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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56229634 No.56229634 [Reply] [Original]

>In the US waiters tell you their name when they sit you down and you have to remember it and call them by their name during the whole thing and at the end you have to give them extra money as a gift that's not compulsory but if you don't they spit in your food

Is this a good business model? Would the service suffer if you weren't allowed to tip?

>> No.56229656

I've literally never once called a waitress or waiter by their name. I'd have to be an extreme regular to even care about their names.

>> No.56229690
File: 628 KB, 480x854, 1695962823235104.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

American food just hits you differently

>> No.56229745

I don't understand why people have this fetish of talking to others. Ordering via app or even writing a fucking message on whatsapp is 100% guaranteed to be quicker and lead to fewer mistakes when ordering food than talking to someone in person or on the phone. Why does the profession of a waiter even exist? The only thing they are needed for is cleaning up the table after customers, otherwise all of their work is just introducing problems

>> No.56229769

average american kids menu

>> No.56229774

Just make the waitress dress like anime maids

>> No.56229945

ive been a food service worker relying on tips for a long time and just be aware, if u order delivery from a restaurant consistently and do not tip.
we know your name, we know your address, because we deliver your food.
we already know you are not going to tip us.
so yes, we will fuck with your food after awhile of you not tipping.
because we know your habit of not tipping because we've delivered your food more than a dozen times.
so yes, nothing u eat from the place is ever clean or not fucked with.
i am literally all alone with tinted windows in my car with your food for about 12mins before you receive it.
yes, i am 100% ALWAYS going to fuck with your food before its handed to you.
then im going to tell you "thanks for choosing XYZ company i deliver for, and that I REALLY APPRECIATE YOU!"

all tipping guarantees is clean food.

>> No.56230012

I don't eat goyslop you subhuman faggot, get a real job

>> No.56230041

>wagie rage

>> No.56230046

what kind of fucking extortion scheme is this???

>> No.56230065

Not eating your trash "food" anyway, degenerate loser. Imagine being a loser wagie that actually cares what others do instead of trying to make it.

Anyway, being able to cook and understanding health is one of the most valuable, ressource generating skills you can have as a man nowadays. While you need a bit time, you save money and especially you're not a fat low energy slob that is addicted to sugar and processed chemical shit.

>> No.56230069

>wagie seethes impotently in his car at customer who will never even know about it

>> No.56230338

you worthless fucking nigger

>> No.56230472
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>all tipping guarantees is clean food.

See the dumb thing about this is it doesn't make me start tipping, it stops me from ordering at all. So instead of getting something from the food delivery app, you get nothing at all. Great business strategy you got there, I can see why you're a food delivery driver.

>> No.56230527
File: 3.26 MB, 576x1024, 1695964990405345.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mmmmh, America

>> No.56230561

You’re getting replaced by drone.

>> No.56230584
File: 146 KB, 409x435, 1668235527405120.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate this fat wretched mess
I can just smell this fat sweaty gelatinous faggot every time i see him.
Smells like kebab, unwashed nutsack, sweat, vinegar, garbage and piss

>> No.56230601
File: 59 KB, 1179x808, dutb1ujpp4rb1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56230615

hand status: deeply melinated

>> No.56230625

Thats just plain stupid.
I pay for good, clean, fresh food and i expect only that. Delivery costs extra most of the time and thats it.
That wouldnt run in europe.
Just spit in my food once and you and the entire restaurant is fucked.

>> No.56230674

That's after you have it, that's after what we did to it lmao

Wanna hear something even funnier that most absolute morons don't realize?

I'm the guy cooking the food, same deal, when the check prints out, it says DOOR DASH DELIVERY KEN WHEELER and at some places it did have the address and everything on it, and this one lady orders like every night and puts a bunch of sarcastic comments on how she wants her food prepped that are all mostly unrealistic "DO NOT PREPARE FOOD ON CUTTING BOARD WITH BEEF" haha fuck you im gonna touch some beef with my gloves and not change gloves haha so yeah your food is absolutely getting fucked with if you are a regular that doesn't tip or have stupid comments that you submit, or if you do shit like order 20 mins before closing time yeah you're getting whatever junk is left around the edges of a pan I'm gonna scrape the last bits out into your slop container and 86 it im definitely not making you fresh whatever the fuck 20 mins from closing

If most people knew what went on in a kitchen most people wouldn't order out anymore, the restaurant charade continues because the general public can't see or hear us. As long as there isn't glass in your order I can practically fastball a bunch of food into a box send it out and I still wouldn't be fired or reprimanded lol

>> No.56230722

Lmao wagie spitting on other wagie food is the funniest shit. You're just giving the other pathetic human like you extra carbs.

>> No.56230773

>don't order 20 minutes before close

The fuck is this rule? There's a closing time wagie you're on the clock until the end of it who the fuck do you think you are

>> No.56230818

It's a great business model if you own a restaurant.

>> No.56231761

>who the fuck do you think you are?
The underpaid wagie who slaps your food together, I already started putting everything away because the manager demands that we are out 30 mins after close, so I already started cleaning the grill, and now I'm gonna microwave your chicken LMAO you won't even notice you just say "hMmMmMmM iTs a biT tOuGh" haha

>> No.56232355

keep seething and continue your sad degenerate behavior. little spit or pan crust never hurt anyone. you think anybody with actual stature in their life actually cares? the only people that patronize your shitty restaurant are broke sub humans in the first place. get a real job loser

>> No.56232852

How do they spit in your food for not tipping when you pay after you have already finished eating

>> No.56232940

you have a small tiny penis that has never pleasured a woman

>> No.56232979

Are /biz/ anons really this sheltered from the outside world?
The vid is from Turkey, not USA

>> No.56232995

>Are /biz/ anons really this sheltered from the outside world?
Most people on this site are brown to answer your question.

>> No.56233018

yeah. that could be true and its probably hilarious.
and to me just as funny as you working in a restaurant.

>> No.56233054

Busboy cleans the tables and clears the plates. Sometimes waiters clear the table if it’s a group or if you’re smelly and they want to kick your greasy ass out, but Waiters are suppose to wait on you, get your food and spot in it, get your drinks and dip their balls in it, and refill the bread/chips, and also resolve the bill.

>> No.56233065

They can look at you and know right away. I dip my balls and spit in all pale skin peoples food Cuz they’re so stingy

>> No.56233540

Calling service employees by there name is derogatory and implies you, a complete fuckwad, have a personal connection with the server.
I purposefully have never worn a name tag, miss me with that shit, you can call me sir.

>> No.56235117

>be me
>owned a fastfood place few years ago
>do not fuck with the guys that make your food
just a heads up bros. you unironically dont want to know what goes on in the kitchen if you are a dick in a restaurant or fastfood place

>> No.56235144

I work fast food with some high school buddies as a teen. I was shocked at what they did to customer's food who were rude to them.
I rarely get fast food, but am always polite with please and thank you's when I do
its a bunch of teens and/or low IQ people, bored and feeling like they're underpaid, and they are handling your food.....how anyone can understand that and be rude to them is insane

>> No.56235151

the fundamental problem with this video is expecting fat people to do anything competently besides eating

>> No.56235161

how do i achieve this natty

>> No.56235238

This dumb nigger will be dead in a few years