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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 10 KB, 583x360, amazon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56225659 No.56225659 [Reply] [Original]

>prices are now the same as brick and mortar
>delivery times 2x what they used to be
>every other item is an obvious chinese counterfeit

wtf happened? even in just the last year the service has basically cratered. I find myself turning to it less and less. considering cancelling prime since I actually think I'm losing money on it now.

anyone else having the same experience? has e-commerce found its high tide?

>> No.56225800
File: 15 KB, 460x288, obama-smoking-460_1121795c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Their warehouse productivity is slipping cause of their hires so I guess that's a contributing reason.

>t. Ex warehouse wagie

>> No.56225821

They really haven't been great any of their employees top to bottom.

>> No.56225833

yep law of diminishing returns. the only upside is not wasting gas/spending time to get the right thing. im going to cancel after this year

>> No.56225843

Prices are the same as they have always been and I get my stuff faster than ever. There are same day and overnight options on a lot of stuff now

>> No.56225853

not everything

>> No.56225855

Kys Amazon wagefuck

>> No.56225882
File: 22 KB, 602x339, main-qimg-0aab2df45ae39a5f2f4f07e0db043471-lq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's pretty bad yeah. Even at the low end of gruntass work doing real labor making things move the gig is up. When I was around a year ago I remember shooting the shit with some migrant workers that could speak English and the guys knew it was all bs and slack. The women in low end management might as well be the same as big tech roastie managers you see biz complain about. I give it 5 to 10 years and there will be mini gangs starting shit with each other and sexual harassment being a casual thing. Bezos deserves it.

>> No.56225892

Their code monkeys get treated pretty well

>> No.56226401

I hear you about the cheap garbage and counterfeit bullshit - I've had to return more items this year alone from amazon than the entire 10+ years I've used amazon combined. And of course, I get a threatening email from amazon saying they'll close my account if I send back anymore items.

>> No.56226417

I'm pretty sure Amazon is the worst out of FAGMAN in terms of being worked to death

>> No.56226467

FBA happened. Amazon is now essentially warehouse rental with shipping so it's very attractive to people who just want to offload their inventory to Amazon and let them handle the stocking and shipping.

>> No.56226527


dudes amazon literally removed the ability to contact them unless you are disputing an item not arriving or if you send something back to them and dispute it because their wagies never mark it as returned (they won't give you a refund if that happens btw they just keep the item and the money and the online chat wagie will just gaslight you and say they will fix it but just say that to placate you so they can close the ticket and it's not their problem anymore)







>> No.56226544


They are gonna be the sears of our generation. Its over.

>> No.56226979

They optimized their shipping to the point that it wasn't profitable to do so anymore and they scaled back.
Simple as.
Turns out, people _are_ willing to pay the same as brick and mortar, and are also willing to wait a week.

>> No.56227024

I'm not I've dialed back using them because I noticed the shipping times have doubled. Fuck that I'll just go get it myself.

>> No.56227035

You are spot on about returns anon. The people that get more responsible jobs at warehouses that would touch returns are mainly women that socialize their way in. Then its maybe some poor guy that also gets in those positions that probably gets work dumped on them and burns out from those positions. Don't get me started on their in house IT in warehouses. It's not /g/ looking neckbeards it's just someone that weasels in and doesn't seem too self aware to fixing things. Dealing shit with strangers on craigslist is probably going to get you better customer service.

>> No.56227063

FBA made Alibaba flipping the motive

>> No.56227077
File: 71 KB, 640x640, amz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazon employee here. Sounds like you're both on the CAP (concessions abuse protocol) list.

You don't necessarily have to abuse returns or refunds to get on that list. I've seen people with 2 orders get on the CAP list. If you return certain high ticket items, and they're fucked up or someone in a fulfillment center fucks them up, you get the CAP.

My primary work group is CAP and I love it. I can tell people to go fuck themselves. Most of the people I talk to are niggers, lots of them from ABG (business generalists for businesses buying on Amazon) associates. Nigger weave shops "I ain't get mah weave, Shaniqua stole it" and then you tell them to start using Amazon locker. "Bix nood Imma need to talk at ya supaviza" BITCH I DONT HAVE A SUPERVISOR.

You ain't getting shit. As a white man wagie, it's the best thing I can have in life to make a fucking hood-rats day even shittier. All they do is fuck my shit up, broke my windshield during the BLM riots, stole my car, jacked my mom's pizzeria, fuck them. I will fight to stay in this work group, it's literally elation, I am fucking loving every single moment of my day telling one person after the other to fuck the hell off.

And my favorite thing is my copy and paste of the TOS in 18 languages email I get to send out and suspend HMD (how's my driving) because we don't give a fuck about your feedback.

>> No.56227117

Hard disagree on the delivery time, I do not have prime and buy stuff with free delivery in 4 days only to get it in 2 in a prime package box. No reason for them to fill up their warehouses with inventory just because you didn't pay 10$ when they could instead ship your thing and make space for a $100 product

Agree on the quality, but that seems to be the way literally everything is heading in this world. Quality of everything is going to shit to appeal to the lowest common denominator

>> No.56227167

Based nig buster

>> No.56227508

The one time I ever got a refund from Amazon was when I was dating a brown girl and she bitched at me for days to refund it. It wasn't even broken just not exactly what I expected.