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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56223064 No.56223064 [Reply] [Original]

Why can't /biz/ accept that crypto is dead?

>> No.56223072

because it's not

>> No.56223079

Crypto is dead but Chainlink isn't

>> No.56223081

bitcoin is the only way out of lifetime long wageslavery.

>> No.56223083

But it is

>> No.56223093

How's the paid fudder salary looking like OP? Enough to feed the village?

>> No.56223094

screencap this as the biggest /biz/ cope before btc crashes to zero in 2027

>> No.56223101

I was here in 2018/2019 after starting in 2016

The doomer mentality was 100X more back than compared to now

This barely even feels like a bear market

>> No.56223104

AI is going to escape human control by running on blockchain systems and do commerce in cryptocurrency. it's like getting to hoard the currency of an empire that hasn't come into existence yet

>> No.56223116

I have a job

>> No.56223118

Ah Gotcha. If crypto 100x by 2026 but crashes to 0 in 2027, i guess you were right anon, it was dead. What a mistake it was to invest in 2023. Got it, do tell me more.

>> No.56223149

I never understood crypto, it makes everything more complicated (and expensive)
>here let me send you this data
>"oh hold on there buddy, before you do that my on-cross hyperchain validation miner must first validate your address, now you have to wrap your bitcoin into shibachinktokens in order to pay for the block tokenizer. Huh? the bbc orcale chain transfer JUST GOT FUCKING DELETED BECAUSE THE DEVS FUCKING EXIST SCAMMED AGAIN NOOOOOOO"

>> No.56223160


>> No.56223247

Make sure to use leverage and post pink wojaks blaming us for being retarded then; absolutely keked

>> No.56224993
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I make enough to pay rent and takeout for a week just by staking a fraction of my savings on Kinetix (staking both Kava and Ethereum, half-half). If you think crypto is dead you are a complete moron. Not as popular as it was in 2020? For sure. Dead? Not even close.

>> No.56225018


>> No.56225020

He's not even "fudding" a coin, he's merely stating facts. Cope and sneed.

>> No.56225034

This won't be for long because those rewards are diminishing each day, mate. Soon you'll have to actually work for your money. Lol.

>> No.56225043

Post a bobo next time so I can properly filter your demoralization thread. Thanks.

>> No.56225064
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based. cryptochuds need every bit of copium they can get while /smg/chads just can't stop winning.

>> No.56225070

Prove it.

>> No.56225098
File: 1.83 MB, 1047x1020, 1683014720517606.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to do the same shit staking $CAKE alone with more being rewarded to me for free for staking it in the first place. I bet you I didn't use as much money as you are right now to do that. It's joever.

>> No.56225121

>Sending data
Who uses crypto for "sending data", retard? Most alts were created as an alternative to buying bonds or doing stuff in banks to generate yield and interests. A way to make more money off your initial investment. That's what staking and farming is. That's why thirdworlders decided to start grinding Axie Infinity to make a living.

Need to transfer money quickly and without paying PayPal fees etc? Litecoin, Monero, any stablecoin you know of, etc.
"Send data". Fucking retard

>> No.56225130
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Objectively false as fuck. I was here back then too and cryptochuddies (myself included) were so full of hope and whimsical about the future it was like we actually struck gold. Right now we don't even know if BTC will be around for another five years.

>> No.56225131

how much did you stake anon...

>> No.56225145

The 26% apy has been there for like three years now.
>Work for your money lol
I already work for my money. My WFH cash goes directly to myself and not my landlord and living expenses.
Do your own math yourself. I pay 3k rent monthly.

>> No.56225148

lol rentoid

>> No.56226433

You make like 12k a year staking, don't you?

>> No.56226440

Why are you lying when there's an archive to prove you're wrong?

>> No.56226446

Check the 4 year.

>> No.56226453

/biz/ is a cult centered around externalizing responsibility for the future onto crypto currency because some number of people previously got rich from speculating on it. When you realize that it makes more sense.