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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 23 KB, 610x383, ccip.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56214365 No.56214365 [Reply] [Original]

>CCIP out for 3 months
>$92000 total revenue

When exactly is it acceptable for LINKholders to become suicidal?
Have we reached that point yet or am I still expected to be mindlessly optimistic?

>> No.56214382

>CCIP making money is now FUD

>> No.56214418

you can't even know if they're making money, it's revenue not profit
for all i know they are operating at a loss like all other LINK services

>maximum $1000 per day

>> No.56214528

>for all i know
thanks for playing

>> No.56214822

>2 year test net
>8 months main net
>nobody can name a single dapp with users using Chainlink oracles in production
>(with proof link to dapp.com/dappradar/etherscan)
>Linkers: this is bullish!

>> No.56214931

i honestly have no clue why but your thread just made me push out a really thick fart. it felt amazing and i thank you for that.

but it was weird as fuck. it could have been coincidence but i honestly feel like it was the thread that made me fart.

there's no smell either which is a disappointment but hopefully another one will come soon so i can plug my asshole with my finger during the flatulence and get a good whiff of something nice.





>> No.56215015

We just need a 1000x in usability and we will be making 1 billion ever 3 months and Chainlink will become worth $200

>> No.56215053

Checked and kekd. I remember when this was posted when price feeds were released

>> No.56215122

wow so CCIP actually runs with 0 fees?!?
WOW sheesh linkies win again I guess!!!

>tfw you own the same asset with terminal brain cancer jeets

>> No.56215130

oh no link bros.. better make a SIBOS thread

>> No.56215167

>Launched with only two partners who aren't even close to fully using it
>Revenue LOW, Chainlink BAD

>> No.56215344
File: 304 KB, 655x599, 1691447419403683.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

92k is utterly pathetic bro. Kava pulls in more money with a shitty ass barebones dex as its main product and the only thing it really got going on for it is the ability to perp trade. Profit or not 92k is nothing for something as well known as Chainlink.

>> No.56215384

Ethereum makes way more than that in a single day, so yes.

>> No.56215386

ok but did you feel the need to shit
nothing better than pushing out a foul extra loud long fart and then knowing shit's at the exit door

>> No.56215390
File: 55 KB, 552x769, 1691591662680295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post volume then chuddie

>> No.56215392

CCIP won't save LINK from its impending doom no matter how hard you retarded link pajeets keep shitting up the board pushing this narrative

>> No.56215398

b-but swift w-will bring in 9 negrillion eurodollars in revenue.. just hold... a bit.. more...

>> No.56215407

>implying kava isn't just some FOTM shitcoin that's gonna get forgotten pretty soon
it's getting volume because they initially offered insane rewards for those who deposited liquidity. If they don't do shit with it, it's all going to be for nothing

>> No.56215415

Nothing can compete with ze KING

>> No.56215420
File: 838 KB, 768x1360, 1691528239613570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And that's a bad thing somehow
Give good things to the community. The community solidifies and uses the coin more. More people come in because the shitcoin they hold is not doing anything (see: this thread). It's not that hard of a fucking concept moron.

>> No.56215428


crypto in general barely has any fucking adoption at all. so far the only real, practical use case I've seen is using it as the new paypal (processing transactions)

>> No.56215436

op and kava are the only co-chains worth a shit nowadays. based, too

link is forgotten.

>> No.56217170


>> No.56218215

they tried to spam biz with this kind of garbage about the price feeds before defi became dependent on them
fudcucks are easy to dismiss not just because they're obviously desperate because they spam biz 24/7, but also because they're literally ESL / brownoid cockroaches with no other employment prospects outside of mlm scam companies like The Success Factory that do paid stockbashing on the side
even the opinion of a burger flipper would have more weight than these retarded fags lmao

>> No.56218631

200 is fucking nothing.

>> No.56218708
File: 1.23 MB, 3385x2937, 1671677468829906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek this
What a blast from the past

>> No.56218962


>> No.56218985

>November 2019
So fudders were psychotically spamming this type of shit even while Link had been spanking the entire market for 1.5 years straight?

>> No.56219065

Most of the fud you see today is coming from the same people who were fudding back then.
They're also the same people who will swear that the current fudders are just disillusioned with Link's recent price action.

>> No.56219078

>We just need a 1000x in usability and we will be making 1 billion ever 3 months and Chainlink will become worth $200
it's crazy to think there is that much demand, or will be

>> No.56219115

the fud now is boring
have to make it simple now as targets have changed
those smart enough know it's coming now, which wasn't the case back then the team was being built

>> No.56219269

>the fud now is boring
Looks to be exactly the same today as it was in 2019

>> No.56222314

>$92k revenue
>versus $34 million by l0
congrats guys, snail pace as always by stinkers

>> No.56222365
File: 78 KB, 1850x588, fdddeeded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related are the daily transactions, not cumulative. It's clearly picking up. What matters is not the revenue today.

>> No.56222368

Examples pls cause you're chatting shit

>> No.56222391

the chart

>> No.56222450

>linear growth means daily transactions are picking up

>> No.56222713
File: 74 KB, 925x360, CCIP_TX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is a cumulative chart anon, pic related is the non-cumulative. It is increasing though. What is more interesting than the increase is if you check the revenue dashboard you'll see that for most of the networks there usually exactly 24 or 48 transactions daily, heavily implying that aave/synthex are still engaged in testing on mainnet and that the rollout to production hasn't happened. I'm expecting a go-live date for them as well as a mainnet general access date announced at smartcon