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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56227396 No.56227396 [Reply] [Original]

should we try this experiment here?

>> No.56227455

>expose the bots and shilling

Expose to who exactly, and for what purpose? Any real person with half a brain who's still here understands how badly this place has been compromised by bots and TG jeet shillers. You just learn quickly how to differentiate between them and real people.

>> No.56227465

The only winning move is to stop talking about crypto, it's shit anyway. No one ever followed random advice on here and made any money.

>> No.56227555

>and for what purpose?
too see what's the most shilled shit
is it so hard to stop posting here for a day? why so contrarian?

>> No.56227603

Crypto is a joke lmao. So many Link baggies here that they're just trying to trick each other into buying their bags. You know it's bad when like 30 threads are all about Chainlink.

>> No.56227668

here's what I'm going to do on that day, I'm gonna come here and obsoooorve

you got me, fine, I've taken the bait, I understand not everyone will, but I am curious to see what the traffic would look like for a day of real people silence so I will help in that my curiosity is bigger than my desire to not listen to you

>> No.56227757

>I've taken the bait
no bait, I'm curious too since everybody here complains about bots and shills

>> No.56227786

I never post anyway. This is my first post in months. In other words, I’m in.

>> No.56227805

no you are right I have complained about bots and shills and the lack of interaction on this post is already a sad story lol

>> No.56227815

This will be very difficult for me as I feel a strong involuntary compulsion to comment
on every single lust inducing image posted

>> No.56227830

This board sucks desu. Right now there are 36 link related threads and 10 avax threads. You expect a decent number of these but this is absolutely ridiculous and completely inorganic

>> No.56227833

just think
if nobody says sexoo on that day that means you were the only one the whole time

>> No.56227851

Beep boop I’m a bot, I’ll poop in the pool

>> No.56227864

>to see what's the most shilled shit

You can literally do that right now by looking at the catalog. The board traffic is at an all-time low and most of it is concentrated in generals, so a lack of real people posting will have minimal effect on your ability to discern what's being shilled most.

>is it so hard to stop posting here for a day? why so contrarian?

No it's easy to stop posting here, in fact this is only my 4th post in the last 2 weeks, it's just a pointless exercise for the reasons stated above.

>> No.56227868

me too but I'll try my best

>> No.56227896

it wouldn't work because transient newfags wouldn't get the memo.

>> No.56227919

it's not to reduce 100%
if even half of us stop posting, if it really is all shills, they'll just be talking to each other back and forth, with a random real person peppered in, and it'll look super cringe from an observers perspective no matter what

>> No.56227945
File: 1.62 MB, 1756x2769, Schizo Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean on October 1st I'll have plenty of room to show my selfies to my bot frens?

>> No.56227991


No, you fucking retard(s).

>> No.56228035

if people are interested this thread will stay alive through tomorrow unless >jannies

yes, good times ahead

>> No.56228053

well we're going to do it anyway in spite of you

why not? why so vehemently no? what's the problem?


>> No.56228124

Why bother with this? What will anyone learn from it? That the board is full of scammers? It has been forever.

>> No.56228134

because it's one day

what do you lose from just observing for one day

all you have to do is watch

you don't have to engage or do anything

you don't have to defend a shill or tell him he's a shill

you just have to sit there and watch

tell me, what's so wrong about it?

>> No.56228139
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>> No.56228143

people will just pretend to be bots to make certain cryptos/stocks/agendas look bad

>> No.56228158

why would you be afraid of people doing that on Oct 1 and not any other day?

>> No.56228171
File: 46 KB, 620x675, I'm Just Like Otacon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56228176
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>> No.56228183

I look like this and yes that's what I said

>> No.56228184
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Yes, but some idiot will post regardless.

>> No.56228203

kind of fair critique
because people would take advantage of the post strike to psyop

>> No.56228208
File: 1.70 MB, 1600x900, IMG_3045.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m a newfag on /biz/ i made tons of money to the point where I almost left jobs a few years ago because shitcoins were being shilled here all the time that did astronomical numbers. There is no doubt this board has changed.

>> No.56228241


>> No.56228255
File: 123 KB, 922x1444, Schizo Eating Grin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>these are the people calling you mongrol
[Laughs in schizo]

>> No.56228269
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>> No.56228389
File: 119 KB, 960x640, 333h1fhy1th.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

last bump, I don't want to spam but if this gets archived I WILL make another thread tomorrow

>> No.56228407

Bro nows your chance say the thing hurry

>> No.56229119

you'll be making another thread tomorrow
there are no real people left here
the engagement on this thread tells the tale

>> No.56229155

It is important to understand the way that captcha dissolves the uptmost century markings of a Venus fly trap, especially within continental Florida.

>> No.56229256
File: 40 KB, 640x640, IMG_7677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

4chan can’t make anything happen. Check out plebbit dot com and purchase some plebbit coin and watch them slowly depreciate in value

>> No.56229260


>try to get entire 4chan to participate in something

how new are you?

im gonna post as if I were a bot just to fuck with you all

>> No.56229265

If I don't forget, sure. If I forget, I'll report what I saw.