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File: 31 KB, 788x788, BCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56235277 No.56235277 [Reply] [Original]

Post projects that are better than the project they forked
>Bitcoin Cash (Bitcoin) - Can actually use it
>Dogecoin Dark AKA Verge ticker XVG (Doge) - Added Wraith protocol. Prositutes will be using it soon.
>Kinetix (GMX) - cheaper, native usdt, more tradable perps will be listed and more features

>> No.56235295
File: 60 KB, 602x559, 1695575458605676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dogecoin Dark AKA Verge ticker XVG
Holy mother of shitcoins

>> No.56235298

Litecoin, BTC.

Don't ever bother giving me (You)s, you all know I'm 100% right.

>> No.56235299

LTC is the OG BTC fork and it's still somewhat kickin'. Extremely low fees, mainly because nobody uses it. lol

>> No.56235300

gmx actually has projects to trade with, though

>> No.56235304
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Came here to post this. Based.

>> No.56235305

MATIC is not an ETH fork but it does help with its main scalability issues

>> No.56235312

And actually has liquidity/volume and is overall a much more well-established platform while its forks are literal ghost towns. Lmao

>> No.56235319

It's the 1st thing that comes to mind plus there are still some litcoin baggies on this board for some reason

>> No.56235332

>parasitic L2, just like Arbitrum/Base/OP
fuck you jeet

>> No.56235336

Kinetix also has perpetuals and has all the coins worth trading in. GMX is a bloated piece of shit built in a ghostchain that got popular off of a bunch of casino shitcoins that ran away with all the money. Stop using indexed coins as a dick measuring contest, it's not. Fucking faggots.

>> No.56235343

yeah it's not even listed in coinmarketcap it seems lol. absolutely disgusting.

>> No.56235364
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A shame absolutely nobody is buying anymore
>literally came in to fix vitalik's garbage ponzinomics that reward people with higher monetary input

>> No.56235369

No amount of copium will change the facts, anon. It's not good for you to delude yourself in your own mental gymnastics.

>> No.56235377

how come $BCH by about $50 dollas a couple of weeks ago?

>> No.56235381

>tfw still watiing on my arbitrum airdrop
it will arrive any day right?

>> No.56235384

no feedback
I'm remaining hopeful that their 2.0 infrastructural upgrade could give it a little pump in both volume and volume (two more weeks)

>> No.56235387
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>Perfectly valid points
>Le copium xD (no real response, no thought behind it)
Not good to marry some garbo ecosystem built on a foundation of soggy trash either bro. Reconsider your positions.

>> No.56235402
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You know how this works, pal.

>> No.56235418

You're coping because you think a perp exchange with only a handful of assets and incredibly barebone assets is going to magically be able to compete with the top dogs who've had enough time to establish themselves. Brand recognition is unironically key and you know this.

>> No.56235437

>all that kinetix fud
lmao. lul even
dont tell them the quickswap team made it and its brand new

>> No.56237447

Radiant (RXD) is better than BCH therefore it's better than BTC

>> No.56237454

100% right