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File: 18 KB, 298x146, Remote life.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56232003 No.56232003 [Reply] [Original]

Accurate or just cope?

>> No.56232021

cope unironically

>> No.56232022

I am not working on site ever again.
Also if a company decides to lose 350k on a meme, they will be replaced by a better company.

>> No.56232049

That is cope. First of all, 100k salary is before taxes soooo. Yeah on site is fucking ridiculous, soul sucking like a fucking succubus but 450k is 450k. Now if you do stuff on the side 100k remote might be worthwhile but you can just alternate if you're smart: 1y on site 2y remote etc, or better, first 5-10ys of work on site then remote for the rest of your life.

>> No.56232061

What about $45k on site?

>> No.56232072

If you're making 450k on site chances are you have the same flexibility of what you want/need to do vs making 100k remote

I have my own office as a healthcare provider making 250k. In my downtime between patients I play vidya on my gaming laptop and watch TV shows.

>> No.56232191

What if you worked at Walmart

>> No.56232248

Yeah this is just a bad take. At 450k/year you can easily retire in under 10 years and then not have to deal with any work anymore. I make 150k right now in office and I wouldn’t go remote for 100k.

>> No.56232436

Are you a chiropractor

>> No.56232456

I can tell you no doctor is playing video games in between patients.

>> No.56232470

i work in accounting. i get recruiter spam for all levels of roles, up to CFO $250k+. i see a lot of CFO roles being listed as fully in office or remote. so no, you're still a wagie. kek.

>> No.56232479

100 to 450? No fucking way. But I did turn down a promotion that was for 110k when I currently make 87k. I currently work 2 days in office and can start early and leave at 3:30PM if I want.

The new position was for 3 in office days and I would have to stay until 4:45PM. Absolutely wasn't worth it to me. But for 3x my salary I would definitely do it.

>> No.56232491

I actually don't like working from home. It just brings the stress of work bullshit into the house and that's not good

>> No.56232499

>Accurate or just cope?
Sort of accurate. I make that much working remotely and it's tough, when I see my buddy clearing 300k+ after he got his forklift operator license and started working on prem it kind of makes me want to drop the remote tech stuff and head back into the warehouse.

>> No.56232507

Doubt lmao. There's 6 gorillion shitskin doctors now boomer

>> No.56232519

>I can tell you no doctor is playing video games in between patients.
You must be working at the wrong hospital. The consultants at the one I was at where playing on their phones for several hours a day at times.

Try elderly psychiatric care. There's your ticket.

>> No.56232536

That’s it, I’m gonna post the N word now

>> No.56232571
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>> No.56232585

Don’t see how it’s possible for people to work from home and believe they have a serious job

>> No.56232590
File: 62 KB, 720x1041, Supreme Bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just take a look at Blackswan dot biz and make it with market moves.

>> No.56232618

>he thinks companies will actually offer a premium to work on site

>> No.56232646

Super accurate. 1-day-on-site if you're the type to go crazy without human interaction. Otherwise 100% remote is superior and no amount of money can make on-site more attractive unless it's so much money that you only have to do it for a year and save up and then be set for life to never work again.

That's the kind of shit that makes people quit their jobs without leaving a notice

>> No.56232648

>brain work isn't real work
what do you do for a living?

>> No.56232717

Truck driver.

>> No.56232744

Every single work from home job is a useless make work role. Corporations don't care about money anymore because they get it from the government, in exchange they are to hire as many useless people as possible and poz up all their products.

>> No.56232760

i work in accounting. without my job you wouldn't have a job. the company wouldn't get loans from banks, maintain licensing from regulatory agencies, be able to file taxes, have a publicly traded stock, etc.

>> No.56232782
File: 41 KB, 769x649, 1619032138567.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolute cope kek, 450k is still 450k, and no, WFH is a complete meme, I'm hardwired to worship my 9-5 job (I'm not kek, I despise it and I'm throwing every single penny that's left after expenses into KAVA)

>> No.56232790

I think they’re paying people to stay out of any sort of grassroots economic activity. They’re buying out competitors before they even enter the economy

>> No.56232793

Well I'd rather have 100k in the peace and solitude of my home than being in a toxic work environment

>> No.56232800

No job gives you more than 500k a year, and even less as an entry level like me

>> No.56232801

Kek, you almost got me

>> No.56232804

nobody asked I think

>> No.56232810

are you fucking retarded, we always talk about salary pre-tax lmao

I hate yuropoors so much

>> No.56232831
File: 60 KB, 530x497, Unfiltered Anger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't post the N word

>> No.56232845

So you take care of unnecessary abstractions made up by banks and government

>> No.56232879

The real accountants are all in the office. Whatever doodles you're submitting are being glossed over by your handler, who also has the useless job of making you think you have a real job, and never makes it to anyone important.

>> No.56232921

>unnecessary abstractions
tracking money isn't an unnecessary abstraction unless you, as a hypothetical business owner, are perfectly okay with losing money to an unexplainable black hole.
i do financial reporting on a 12 figure a year business, one that you've likely given money to this year.

>> No.56232939

You say this, but then why do people act like 100k is a lot? it's basic ok life salary, essentially you're just not a poorfag, great? honestly people should fucking stop using pre-tax that is absolutely retarded especially because of LARPs like the guy from OP's post. Why does this motherfucker preach about 450k being overrated when he absolutely never that in his life. jfl

>> No.56232966

For me it was $13/hr on site and currently $25/hr WFH working way less and not commuting.

>> No.56233026

Most people don't make six figures, you fucking retard larper

>> No.56233062

this. they get blowjobs in-between patients

>> No.56233064

300k as a forklift operator...
Europoor here, my starting salary was 900 euro a month, 10.800 a year, and looking at new job offers it always hovers around that.
This continent is a joke

>> No.56233084

i had no idea how bad europoor salaries were until this year. i am horrified

>> No.56233091

The only people making $450k plus are executives, specialists (neurologist, etc.), and super senior level engineers & programmers. Ok, maybe some specialists and salesmen there and there can clear $450k, but you get the point - these jobs are QUITE rare.

Twitter post is larping, I've never seen that dramatic of a jump in salary anywhere, ever.

>> No.56233134

Currently working as a porta potty cleaner, driving all day between construction sites, taking with workers, sucking up shit with tubes and cleaning up with high pressure water.
1200 a month for 6 months then 1600, base salary not counting the extra hours priced higher beyond daily 8.

>> No.56233468

Right... The real accountants are doing something in the office that isn't simply using a computer which they can do from anywhere... Anyway fill my tank up with supreme you mongoloid

>> No.56233489

$0k neet > $100k remote > $450k on site

>> No.56233530

That’s awful. I make 3k a month minimum as a door knocker soliciting next day sales appointments for house remodeling lmao

>> No.56233559

You know affirmative action exists, right?

Doctors are no longer guaranteed professionals. Medical malpractice is the 3rd leading cause of death in the US.

>> No.56233567

$45k per year is pretty decent for my country.


>> No.56233632

I have 2 friends making 600k+ a year as pharma sales reps. It's nice being the poorest one in your friend group because everybody buys your drinks because they know you won't can't go out otherwise.

>> No.56233782

Living wherever the fuck you want > living where Mr. Goldberg decided to buy office space

>> No.56234176


>> No.56234321

I guess I am the only one who doesn't hate my coworkers; I chose to go back to the office. I have my own space in the office and am far more productive there. My boss is pretty chill and hands off and I respect her quite a bit. Always is reasonable on disagreements, but also serious enough to get shit done in a corporation. We usually go out to eat as a small group and downtown Chicago has lots of cool places to eat for relatively cheap. Its also nice to see attractive women walking around in public every day.

I don't make $400k but I work Financial IT Security for a major investment bank so I get paid well.

That said I live 10 minute commute. Glad all you guys like working from home, but I got sick and tired of being at home all the time. I must be crazy.

>> No.56234357

>he doesnt know what a radiologist is

>> No.56234428

$4.5 million is barely enough to retire nowadays. You need at least 50 million to be comfortable.

>> No.56234536

radiologists here my job has become so easy since the introduction of AI predictions. I don't even have to See The Patience Somebody Else Puts them Inside The scanner. then the images automatically go to the AI engines which have perfect accurity and have completely automated My real work away. lucky for me it is only seen as a supporting tool and the radiologist has to sign off on it. I know that within a matter of years I will be replaced completely or suffer a massive salary reduction. Lucky I'm almost Ready to retire. Thanks AI

>> No.56234555

this post was written by an AI

>> No.56234602
File: 264 KB, 738x750, 1696016692401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>this is how your average doctor types in 2023

>> No.56234607

not exactly, I dictated it to my phone and couldn't be bothered to fix it. you understand how lazy I am? every month 15.000 euros net is deposited into my bank account for essentially making sure a computer is still working. I don't do shit. I know a lot but I don't need to know any of it anymore. I went to school for 12 years rofl

>> No.56234636

Absolute cope. I went from 150k remote to 240k on-site and the pay is night and day difference. Every pay check makes going into work a joyful experience. I have more than I can spend now and have everything I need and never worry about money.. I can’t even imagine making $450k, I wouldn’t even know what to do with all the extra money except just let it stack up in accounts that I never touch I suppose.

>> No.56234754

Be nice. My tax bill is probably your entire salary

>> No.56234790

Then step back a notch. I heard being a director for one of those medium sized accountant firms can pay 150-200 and you still have good work life balance

There is nothing more important in life then a good work life balance. You'll get burned out otherwise. I could have taken a job making 280k but I prefer not stressing over meeting metrics

>> No.56234928

50 million won't even pay the property taxes nowadays. You need at least 300 million to not have to worry anymore.

>> No.56235129

I make about 150 fully remote in a middle cost of living state. I couldn't afford the same lifestyle even on 300k a year in NY or CA. Quality of life is worth something. 450k, eh maybe that's to the point I'd have to think on it some.

What's a 2500 sqft luxury apartment's with a 5 minute commute rent for in ((major)) metro 10k a month? 15? I don't know but it surely isn't 2500 dollars all in. Figure the first 175k just pays for taxes and buys you equivalent accommodations. That's just sort of stupid to do when you think about it.

>> No.56235210

What do you do?

>> No.56235271
File: 407 KB, 768x877, 1696020336357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends how old are you, whether you own a house, or you have kids. If you have kids, no amount of money can make up for the time you lost on commuting and being distracted by coworkers.
If you are young, do pic related for a decade and move inland for a remote job.