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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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5622923 No.5622923 [Reply] [Original]






>> No.5623047

damn and here i was feeling good about being up $10k today, congrats anon, btw lambos look best in yellow imo

>> No.5623092
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>> No.5623203

>people said that ripple was bad and would never go anywhere
>just dumped my load for $400k

Fuuuuuck ALL of this crypto shit I'm out. Cya guys. Got enough to pay off the rest of my house (my only debt rn) and buy another property to rent out to poorfags for free $$$.

After months of sleepless nights over my portfolio, it's all fucking ogre. I don't even care if it goes up to $5 or $10. I'm out. I have no debt. I'm going to the bank on monday to settle my mortgage. I'm 23 and I'm gonna own my own fucking house.

>> No.5623243

Stop your shit now and just buy BZC

>> No.5623247

good job bro. you got the right fucking attitude

>> No.5623249
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Bruh i got bad news for you
>you’re an american so you own tax

>> No.5623267
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Super happy for you anon, I'll get there one day too

>> No.5623272

I remember the first time I installed blockfolio.

>> No.5623274

I'm not a Burger-Kin.

>> No.5623278

see you tomorrow

>> No.5623328

you're never going to make it

>> No.5623332


Or you could put it all into Embercoin

>> No.5623338

Oh, good job anon!
> will see you soon regretting of cashing out too early when you see cryptos in 100$ clouds

>> No.5623360

Try cashing out

Protip : u can't

>> No.5623397

congrats anon

>> No.5623426

Are you fucking stupid?

>> No.5623493
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I sold at 51% profit but I still feel so fucking bad for missing out on 80% profit if I had sold just a few minutes early

>> No.5623514

Cashing out isn't that bad

Just don't do a buncha 10k or less transactions or they will kick in your door and make a "state vs poorfags money" case in which hey sue the money, cause money doesn't have rights like a person and is not entitled to due process.

Transfer to coinbase wallet and do 15k at a time so you aint structuring.

>> No.5623547

/biz/ memed me into not buying ripple early on.

I hope everyone who wrote those reverse-shill posts die horribly.

>> No.5623559

I litterally already have. I have 150k~ left on my mortgage and 400k liquid sitting in my bank right now. I'll have 250k left over which, in my area, can buy a duplex. I'll probably buy a quadplex, rent each unit out and work for another 3-4 years to finish off that mortgage, then just live the NEET life off my rentalbux.

Honestly? I'll probably stay semi active in crypto. I got rich by putting $200 in to every penny shitcoin I could find that had at least a chance of a future. Most I would x10 which was a decent side income. I'll probably keep doing that for the memes and as a hobby and not really a serious investing

I did xrp =>ether=>cash. best way to avoid transaction fees of the shitcoin that is BTC.

>> No.5623589

15k a month?

>> No.5623613

Nothings changed, ripple is garbage.

>> No.5623616


>> No.5623618

Think of all the euroes that slept through ripple. At least they're holding probably.

>> No.5623643

why don't you calm the fuck down and have a goal of making a million by the end of 2018? 400k is ok but that is not something you can live on for another 20 years. You need to reinvest some.

>> No.5623661

Taxes? Also good job anon, I want to be in that position one day.

>> No.5623687

Just extract at the max your Coinbase acct allows. Don't regularly do less than 10k if you're an American of the feds will blow your door down and seize your shit. Doesn't matter if you're innocent either, you'll spend time in jail and you'll lose a ton of money in court.

>> No.5623689

what? why does 15k a time work and not 10k a time?

>> No.5623690
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>> No.5623700

You mean nothing except the explosive rally in price? Do you think I trade crypto for any reason other than to make money? Stupid faggot.

>> No.5623718

Nah, he got what he wanted. If anything he should put down 100k on something long term and stress free. Like TRX or STRAT or I guess Ripple when it settles down.

>> No.5623745

>Fuuuuuck ALL of this crypto shit I'm out. Cya guys.
I can't wait until I make enough to say this. Seriously, fuck crypto, it's bullshit and I hate it. But I want to make it.

>> No.5623755

have fun owing 80k in taxes with no cash

>> No.5623764

transactions over 10k are reported to the fed. large, semi-regular transactions just under that amount can be considered structuring, which the feds will kill you for.

>> No.5623775

Always do the opposite of what biz says?

>> No.5623789


>> No.5623846

you realise you're gonna have to pay like 40% of your profits in tax, right?

>> No.5623868

Im awake since 48 hours and I Will not sleep tonight. Cheers anon

>> No.5623879

600k is still pretty good.

>> No.5623909

yea its good but it probably wont set you for life unless you're frugal

>> No.5623936

why is this trash mooning?

>> No.5623937

You don't need a million liquid to FI/RE you mong read my post.

I've evaluated my lifestyle years ago and found that 60k income per year would be enough to live the lifestyle I want. I'm not some flexing faggot that wants a lambo to make up for my lack of personality or to pick up whores with. I already have my car and motorcycle paid of., My house will be paid off in literally 3 days. I get about 2k/mo after utilities (24k/y) from renting out the basement and top floor of my house as apartment units. With 4 more units I'd be up to 72k/y which is beyond my needs for what I consider a comfortable life just for mowing some lawns and maintaining some properties - which i unironically find fun and rewarding anyway.

Realistically I'll probably be working for another 5 years to achieve the FI/RE I want without twats living in my house. I like renting out since you literally get paid for being rich and owning shit, and the property value/mortgage to rent ratio in my area is insanely good for owners.

Read :^)

Literally read you utter autisit. There's a reason why you're crying on /biz/ and I'm rich, pajeet.

>> No.5623980

True but anyone who says they don't want to work I think is a pretty boring person. if I had 600k I'd still work a job I enjoy like teaching, so that's 600k plus my actual income.

>> No.5624048

in what part of the world can 250k buy you a duplex? that wouldn't even buy a run down studio apartment here in australia.

>> No.5624062

Many places. Especially in not so big cities.

>> No.5624083

Dumb normie. You're going to lose all of that if you don't sell right now.

>> No.5624097

Most countries in rural areas. I kinda of wish I was american because the off-strip vegas property market is just so... Exploitable.

>> No.5624110

gj anon

>> No.5624132


OP is really just pointing out what normies will never understand. You buy half a million of some shitcoin and hold for a years and you might really get rich

Normies run in and buy the top from these people

>> No.5624240

>You buy half a million of some shitcoin and hold for a years and you might really get rich

It's legit the way to go. Read up on shitcoins. Sink one/two paychecks in to a handful of random shitcoins. They're so fucking worthless that they can only go up. They either go up, or the stagnate. One is good for you, the other is status quo.

if you're unironically investing in shit like BTC or ETH, you're disabled. Enjoy trying to sell on a 20% increase and actually losing 5% to transaction fees.

>> No.5624267

That kind of money gives you the security to change jobs if your current job isn't fulfilling for you, though. Why do you say that people who don't want to work are boring? Wouldn't you rather the freedom to do what you please without fear of consequences?

>> No.5624573

Are there even any promising <$1 shitcoins left?

>> No.5624582

Have fun in the fed pen.

>> No.5624616

ELIX. Not even kidding it's $0.75 now and it's about to hit $1.00.

Big project for 2018 and a promising coin. Mcap is only $20 million.

>> No.5624815


I'm sitting on ember and burst RN though. I think burst will become popular if normies find out about it since mining it is so easy and cheap.

There's literally no losing with shit that's so worthless. Except Ember, that shit is coded to devalue itself LOL

>> No.5624854

REQ is only $0.34 and is primed for a serious moon

>> No.5624894


well done

>> No.5624923

Wow /biz/ can't read this is why you're all poor as shit

>> No.5624941

> work for another 3-4 years to finish off that mortgage


>> No.5625010
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tfw brainlet
How the shit do I buy this stuff, got like tree fiddy to blow.

>> No.5625027

I just got some more with ETH and BTC, bittrex and binance
use my ref I can help you out if you are new

>> No.5625077

>"investing" in coins that mooned 4 years ago
>shilling your referral


>> No.5625087



>> No.5625109


REKT net is SHIT

>> No.5625216

Congratz senpai, I'm happy you made it. One day I hope to follow you.

>> No.5625234
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What the fucking motherfucker?!? My heart is tired of these boat rockings!! Every 10 minutes I look at the chart my heart is pumping at 120 bpm.

>> No.5625275

thats a whole lotta chicken and watermelon Jamal.

>> No.5625313

same here mane
go jack off and come back in 1 hour

>> No.5625339

how much did you put in?

>> No.5625362

I honestly think men who don't work will drive themselves to suicide. Men need something to do, a purpose.

>> No.5625414

im proud of you anon you should sell tho

>> No.5625463


Fuck it, keep $20K in. That's still a lot of money that can make a lot of gains. Cash out the rest, pay off the house, ignore the $20K you left behind. Check back in 6 months.

>> No.5625468
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once you don't need to think about work and purpose as job and money, you will realize what you really love doing, and you will do that. Just because you like it.

>> No.5625484

Men generally work too much to be themselves. Work is a curse which man has turned into pleasure. To work for work's sake, to enjoy a fruitless endeavor, to imagine that you can fulfill yourself through assiduous labor - all that is disgusting and incomprehensible. Permanent and uninterrupted work dulls, trivializes, and depersonalizes. Work displaces man's center of interest from the subjective to the objective realm of things. In consequence, man no longer takes an interest in his own destiny but focuses on facts and things. What should be an activity of permanent transfiguration becomes a means of exteriorization, of abandoning one's inner self. In the modern world, work signifies a purely external activity; man no longer makes himself through it, he makes things. That each of us must have a career, must enter upon a certain form of life which probably does not suit us, illustrates work's tendency to dull the spirit. Man sees work as beneficial to his being, but his fervor reveals his penchant for evil. In work, man forgets himself; yet his forgetfulness is not simple and naive, but rather akin to stupidity. Through work, man has moved from subject to object; in other words, he has become a deficient animal who has betrayed his origins. Instead of living for himself - not selfishly but growing spiritually - man has become the wretched, impotent slave of external reality. Where have they all gone; ecstasy, vision, exaltation? Where is the supreme madness or the genuine pleasure of evil? The negative pleasure one finds in work partakes of the poverty and banality of daily life, its pettiness. Why not abandon this futile work and begin anew without repeating the same wasteful mistake? Is subjective consciousness of eternity not enough? It is the feeling for eternity that the frenetic activity and trepidation of work has destroyed in us. Work is the negation of eternity.

>> No.5625532
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>> No.5625828

hahahaha people like you are only here to be slaves

>> No.5625861

You're confusing my opinion that men need purpose with needing a pencil pushing cubicle job.

>> No.5625911

Over the summer I skipped a internship at Google that was lined up and daytraded ETH instead.

I liquidated all my ETH (~1500) and bought XRP at 0.4USD.

Gonna buy back into ETH when XRP reaches $3 tomorrow. That'll be 11K+ ETH thankyouverymuchsire.

Btw I am 24 years old and always learning

>> No.5625957

Remember this feeling in 10 years when you're dirt poor after fiat's collapsed.

You could've made it bro

>> No.5626009

You must be a banker. Hello banker Goldstein. How many goyim did you dupe into your shitcoin with your PR campaign this week? I must have seen you on no fewer than 4 news segments. How does (((Ripple))) get to be so famous and on tv? Could it be because the banks and the media are in bed with each other? This surely can't be true. Back to sleep everyone.

>> No.5626050

Yes I'm so fucked if fiat crashes by holding on to physical assets litterally everyone needs, and monetizing those and not sitting on liquid fiat

Holy fuck /biz/ can't read this is why you're poor.

>> No.5626157

This is proven by all of the rich people who kill themselves compared to poor or lower middle class people, obviously. Rich people just offing themselves all the time.

Saying you need "work" to avoid suicide is stupid. You can make it your "work" and "purpose" to travel to every country and fuck every race of woman if you want. It's not even hard to find a hobby when you aren't tied down to some shitty 9-5. Even better: you can start a business involving a hobby.

People don't get rich and then just sit there and do nothing, get depressed and then off themselves, fuck.

>> No.5626184

You realize most rich people work more hours a week than normal people and those that are born rich become degenerates who do nothing but party with drugs and sometimes OD right?

>> No.5626187

Nah breh hodl till $5/$10 dollars at least

>> No.5626205

no it's not status quo if you wait 1 year and the volume is $0 so you can't get that paycheck back

>> No.5626231

holy shit anon how much money are we talking here

>> No.5626238

that'd be higher market cap than BTC which won't happen IMHO

True but that never happened to me.

The key is -actually researching the shitcoins you're buying-. Valuable and easily/already obtainable use cases sell coins, XRP skyrocketing is proof of that, and BTC dropping is also proof of that.

>> No.5626300

Look at what happens to people who dont have to work. The kids of rich elites who didnt have to struggle. There is the clearest real-world example of how wrong you are, imo.

>> No.5626303


Nobody necessarily "needs" your fucking house. If fiat collapses, only guns and drugs matter.

>> No.5626430
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gratz man, you're an inspiration

>> No.5626506

Of course.
Any shit coins you are bullish on?
My top pick is DragonChain and HelloGold

>> No.5626568

I wanna see all the people who cried about muh market cap now. Stupid motherfuckers. Bought in back when this shit was going for pennies and held through all the FUD and bullshit. Guess who's laughing now. I can't wait to see my fellow boys on the moon, my moon mission is complete, and then some. I won't go into detail about how much I have or how much I've sold over the course of today (since I didn't want to dump it all and potentially tank the price), but you can talk all the shit you want, I'm laughing to the bank for the rest of my life.

Thanks /biz/.

>> No.5626588

Oh and ROCK but that is not gonna even have 1 post on /biz/ before Q1 2018 :^)

>> No.5626611

I liked this.

>> No.5626612
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>> No.5626733

The rich do have higher suicide rates than the poor lmao. Especially on a global scale, rich nations are offing themselves constantly

>> No.5626912


I'm proud of you.

>> No.5627046

Don't listen to this faggot day trader