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56234622 No.56234622 [Reply] [Original]

The Chinese growth machine up until recently seemed to be twofold:
>1.) Attract western money to capitalize on its massive surplus of cheap labor
>2.) Invest heavily into infrastructure and property developments to capitalize on the endless domestic migration to urban areas.
Now, both of those money printers seem to have shut off. The property sector is having its Lehman moment on steroids.
>Migration to cities slows
>COVID solidifies the trend
>No one buys new houses, money raised from other projects has already been spent
>Countless people making payments on prepaid development plans that will never be built
>Millions of vacant units that will never be bought because the migration has ended
>All major property developers teetering on the brink of collapse, collectively owe billions of dollars each month they don't have
>Sector accounts for 30% of national GDP
And China is no longer the only gig in town for cheap manufacturing
>Vietnam and Indonesia can produce goods 7-10x cheaper
>Investment into China is faltering as tensions with US, Europe rise
>Paranoid CCP keeps scaring the private sector by randomly arresting business execs that they don't like
China has no serious assets that can make up for this.
>It isn't a significant exporter of anything aside from rare earth metals, which they are far from monopolizing
>Insanely vulnerable to energy prices
>Insanely vulnerable to food prices

Am I missing something? How can they get around this? Why are there so many neoliberal economists expecting China to just immediately go back to driving global growth?

>> No.56234634

You forgot to post "tiananmen square massacre" to kick out the chink shills

>> No.56234641

>Am I missing something?
Yeah. Two more weeks.

>> No.56234677
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You forgot this key peice of information buddy. We have nothing now.

>> No.56235107

Youth unemployment and dismantling of the industry due to a reduction of demand internal as external and the ccp trying to counter it with ultra lax monetary policy making the situation worse

China IS deep in a deflationary deathspiral and a whore hair away from going civil unrests, local ccp governors going warlords as their neighbors expanding their territory into china

Vietnam didn't bought bunch of Lockheed toys for fun, same as India

And Russias intelligenzia is already peddling narratives on how to end the cooperation with china, as the chinkoids are trying to use Russia to get out of their own mess

>> No.56235153

Well at least China will still be Chinese after its economic collapse. Unlike the west that will import 100 quintrillion brown people to make sure a millennial God forbid can't buy a cheap house

>> No.56235208

I wouldn't bet on it

>> No.56235274

>Is China in Serious Trouble?

>> No.56235348

You're missing that all the factories in Vietnam in Indonesia are owned by Chinese and also that they be taking that African gold and diamonds for a decade now

>> No.56235371

when your competition is a bunch of western countries hell bent on destroying themselves anything is possible. china gets first prize just for showing up.

>> No.56235550

China is the one that committed suicide

>> No.56236374

Population growth isn't the reason you can't buy a house. Your retard parents advocating for exclusionary zoning laws that prevent actual housing from being built is why you still live in their basement

>> No.56236464

the global economy stops working when america turns off the money printer

>> No.56236710

First join the chinkoid yids in sudoku
Second, it's the chinkoids mentality that has lead them to kill themselves nigger, not the US stopping to be hungry for risk taking loans. A chinkoid is unable to accept when he failed, he is going into denial and pretend that the failing is not failure but meant to be that way, similar to the jew

>> No.56236766

you have an extraordinarily low iq

>> No.56236794

I know I'm right. A White Christian leader wouldn't have done what Mao did with his great leap into starvation, or what Jintao did with his opening to slavery or what Winnie the Pooh did with killing the empire of the middle. jews and Asians have no efficient coping and readjustment methods to pride

>> No.56236873
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Fucking cope glowie faggot, China is a national socialist country 20x the size of Nazi germany, you are beyond fucked and bond market is going terminal enjoy the spiral..

>> No.56237133

>500 posts of "China is really done this time, guys" vs. "fuck you burger, the USA is done reeeee I'm not made just because I live in a small third world country!"
Le sigh.

>> No.56237514

Nope, they’ll be flooded by the Muslim horde. China to become Islamic republic within a decade.

>> No.56237715

Name a single social program in China. America is much more socialist than China.

>> No.56237834

>Socialism means "social" program
Dude you got brainwashed
Socialism is just a different word for sophisticated slavery through a pyramid scheme
The socialization of capital costs and risks according to crude unprecise models about future productivity and reproduction in a territory at the benefit of adhoc groups and the redistributor at the cost of somebody else in the future

>> No.56237861

Eventually the upper brass will break. There’s no way China is coming out of this without hacking off a few key limbs

>> No.56237867

Because if there’s one thing that Africans are known for, it’s honoring business deals with foreign capital

>> No.56239373

Is living in an "advanced economy" a scam for most people?
Aside from a few winners it seems like life is significantly better for more rural clannish folk than in the highly propagandized rat utopia cities across the world.

>> No.56239398

>use Russia to get out of their own mess
How is Russia going to bail out an economy 20 larger than theirs and a military that is 5 times more potent than their shit Davai army? By exporting massive amounts of child pornography to the chinks? What a retarded take.

>> No.56239407
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China foreign investment in Africa is highly overmemed

>> No.56239473

this is what 'highly educated' FSB analysts in Russia actually believe when you get them drunk

>> No.56240019

Yes it will deflate back to pre-mao levels of poverty.
We're witnessing one of the biggest economic disasters in Asian history grab your popcorn.

>> No.56240114

How about something different then. How do I apply for Chinese citizenship and escape my bullshit country? I'll gladly work those rice fields if it means I never have to speak with Rwanda Wakanda and her "chilluns" ever again

>> No.56240623
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I don't think China's going to collapse before someone accuses me of it, but I legitimately don't understand how their economy is possibly going to keep growing at a steady pace in the coming years just solely based on their demographics.
>Housing already overbuilt and even the CCP admits it
>Population started declining last year by official numbers, may have happened even sooner
>Largest demographic cohort in China started retiring a couple of years ago and will continue to do so
>Birth rates plummeting and every indicator suggests that it's only gotten worse
>Overall number of deaths rising because again, the largest demographic cohort is hitting retirement age and is already starting to have an impact of overall deaths

I just don't understand how you can have giga-fast growth when 30% of your GDP is based on an overbuilt property sector, when your population is entering a phase of rapid decline, and is aging at the second-fastest rate in the entire world behind only South Korea. From a growth perspective this just looks like what happened to Japan on steroids, but with an even worse demographic problem that's hitting China at a point in its development that's decades behind where Japan was when it experienced the same issues. It's like if Japan's population started to enter terminal decline in 1971 instead of 2011.

>> No.56240666

Lmfao. Chinas armed forces are shit. The idea of everyone of the bricshitters was to dump their exports on each other, Russia is currently experiencing that their new "alliance" with the chinkoids doesn't bring what they expected, the chinkoids are of course trying to flood the Russian market with chinkoid crap, while the chinkoids don't import Russian crap, hurting the Russian economy. On top the chinkoids are paying for Russian energy with a shitcoin the chinkoids are devaluing so the BoR is not able to stabilize the rouble as they expected to. China is openly trying to scam the Russians and the Russian don't take it.

After the last 3 months of experiencing that the chinkoids are even worse partners than the European and USA, there are more and more voices in Russia calling for a Northern Hemisphere alliance, and accepting, that Russia might just be a gas station for all eternity, which is still better than being a dumping ground for chinkoids

>> No.56240692

> War. War never changes.
The Romans waged war to gather slaves and wealth. Spain built an empire from its lust for gold and territory. Hitler shaped a battered Germany into an economic superpower.
>But war never changes.

>> No.56240715

Yeah just spend 1 million on a house so the neighbors Fernando Velasquez can move next door into his 150k shack and play his loud Tejano and tyrone can sell crack pit of his 70k crack shack while Timmy behind you plays country music and fixes his f150 but he can’t really fix it and leaves it on cinder blocks.

>> No.56240721

>Hitler shaped Germany into an economic superpower
Hilarious. He didn't. The reason for the Germans to go to war was the necessity to expand their territory and get the northern African and Caucasian oil, so their socialist retardations economy wouldn't collapse after 39

Hitlers socialist econmic boom build on credit lasted a total of 6 years

>> No.56240732

>defeated the euros
>defeated the americans
>>china is shit

Ok, bubba, you need another Afghanistan/vietnam/korea/whatever.

>> No.56241003
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I think the chinese are about to get massively destroyed. The arabs are behind it all, you all don't notice it but they've slowly grown in the roots of society, in culture, in games, even on crypto. Why do you think there's so many threads about the allah token? They're behind it all.
Come 2025 we will be looking at the new world order and they will all be arabs

>> No.56241018
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and burnt to a crisp

>> No.56241205

Chinas economic strength has been overrated for years. Even ignoring their current problems, the average Chinese citizen is dirt poor. And don’t come to me with this PPP bullshit. If you actually want a upper middle class western living standard in china you’re paying out of your ass to get your iPhone and BMW. And trade barriers means the average Chinese will never get western goods at reasonable prices, that’s the reason they are using their china quality shit, not because it’s good but because THEY DONT HAVE A CHOICE.

>> No.56241238

What? China existed past 1980 simply as a slave colony of the west.
You poor bastard got brainwashed by bugs

>> No.56241269

china is done
it's over bros
it's just over

>> No.56241338

It’s Jover

>> No.56241352

Yeah China's demographics are the real wall it's hitting and I think it still hasn't really dawned on people. Demographic change is a long drawn-out process so it isn't some big flashy singular event that can easily be pointed to.