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File: 36 KB, 717x463, slipknot_psychosocial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56242040 No.56242040 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.56242225
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>> No.56242235

Stop posting their most mainstream songs. Makes you look like a retarded zoomer.

>> No.56242247


>> No.56242507

This. I own zero toad and 33 soups

>> No.56242735

load up on both

>> No.56242759

They cant even pump the original trifecta, why would they care about your fuckin toad killer?


>> No.56242767

>listens to a mainstream band
>tells others to not post their even more mainstream songs

>> No.56243073

Self titled and Iowa were never mainstream albums. They are also Slipknot’s best albums.

>> No.56243678

>They cant even pump the original trifecta
The lowest among the original trifecta is still more than x10 from where TOAD is rn

>> No.56243743
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Briefly did less volume than DBI. Currently only $1k more volume than dead scam DBI. It's truly over.

>> No.56243807

Slipknot old and new is numeral, fag.
Granted, that doesn't make it terrible, but it ain't Knocked Loose.

>> No.56243855
File: 193 KB, 1080x1364, B00b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the deal with that dead shitcoin Childhood's End? What was it about? Did Shytoshi shill it? In telegram, they keep comparing Toad to Childhood's End, and that don't seem like a good thing. Childhood's End is like any other baggie shitcoin.

>> No.56244086

Knocked Loose is nearly intolerable. The singer’s vocals are awfully shrill. It’s heavy, but heavy doesn’t mean good. Prime Slipknot as a whole is way more enjoyable than anything from Knocked Loose. The only tolerable output from the vocalist was on the Motionless In White feature for Slaughterhouse.

>> No.56244195

The shib team have shilled countless go nowhere shitcoins that they all loaded up on at launch, joined the tg of, have shytoshi tweet about, then dump it to zero. Toad is no different. September is fofo and is going to make over 2 million dollars by the time his tranny bags are empty. Fagnar and the rest are going to make similar amounts. Thanks for playing, not bad for 5 months of work, some cryptic tweets and telegram posts, and saying the word toad at a conference.

>> No.56244266
File: 121 KB, 1000x1500, pool's closed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56244364

Oof dont forget nigger noodles

>> No.56244445

Keep buying those soups faggots! I'll update you when prison gives me another phone call!

>> No.56244643

So is /biz/ buying this dip?

>> No.56244723

Only still holding because of the LP wallet. If nothing happens till EOY, I'm dumping 75% of my bags (8T). This shit can turn into another Childhoods End without me.

>> No.56245918

O Childhoods End has 2 million in "liquidity" and is dead af so do not let them fool you in TOAD with "muh liquidity" It is the same bull crap with TOAD where they lure you in with "interesting" wallets and dump on you from wallets that have 20x as much so they do not need to worry about locked liquidity, the locked liquidity is merely a business expense. The website for O has been abandoned, it is one hundred percent an abandoned dev farming token

>> No.56245938

We are all bots except you

>> No.56245972
File: 177 KB, 400x400, bad-hair-day.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

larping 9/11 and so many schizo dates doesn't seem so funny now does it? kek baggies

>> No.56246121


With Toad hey are on the part of the tired old script where they concurrently distance themselves from the community and blame the community at the same time, knowing full well it is they who pulled the rug.

September has barely spoken all month, Ragnar only comes in to troll, Comic has drastically reduced how much he talks and is blaming "doom posting." What do they expect about with no news and endless bag emptying by insiders.

Shiba Inu is a heartless scam ring.

>> No.56246141

knocked loose is cool because his vocals set them apart, if he had a deep scream they would be boring

>> No.56246320
File: 118 KB, 700x702, shib3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you know that original shiba inu was called doge killer and was shilled first on biz just like toad. 31st july 2021. Use warosu archives and see the similarities yourself. DYOR is the key to the answer you seek. This shit is the next 10000x and you are gonna get fudded out or sell early like a retard. This is not a treat reward token this is the next shiba inu. Pepe is this cycles doge. Toad is this cycles shiba inu. You are gonna miss out on literal 100s of millions of dollars by selling early or getting fudded out.

>> No.56246483 [DELETED] 

Yep I did my own research. That's how I discovered this token is connected to the shiba devs, the same devs that have been farming random "mysterious" tokens for the last year and a half. Then yhey slowly distance from them while the coin slowly creeps towards zero. Wow, what an opportunity...

>> No.56246640

>and was shilled first on biz just like toad. 31st july 2021

God bless to the anon who shilled it although i missed out on it for playing fucking videogames...

I wish i could make it with my 445bil toaddies

>> No.56246864

Toad bros are the schizo theories true that we will have some teaser on 10/13 (friday the 13th) and then am announcement on halloween?

I'm guessing it'll be something about butchering a toad (pepe)

>> No.56246956
File: 74 KB, 1739x310, Shibdev.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wont miss out on shib again. None of the mysterious tokens people claim who have been created whatever the fuck is childhoodsend has shib dev wallet connections. None of the those shit has been called out by shytoshi on opening speech. They are gonna capture the pepe mania which still has power over twitter. US elections are coming. Trumps maskot is a pepe remember 2016-20 elections. We have the narrative advantage. You dont want premature pump. Especially before the normie mania and the halving.

>> No.56247032

The halving will halve TOAD’s marketcap. Trips willing.

>> No.56247048
File: 144 KB, 1024x1024, 27B0660D-DA09-40F1-9B8A-65020A11A015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56247084

I have just a little over 200 billion toad. I'm hoping it hits near shiba inu's ath so I can make some really good profits.

>> No.56247154 [DELETED] 

If the next 5 posts say “I love black men.” I can guarantee Toad will 500x from here by March 2024

>> No.56247165

why are homosexual groomers like this?

>> No.56247169 [DELETED] 

If the next 5 posts say “I love black men.” I can guarantee Toad will 500x from here by March 2024.

>> No.56247200

The self titled is their highest selling album fucktard

>> No.56247277 [DELETED] 

If the next 5 posts say “I love black men.” I can guarantee Toad will 500x from here by March 2024.

>> No.56248099
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October is here!! Nothing happened in September just like you were told!! Zero is coming back again and this time it's here to stay!! Get fucked retard baggies!!!!!!!!!!!!
You love niggers!!!

>> No.56248117
File: 1.35 MB, 480x270, BAGGIES.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56248132

milk I mean sauce

>> No.56248358

I feel like someone owes us an explanation at this point

>> No.56248541 [DELETED] 
File: 526 KB, 1024x1024, 55540815265712384347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 68 times.

>> No.56248608

That’s because it’s their oldest album. Retard. Physical album sales died only years after Slipknot was doing major tours.

>> No.56248700 [DELETED] 
File: 383 KB, 1024x1024, 68189308591478619506.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Jannies have tongued my anus 115 times.

>> No.56249287
File: 268 KB, 850x1421, 1679919677318126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56249314

Self titled is a masterpiece... Iowa was mediocre and seemed forced... everything after that is trash... Corey very obviously started taking vocal lessons and when he did that stopped being original with the way he sings

>> No.56249966


>> No.56250201
File: 9 KB, 247x204, J U S T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The telegram is a mess ..
Everybody is demanding answers/updates and nothing happens.
Rugnar fucked up announcing "soup tastes bettet before shibarium" bs or something like that.

I hate crypto... no matter what i buy, it dumps or never pumps.
I should buy btc so the whole world gets fucked so i can feel better.
5 shitcoins in my folio are either dumping or crabbing

>> No.56250384

Pepe was a more honorable project than these scammers. Pepe devs black listed everyone except themselves that bought whale wallets for small amounts of money, and the pepe devs themselves held their bags till 1b+ mc so everyone made money. These greedy Shib niggers have been dumping every pump since the very beginning. September IS fofo, he tweeted he had a very large amount of the supply of a coin in May. He posted in the tg that he bought under 200k mc. That tranny has been bleeding the community for hundreds of thousands of dollars this entire time while the other tg mods are now blaming the community for being unable to out buy insider sells who got a million+ dollar stack for a couple thousand bucks, if that much.
>shill our bags on twitter goyim cattle community. no we will not tell you who the dev is or what the project is, sell this coin to normies with nothing except schizophrenic connections, so that we can dump more!
>and don't forget to buy another soup while you're at it, you retarded farm animals!