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56243188 No.56243188 [Reply] [Original]

You guys think this pedo will finally acknowledge Chainlink’a importance? 6 years and nothing from him, unbelievable

>> No.56243195

ChainLink isn't important though

>> No.56243196

nobody cares about chainlink, even Sirgay forgot about this useless scam

>> No.56243197

Why are jannies allowing this many linkshit threads to be open?

>> No.56243199

He'll be a surprise speaker at smartcon

>> No.56243204

they sold.

>> No.56243208

FUD HQ here
I told you niggers to space your fud more to look more genuine

>> No.56243209

3 in a fucking row, the jig is up guys

>> No.56243251



>> No.56243255


>> No.56243928
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Help me understand why you honestly believe he gives half of a modicum of a shit about Chainlink, again? He's more likely to "acknowledge" Kava, or Optimism, or some other good co-chain to his project. You know, to further his interests, and shit.

>> No.56243946

Vitalik has done nothing wrong.

>> No.56243956

Hopefully not. He should take everyone who believes in him into irrelevancy. We need new blood in crypto, both users and developers

>> No.56243958

what kind of malfunction is this? can't you bots do something as simple as posting a full youtube link?

>> No.56243978

He's literally praised Cosmos in the past so I guess you DO have a point there.

ETH is still the best L1 overall and no amount of coping/seething is ever going to change that fact btw.

>> No.56244011
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>linktards so desperate they need a big dose of that Big Ethereum Cock to really operate well
like fucking clockwork.

>> No.56244033

in your fucking dreams. lol

>> No.56244037


>> No.56244043

why does it matter to begin with lol not like him mentioning the name of some external project is going to bring in many new buyers at all. linkies are desperate.

>> No.56244049

He hasn't even talked about matic which is the biggest fucking L2 for ETH so far besides ARB. Stop being so delusional, Jesus Christ.

>> No.56244058

i think smart contracts are kind of overrated t bh

their utility is fairly limited, all things considered

>> No.56244061
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>> No.56244067

>look mom im being le edgy on le 4chan xD
hire a whore already losing your virginity instantly turns you into a better person

>> No.56245713

Kekchuddies. Token not needed

>> No.56246159
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>> No.56246592

Why do people on this shithole keep calling Vitalishit a pedo?

>> No.56246602

Woke moralizer

Holy aryan prince chud…I kneeru…

>> No.56246668
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>> No.56246677


>> No.56247133

Nobody cares about LINK.
ETH, SOL and RAIL are the alts on his mind.

>> No.56247239

He knows Supra oracle is the GOAT

>> No.56247391

>token not needed
That same argument works for everything that isn't bitcoin

>> No.56247405

>why won't some boomer has been dinosaur coin shill acknowledge our zoomer grift???
Chainlinkgod knows more about the absolute state of glyptos 2023 ngl

>> No.56248944

it's just another project that makes eth more valuable, because everyone has to buy eth to transact. having to buy an additional useless token is not great for users, but that doesn't bother vitalik, it was a link management decision to have something to sell to finance development

>> No.56250020
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He literally did faggot... i don't get why baggies harp on him when he is on record praising chainlink and saying he is glad that someone is doing oracles in a proper way.