>> No.56247314

Save all that money for when you’re older and grown up (early 40s basically when you’re able to take that money and responsibility look after it/ give it to your kids future) For now take only food and basics etc.
next step find some gainful employment or activity. It could be a craft, trade, or skill.
Also you need to read up on some psychology and maybe talk to your therapist about your obviously toxic fucked up parents.

>> No.56247316

Get a ex-navy seal to train you. then join the navy seals and die for israel.

>> No.56247328

My parents forced me to see a psychiatrist but they tried to force me to take antidepressants (I refused to go down that road)
I am doing an apprenticeship program currently but all the other guys are trying to bully me out because I don’t fit in for obvious reasons

Both of parents greatly despise the armed forces

>> No.56247334

Ask your dad for an entry level job and grow under his wing. Don't waste an opportunity that the vast majority of people don't have.

>> No.56247338

Eventually you'll get old enough to where video games have diminishing returns. You'd be better off learning or doing something worthwhile with all that money. I know rich people don't like hearing that their money may one day be gone, but if your dad was gone would you be able to recover if tragedy struck with his finances? Cause then you'll really be depressed.

>> No.56247400

Ive been battling with this idea. I have like $200 to my name, but I use a credit line attached to one of my father’s accounts for all of my expenses. The thing is that my father is extremely prideful and he doesn’t want to pass the torch to me.

>> No.56247425

There's a chance he doesn't trust you with the business, he probably doubts you. It would take time to undo that perception but I'd guess he would rather leave it to his kid than a stranger.
If that ship has sailed you're better off looking at your own strong skills and abilities, then making something out of those. Agriculture and health are what interest me.

>> No.56247428
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For anyone doubting the validity of my claim, here is a pic of our backyard from the time when my family lived in Venezuela when my father owned a oil refinery in the country.

>> No.56247468

Blast test, fuck a lot of gorgeous prostitutes, and go live on beaches tanning all day.

You have a cheatcode to life. There isnt anything deeper to it. Unless you are very into a specific niche hobby that you can turn into a career you are shit out of luck. JUST ENJOY YOUR LIFE.

>> No.56247644

thank yo mom for sucking his dick

>> No.56247706

You're probably very ugly

>> No.56248059

I'll hang out with you and see if i can have positive influence in your life.
If you can turn your life around you owe me one

>> No.56248124

You're 23. You still have plenty of time to turn it around. I don't get it, what are you whining about? With parents like that, all the doors are open to you. Find an interesting and complex field you enjoy, study and work hard. Your father can probably easily pay for your studies, or use his connections to get your foot in the door somewhere. Get in shape if you aren't, and I don't mean lift weights that's fucking gay and I hate how its the go-to activity for men nowadays. Pick up a real sport like kick-boxing or climbing. Watch what you eat, its probably the most important factor related to mental health. Sleep properly. Stop wasting time and within a few years you can easily turn things around.

>> No.56248192

Why don't you ask your Dad to shadow him? Like, watch what he does at work, and his business strategies. Say you wanna learn. In the meantime, get fit and maybe study business or something.

God, I wish I were you, lol.

>> No.56248206


Go to school.

- Get a major in petroleum geology
- Get a major in buisness administration
- Get minor in mathematics/statistics
- Become the next CEO

Make your father proud.

>> No.56248286

>Both of parents greatly despise the armed forces

Okay but do you?

>> No.56248301
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i would go all in on hpo sonic10 inu if i were you op

>> No.56248364
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Meanwhile i just applied for a job at Mcdonald.
Op you don't even understand how lucky you are.

>> No.56248589 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 85 times.

>> No.56248605

- develop a serious drinking habit
- get on drugs
- hang yourself at the entrance of your fathers office at night so every employee and your father sees you the next morning

>> No.56248606

Fuck your mom and impregnate her. Use money to raise incestuous daughter (you’re not man enough to have a son) as an absolute degenerate tranny whore who constantly oscillates between man-woman and has the plastic surgery to prove it.

>> No.56248973

Eat more salmons and healthy fatty fishes.

>> No.56249005

>its this guy again

>> No.56249031

get a job doing constrution. doing manuel labor or hanging with other men will set you right instead of jerking off to porn in your room alone.

t.been there

>> No.56249201

See many therapists, conventional (standard analysis) and non-conventional (shamanistic past lives healers etc)
You probably just need to talk a lot and to have your energies cleaned up and reorganized

>> No.56249216

If this is true, then you are the most pathetic of losers, and deserve to be depressed, and to be quite honest if you killed yourself you would be doing the world a favor.

Here you are with an opportunity that most people would kill for. You have a father who is a top 0.001% executive who you could learn so much from, you could get to take you under his wing and prime you to be extremely successful and could use nepotism to give you an 'in' to a very lucrative industry. You have this amazing opportunity and you are not capitalising on it.

oh i forgot...youre "DEPWWWESSSED". Awwww, poor little baby. Do your fee-fee's hurt? Poor wittle baby.

You must be a woman or a tranny to have that much of a pussy.

Arrghh, can't believe I've wasted so much time on such a shit post

>> No.56249220
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Why are you depressed? You can live stress free the rest of your natural life.

>> No.56249428

Why does every fucking trust fund baby have depression? Probably because you were handed everything to you on a silver platter and can’t grow up… find purpose in your life faggot

>> No.56249472

Looks like you better start finding another hobby then. I just caught a ban for being racist on cs2. Valve cucked out just like everybody else now

>> No.56250535

travel to my village in india so you can see what its like to be poor then youll be happy