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56225703 No.56225703 [Reply] [Original]

Name a single thing that blockchain has improved

>> No.56225707

>id: ser FUD u

Lmao good morning sers

>> No.56225711

my bank account

>> No.56225713

my networth

>> No.56225721

Your bank account doesn’t use blockchains you stupid nigger

If your only answer is shit like this then you’re just proving all this shit is a scam

>> No.56225786


Soon we'll be able to efficiently tokenize things such as carbon emission. We'll be able to trade 24/7. It will be easier for the average Joe to not see all his extra cash devalued by a small group of greedy 75 year olds. And it makes international trades a lot easier and faster.

But yeah completely overturning the financial system does not happen overnight. Sorry about that, you ADHD zoomer dipshit. Maybe pickup a history book and realize that the current financial system is something that has evolved to what it is now, and that it will continue to change.

>> No.56225789

It has created easier access to gambling through entirely fake classifications commodities and provided a layer of technobabble to justify gambling. It has helped to demonstrate the economic rot at the core of the modern market, and accelerated the decay the markets.

>> No.56225799


Yea 2 more weeks faggot


Lol. Lmao

>> No.56225809

Speculation is gambling. Cryptocurrency has functionally been a massive, unregulated casino over the better part of a decade.

>> No.56225825

correct, I am here to make money. I will buy scams and sell them to others when they go up in price.

>> No.56225829
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drug trade

>> No.56225880

Off the top of my head?
1. Acts as a better medium of exchange than fiat currency in poorly run economies e.g Argentina
2. Tokenisation of real world assets reduces settlement times and costs
3. Smart contracts allow for the elimination of counter party risk
4. Decentralisation of crypto has allowed people to defy corrupt governments from confiscating their property e.g in parts of Africa and China
5. Has allowed for the creation of novel financial primitives e.g self-repaying loans
6. Fractionalisation has reduced barriers to entry to securities
7. Facilitated the creation of parametric insurance
8. Has provided an alternative vehicle for investment
9. Allows for easier auditability and transparency
10. Allows for the creation of CBDC's which can improve macroeconomic management
11. Can make some alternate green energy projects feasible by using otherwise wasted surplus energy generated at peak times to be used to mine crypto to smooth returns from times of low output
12. Facilitates machine-to-machine IoT transactions allowing for the next generation automation and novel use cases e.g carbon credits, supply chain etc
13. Pisses of jews, redditors, leftists and people too stupid to understand it

>> No.56225908

>Name a single thing that blockchain has improved
me in every conceivable way

>> No.56225917

Literally no one is USING it for any of that IRL you dumb retarded faggot

But yea enjoy your worthless monkey jpgs scams, nigger

>> No.56225919

Not keeping my funds in the accounts run by kikes like you.

>> No.56225920

damn, I fucked up by missing
14. On-chain identity/NFTs allow for people to distinguish between AI generated content and human generated content
15. NFT's are better than traditional methods of guaranteeing provenance

>> No.56225931

lol BTFO retard

>> No.56225954

>1. Acts as a better medium of exchange than fiat currency in poorly run economies e.g Argentina
No it doesn't. You can't walk down to the corner store and buy shit with crypto.
>2. Tokenisation of real world assets reduces settlement times and costs
Real world assets aren't tokenized.
>3. Smart contracts allow for the elimination of counter party risk
Name a single instance of this ever happening.
>4. Decentralisation of crypto has allowed people to defy corrupt governments from confiscating their property e.g in parts of Africa and China
They can seize your crypto too.
>5. Has allowed for the creation of novel financial primitives e.g self-repaying loans
A lot of weasel words for a hypothetical.
>6. Fractionalisation has reduced barriers to entry to securities
Dark pools and payment for order flow aren't an improvement.
>7. Facilitated the creation of parametric insurance
I'll believe it when I see it.
>8. Has provided an alternative vehicle for investment
Speculation is not investment.
>9. Allows for easier auditability and transparency
Only if you're the NSA.
>10. Allows for the creation of CBDC's which can improve macroeconomic management
"Allows" and "can improve" are more weasel words.
>11. Can make some alternate green energy projects feasible by using otherwise wasted surplus energy generated at peak times to be used to mine crypto to smooth returns from times of low output
No. Battery storage and grid management do that. Crypto mining is wasted energy.
>12. Facilitates machine-to-machine IoT transactions allowing for the next generation automation and novel use cases e.g carbon credits, supply chain etc
Your toaster doesn't run on crypto.
>13. Pisses of jews, redditors, leftists and people too stupid to understand it
Not since the early days of 2010 or 2011 have I heard a full throated advocate of crypto driven utopia who actually understood the technology behind it.

>> No.56225966

Kek nothing in your entire list is actually happening in the real world. You would know this if you spent time outside of your room you dumbass

“””blockchain””” has absolutely zero real world impact outside of retarded jeet scam coins and making midwits like you feel smart for “understanding” an overly complicated useless tech that no one asked for

>> No.56225981

Holy based

Get absolutely shit on you fucking NIGGER

>> No.56225987

lmao even you don't believe the stupid shit you wrote and if you do you are an even bigger retard than I thought. You can suck my big crypto cock nigger kek GG EZ NO RE

>> No.56225993

number 1 and number 4 are literally the only things crypto is used for IRL so he is not wrong
the rest is VC grifts

>> No.56226016

It’s been over 10 years and you still can’t buy shit with crypto, faggot. No one wants to sit around for hours waiting for a transaction to confirm

>muh lightning, muh layer 1
Literally NO ONE cares about or uses these things when we already have MONEY. Crypto tried to replace money and it failed

>> No.56226027

Lol seething broccoli haired zoomer

>> No.56226187

Online transactions are way easier now.

>> No.56226308

The real markets by siphoning off the shitty people to scam coins.

>> No.56226489

suck my big aryan white european dick you glow faggot fed nigger

>> No.56226504

also this, id found the glowfaggot from the start

>> No.56228711
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>> No.56229237


>> No.56229279
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internet bubble
> unsustainable businesses
> insufficient network infrastructure (low bandwidth internet) - solved

crypto bubble
> millions of useless ponzinomic shitcoins and blockchains cannibalizing each other
> scalability issues inherent to the design of blockchains and NOT an infrastructure problem

the internet and blockchain are both messaging protocols interacting with databases. the key difference being that internet protocols are actually broadly compatible and utilise CRUD databses (create read update delete) whereas blockchain protocols are mostly not compatible and they utilise read append-write databases only.

CRUD database is the reason why you can create an order on amazon, then update it, then edit and then delete it if you change your mind. you literally can't do any of that on blockchain.

blockchain was designed to faciliate transactions on a ledger database. its like trying to build an app in the most ineffecient and unscalable way because every action has a cost and storage is incredibly expensive. at that point most people just move off chain and its no longer crypto.

also decentralization is a meme. centralization control systems are the reason why airplanes can get you from A to B, or why you're able to go a certain building to renew your drivers license. decentralized systems are fractured tribal warfare where there is no concept of legality or property rights. thats the hellish crypto landscape.

as for chainlink, they are building an infrastructure for a world that doesn't exist. like those huge empty cities in china with 80 floor skyscrapers that are empty. thats crypto.

and every new blockchain or token does not increase the market share. it just cannibalises. when you see the base chain getting 1000% volume and activity, those are not new users, those are existing eth whales or avax whales just bridging to take advantage of greenfields.

>> No.56229826
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You got that Anon. I'm here for the tech and the money. Who gives a fuck at what a retard dumbass thinks about the market. Quest 3 is here and we should be fucking some Metaverse games there, same as Holorice in-car VR tech.
Fliping XRP, Matic and ETH at the top will also be a cool one.