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56237409 No.56237409 [Reply] [Original]

I'm in a swing state and of course was planning to vote Trump, however I'm re-considering.

Sergey said last week:
"As the legal clarity comes the amount of adoption will, I think, skyrocket. That's the only thing that I really see holding banks back."

So it's going to take another 3-5 years for banks to be able to adopt chainlink. That's fine, I've already held for 5, what's another 5? The gains are basically guaranteed OK;LG However, I want to prevent 3-5 years from turning into 10-15 years.

Trump is very anti-Bitcoin and anti-crypto. He's stated it multiple times. He loves the USD. It's probably the only thing I don't like about him. It seems like Biden is aligned with the WEF folks, who love Chainlink, and therefore if he were re-elected Chainlink would see regulatory clarity sooner. Trump might throw a wrench in all of crypto if he's elected again, especially because he can just say something like "oh inflation's hot, we need to save the dollar, I'm banning crypto" or something.

Anyways sorry for long rambling. Any other anons feeling this way? Who is best in 2024 for Chainlink?

>> No.56237458

Biden uses chainlink for bad, trump could use for good

>> No.56237471

Go back to pol you fucking nigger.

>> No.56237502
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Voting Trump supports pedos who are the backbone of crypto though

>> No.56237523

I don't think either president will use it, it's more like will they allow it to be used by others or not

>> No.56237724

>Falling for the 2 party Hegelian dialectic.
Vote Kennedy. He is seems somewhat independent, honest (at least more than the establishment) and supports decentralized alternatives to wall street industries (open source tech, crypto) that challenge big Agriculture, big pharma, big tech, MIC etc.

>> No.56237741

Pedobros... we are SO back

>> No.56237756

Neither Biden nor Trump will be on the 2024 ballot, unless you vote in early by mail before they correct who's on the election day ballot.

>> No.56237956

Yes they will lol. If you know something I don't, you can make a lot in the betting markets right now. More power to you bro, get your free 5x

>> No.56238068

Is there a place better than predictit? The $850 limit really makes it kind of pointless unless I can get like a 20x and none of the markets with that kind of spread are actually going to happen.

>> No.56238455

There's also multiple markets on predictit for this and you can doublemax

>> No.56238646

Looks like shit, got dead pages and doesn't even load properly. I ain't trusting them with my money.
>multiple markets on predictit
Kind of, but not really. They use wording to screw over everyone in these kinds of scenarios. I only see two that would actually end up being profitable. I have my eye on a third that I know they will have to adjust as the election gets closer, but if they wait until they HAVE TO do it, it the profit surely won't even be a worthwhile amount. So I'm hoping they make that change sooner than later.

>> No.56239302
File: 2.61 MB, 540x304, 56B735EB-59DB-4F01-AFF4-768FA8FC663B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>two wealthy New York socialites!
>spotted at same New York party!!
>more news at 11!!!