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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 52 KB, 386x661, wageslave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56223902 No.56223902 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone tries, but very few escape wageslaving

>> No.56223916

i might go live as a homeless for a while, then kms when i run out of money
it sounds better than wageslaving
what do you think?

>> No.56223917

>everyone tries
everyone fantasizes, very few actually try

>> No.56223934

Thanks god I escaped the game 7 years ago.

>> No.56223959

i live in america, and work 7 days a week making 70k. i feel mostly dead at this point. copes dont do a thing anymore. I wish america wasnt a pussy prison and at least p4p was legal so i can get something out of life.

>> No.56226070

You can try so hard, in the end it doesn't even matter

>> No.56226119

stfu with the defeatism linkin park. for those >110 iq, hard work is highly likely to be rewarded.

also a 9-5 job is not "hard work" it just uses up all your time and combined with a 1 hour exhausting commute makes it very hard to succeed by working outside those hours

>> No.56226135
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>> No.56226148

use your skills to get a WFH job and move to eastern kentucky with a 120k house and youre set. or go be an expat if youre a huge loser with no family/friends

>> No.56226159

>for those >110 iq, hard work is highly likely to be rewarded.
Tell that to all the scientists actually trying to be useful, instead of developing the next scam saas or selling cheap Chinese shit

>> No.56226186

selling the next scam saas or selling cheap Chinese shit provides way more value to the world than a tenured professor churning out garbage unreproducible research

>> No.56226310

Number 9 or 10 will come to fruition with the recent happenings related to an investment that I need not name.
Also, when did minotaurs become a metaphor for surveillance?

>> No.56226483

It was a useful metaphor at the time, but it isn't widely used as one.

>> No.56226836

>Says the guy with 0 experience on the matter. That's how you know you can rely on him for investing the /biz/ way

>> No.56226861

Why do people still have kids?

>> No.56226862

>for those >110 iq, hard work is highly likely to be rewarded.
>just keep going above and beyond goy, one of these mr. shekelstein is bound to notice.

>> No.56226923
File: 96 KB, 982x786, A99908B5-B349-404A-9BAF-4593AF2E1E50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have $4500 left, enough to keep me solvent until the end of the year. If I can’t trade my way beyond that until then I’ll have to go back to a minimum wage job and live paycheck to paycheck again. And I’m talking bottom of the barrel toilet scrubbing slave labor, not even my BA in Finance has helped me get a decent job because I’m socially retarded. I really have no plan for when things go awry, I thought I would’ve by now. I’m not even remotely suicidal but I really don’t know what to do if I get liquidated. I actually broke out in shingles because of the stress, being a poorfag is a living hell.

>> No.56226965

I'm in a similar situation to you (only $5k left liquid, neeting until end of year) but I wouldn't give up hope if I were you. I have a CS degree but it's practically worth toilet paper at this point considering how hyper competitive it all is now (left my previous demoralizing underpaid coding job a couple years ago if you were wondering but no other jobs in my area were paying more nor were responding). I plan on going into a sales job to learn sales as a skill then leverage myself into something like Med Device sales or an account executive role and I can finally leave the CS nightmare behind for good.

If I were you, I'd recommend learning a new trade/skill, then learn marketing & sales on the side to further leverage yourself up past min wage hell.

>> No.56226983

this. I'm the only one I've ever met who seriously attempts this.

>> No.56226999
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>> No.56227012

>he can't read

>> No.56227017

Nice digits. So what do you want, government-mandated pussy?

>> No.56227029

I plan on taking the finra series 7 exam but I can’t think straight, the neet situation I’m in is ironically too distracting.

>> No.56227974

It's truly saddening ngl, still I somehow managed to make 700k and I'm intending to use that on kinetix and see if I can leverage it kek

>> No.56228029

Based anon, I hope it works out

>> No.56228032

Cuz they think if they don't they'll be missing out

>> No.56228036

low iq choice, but still better than nothing

>> No.56228037

You should rather drop it on hookers and cocaine

>> No.56228082
File: 255 KB, 1200x900, dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got shingles once when I was working. I was only 29 when it happened. Man, I hated that job. Fortunately, I changed jobs a few times since them. I'm still miserable but I plan to continue living. I talk to a therapists every week too. It's paid for by my insurance. It's ok. It helps that I have an enormous penis I guess.

>> No.56228128

I got on disability to be a real NEET, I would suggest others do it. I live with family, spend my days smoking weed. Plenty of savings and investments, I'm pretty loaded compared to the average wageslave. I'm going to move out when I feel like living with degenerate poorfag roommates again. Anyway, I escaped, but life I'd rather not have to be living with family or degenerate roommates, no matter how cushy my life receiving free money is

>> No.56228129

The problem with 'high prestige' jobs like lawyer is that AI could rip them a new asshole and have a massive amount of debt associated with them. There are simply no good, "will last 50 years" answers to the career problem these days.

>> No.56228136

Just buy Link

>> No.56228156
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But actually AVAX

>> No.56228310
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Just dont work.

>> No.56228337

Seriously, who else here is on welfare to escape wageslaving. I want some stats, what are the numbers?

>> No.56228379

>muh anti-work propaganda
Fuck off, 5th column faggot. Young people waging while they get educated and get real jobs adding value to the world is how nations become great. You're trying to undermine the next generation for the ching chongs and the ziggers.

>> No.56228442
File: 221 KB, 1890x480, 1620678107219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody mentioned china or russia, loser.