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56246382 No.56246382 [Reply] [Original]

Does MDMA really make you suicidally depressed after? Asking for a friend.

>> No.56246399

The before and after of this pic is why you stay in shape, kids. And if your start balding you better start applying that rogaine or start popping back finasteride. I’m 18 and look pretty good with good muscle mass atm. I can’t imagine becoming a bald, bloated subhuman at 30, which is entirely a result of drinking and smoking like a faggot roastie college loser and next thing you know you’re three decades old and your skin is aged from all the alcohol, poor sleep, and poor nutrition.

>> No.56246410

girls love bald chads it signifies big dick energy but thats if you're a chad and if you're not a chad a full head of hair wont help your faggot ass

>> No.56246430

No it's just a crash since your serotonin and shit are depleted. It's like crashing from an Adderall binge though more emotional.

>> No.56246435

No. You need to abuse it hard to even get a significant low. Occasional recreational use you’ll just have a good time.

>> No.56246440

Yes, no, maybe so but if you can prevent losing your hair you should do so imo. All women are a bunch of whores anyway who the fuck cares what they think this is about your own self image. The dude in OP has a thirtieth birthday picture and he’s a bloated, bald fatass which is the issue. However being bald is not necessarily an issue, being fat however, is.

>> No.56246466

The molly comedown is pretty rough, yes.

>> No.56246467

>Does MDMA really make you suicidally depressed after?
i guess it depends. for me it didn't. i would sometimes get "brain zaps" while falling asleep after mdma, like you know what hypnagogia is? as you're falling asleep you feel like you're falling or falling out of bed sometimes and shit like that. well your hypnagogia will also have some brain zaps the same night. the day after you will feel fine as long as you didn't do something fucked up the night before. you might feel a bit more tired than usual but that's about it. falling asleep is pretty hard the night of.

but youre mileage may vary, for one guy being a bit tired the day after might be suicial depression the day after. drugs effect people differently. if someone is suicidal in their sober life after taking drugs they may feel suicidal, idk because i've never been suicidal. i would say if you have your set and setting right and don't mix it with other drugs (or too many other drugs) and if you're responsible and don't do anything crazy when you do it the next day you'll be fine. just make sure you get it from a good source and it isn't some fucked up shit.

>> No.56246473

My friend has never done adderall. Hypothetically speaking how long does it take to recover from a crash? Let’s say someone has 4 nights in a row to party, could they recover in a day?

>> No.56246476

Is your friend doing mdma all 4 nights?

>> No.56246490

comedown feels more like the flu for a day or two

>> No.56246500

It doesn’t make sense to do molly for 4 days straight as all it does is release the serotonin already stored in your brain. It doesn’t make new dopamine or serotonin. If you’re trying to party for 4 days straight, do fucking meth or coke. If you’re tryna party for 2 days, do mdma.

>> No.56246523
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I want to party on coke the last 4 days of my life

>> No.56246594

I meant 1/4 days. Basically would someone recover/be in the mood to party without it after doing it the first day or would I be too depressed to enjoy the following days.

>> No.56246623

You'll be fine if you feel down on the off days go do coke or drink or something just don't mix

>> No.56246630

You’ll be fine just don’t mix the shit with SSRIs. That will kill you.

>> No.56246641

It won't kill you but it will dull the effects considerably. You're basically taking mdma for the come down if u mix it with ssri

>> No.56246649


>> No.56246782

If you’re having actual fun, you’ll be glowing the next day just from the memory. Come down from Molly is easy. Just don’t mix with coke, they cancel the fun of both. Molly and shrooms tho- that’s where it’s at. You do that with good people and it’s pure bliss

>> No.56247381

I would take a neuroticism test before doing it. If it's low then you'll definitely have a life changing experience

>> No.56247435

The worst thing about the comedown is light sensitivity.

>> No.56247446

>My friend has never done adderall. Hypothetically speaking how long does it take to recover from a crash?

The first day sucks. Around 2.5 days after, I personally get a nice afterglow effect. Modafinil (after a few days) also helps a fucking lot although i dont know why. God i love modafinil....

>> No.56247622

>don't mix coke and alcohol
I am aware the risks are elevated when mixing but you are missing out on one of the best drug combos possible

>> No.56247776

Its called suicide Tuesday fort a reason. You will be fine in a few days though, Its just a different kinda hangover.

>> No.56247799

>stay in shape by taking hair pills
Go to sleep chaim you're not making any sense

>> No.56247841
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you need to take 5HTP on the comedown and get some sleep.
also if you don't want to fry your brain DON'T redose, don't even think about doing MDMA more than once every couple of months.

>> No.56247847

if youre a brokie, yes.. if youve made it, no

>> No.56247867

honestly alcohol is just dumb, makes every drug experience dumb and you just wake up with a headache not remembering anything
it's really the sign of a low class person who can't appreciate an altered state of mind without getting wasted, like putting ketchup on a wagyu steak

>> No.56247888

I don’t think you can read nigger. I’m a /fit/ NEET.

>> No.56247907

I'll enlighten you on the best drug combo. It is ghb/bdo(if that's what you can get) and coke. It's 10/10 and you feel 100% the next day. It's awesome for anything but especially cooming

>> No.56247938

>The before and after of this pic
There's an after pic?

>> No.56247953

>I'm 18

Fuck off you zoomer scrote

>> No.56248331 [DELETED] 
File: 614 KB, 1280x715, 51522203929021081538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jannies tongue my lily white anus and Nyan Cat Money will be a top 100 coin in 3 years and you unbelieving faggots will fomo the top...#1

>> No.56248362

Yeah a day will be fine, but I found adderall to have a really depressing comedown, like worse than meth, maybe because it's not as euphoric. Meth was tough but as long as you weren't in psychosis you just need a few days of quiet time, my goto would be watching a long light hearted TV series because it takes ages to finally get some sleep.

>> No.56248484

Every other drug I agree with you, but coke is one that pairs great with booze, you don't need to get shitfaced just have a light buzz

>> No.56248516

>I'm 18

stopped reading right there

>> No.56248520

I never found it to be that bad. Just make sure you have clean stuff and have some weed around. Also having a fun chick around always helps too if you know some.

>> No.56248565 [DELETED] 
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Jannies have tongued my anus 78 times.

>> No.56248579

>looking at your life from the perspective of turning yourself into some perpetually young kardashian
just have sex in your teens and 20s and stop being such a perpetual incel

>> No.56248862

YWNBAW you retarded radfem tranny

You are old bwahahaha

Not interested, roastie pussy is a lot less important than looking beautiful as a long as possible. The kardashians are a bunch of ugly whores kek

>> No.56248999

Never happened to me, but you will be run down for a day, possibly two, because of dopamine depletion, possibly dehydration, general exhaustion, things like that. If you have to go to work the day after you've rolled on mdma, yes, it will be a unpleasant day at work. Anyone who is considering trying mdma without prior experience should absolutely plan to have the day after off and free for recuperation.