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56213667 No.56213667 [Reply] [Original]

society is collapsing, being a wagie is driving people to insanity, there has to be a better future otherwise chaos is coming.

>> No.56213691

this is why i'm deathly afraid of being confrontational with people. all it takes is one fucking retard with nothing to lose.

>> No.56213747

It’s strange. People with no skills are able to survive (have housing and food and health care and transport) by putting burgers in a bag or standing at the till in a retail shop and they think it’s the hardest existence and that life is “unfair”. Like, they shouldn’t even be ALIVE if it weren’t for charity jobs and they act like they are too good for them.

>> No.56213761

Did she kill the guy? Imagine killing somebody over fastfood. At least she'll prepare food for no pay once she's in prison.

>> No.56213786

theres pretty much no upside in being confrontational. sure you blow off some steam, but the problem usually doesn't get fixed since wagies arent paid enough to give a shit about quality customer service. then you get crazy people like OP who will go out of their way to prove a point. if you get served shit then just say "thanks" and never give them your money again

>> No.56213787

if everyone was nice to each other the world would be a great place (or a much better place, at least)
some people aren't capable of being nice, or even courteous though
many such cases

>> No.56213791

Yes, dead by gorilla

>> No.56213795

They can say he reached for a gun and beat the case easily

>> No.56213813

Wait you guys live around niggers? NGMI.

>> No.56213822

>is coming
its already here. america is just this place you drive by and see through your window while you go from pod to pod. what few places aren't like that are astronomically priced.

everyone is horrible, nothing is quality, nobody cares.

>> No.56213823

Based negress

>> No.56213913

i moved to idaho and they are slowly migrating up here as well

>> No.56213943

Imagine being American

>> No.56213958

even if they admit to murder they will be released on a $2500 bond

>> No.56213988

What is the most inhospitable state to niggers? Wyoming? North Dakota? Maine?

>> No.56214025
File: 279 KB, 508x667, The_Virtuous.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there has to be a better future

What we need is true nobilitas naturalis. No era can do without it, least of all ours, when so much is shaking and crumbling away. We need a natural nobility whose authority is, fortunately, readily accepted by all men, an elite deriving its title solely from supreme performance and peerless moral example and invested with the moral dignity of such a life. To belong to this group of moral aristocrats should be the highest and most desirable aim, next to which all the other triumphs of life are pale and insipid No free society, least of all ours, which threatens to degenerate into mass society, can subsist without such a class of censors.

(No one left of substance that can Govern)
If the monopoly of law and law enforcement of democratic governments is dissolved, there appears to be no other authority to whom one can turn for justice, and chaos would seem to be inevitable. They(elites) are typically no longer the heads of long established leading families but nouveaux riches. Their conduct is not marked by special virtue, dignity, or taste but is a reflection of the same proletarian mass-culture of present-orientedness, opportunism, and hedonism

>in short we must build a kingdom and legitimize it with virtue and become the king you would follow.

>> No.56214060

>sure you blow off some steam
Fucking normalfaggot scum

>> No.56214062

we kind of do have all that gay shit you just typed out though, it's just called the upper class

>> No.56214091

>it's just called the upper class
not that guy but, our (((upper class))) is all part of the same tribe, and does not espouse the highest virtues that guy described.

>> No.56214154
File: 148 KB, 651x563, UrTrash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we kind of do have all that gay shit you just typed out though

You are obviously not apart of any elite class because your reading comprehension escapes any respect. I will not repeat myself, you on the other hand can read the 2nd paragraph again.

>> No.56214170


The fucked up thing is wagies cannot better their standard of living no matter how good of a job they do. That's why they are incredibly fucking pissed with nothing to lose.

t. Software Engineer wagecuck whose management knows nothing about software

>> No.56214223
File: 86 KB, 736x1040, 66679d91d57084937eef4e7e09d419a8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why I think white people are genuinely the most dangerous race. Everyone else gets confrontational immediately, and then it's over. White people have this kind of slow burn that a less observant person mistakes for weakness and it ends with your entire city and neighboring villages getting carpet bombed.
>Level 1: Excuse me.
>Level 2: Hey can I help you?
>Level 3: Now hold on a second.
>Level 4: Now listen here buddy!

>> No.56214307

its not society collapsing, its just another black person shooting someone because thats all they know how to do. T.N.D.

>> No.56214329

This is smart anon. Some dudes will call you a pussy for not "standing up for yourself" but 99.9999% of the time it will make your situation worse. Reacting out of emotion is always the wrong choice.

>> No.56214338

dont forget those people never asked to be alive in the first place and b) are result of an experiment of megalomaniac birth rates in order to prop up numbers and the whole growth model/ simulation we call reality

>> No.56214362

Cope designed to placate inactivity

>> No.56214462

>White people have this kind of slow burn that a less observant person mistakes for weakness and it ends with your entire city and neighboring villages getting carpet bombed.

funny, this statement also works perfectly with "women" too

>> No.56214493

Wtf? Why can't they just stay in their "hoods" Going to ruin every state now. It's over, so fucking over

>> No.56214502

even if you respond with logic, the other person is still emotional. they already have a near non-existent internal dialogue. add in the stress of the situation and they revert to being chimps.

>Everyone else gets confrontational immediately, and then it's over.
and one of them is usually dead or permanently disfigured. and the other is thinking "well he deserve it for touching my spoon".

>> No.56214539

Imagine wanting to eat anything prepared by the hands of these "people."

>> No.56214572

>everyone is horrible, nothing is quality, nobody cares.
This. On the one hand I don't blame workers for not caring about quality or service when the pay is so garbage and cost of living just keeps going up with no end in sight.

But on the other hand you basically can't go anywhere and get your money's worth, it's really bad. If you go to virtually any restaurant, you feel like you wasted your time and money on people who don't give a shit about providing you with the service you're paying for.

>> No.56214617

Argentinian here. Even at 120% inflation, our wagies are still waging, including me.
I doubt your 5% inflation even if it gets 20x more bad would lead to anything.
The “nothing ever happens” chuds won bros…

>> No.56214641

Be nice to fastfood employees, chud. Yes, he got what he deserved.

>> No.56214643

This is a huge part of why I stopped going to any fast food place anymore.
The attitude of so many people they act like they'd just as soon murder you as just simply do their job and serve food. Fuck I'm going trust eating anything from these places.
It's so sad and stupid and it's the extreme left and MSM that stirred them up to think and act this way with their web of lies manipulation deceit identity politics and mind fuckery.

>> No.56214691

America is a shithole country.

>> No.56214720

Don’t do that. You need to stand up for yourself anon. You keep walking around in fear eventually it’ll be your default state. If you die in pursuit of what’s right then you died for a noble cause. You have nothing to fear.

>> No.56214723

>he reached for a gun and that's when I calmly strolled off camera and sauntered back in before shooting him as he was driving away
Not much of a self defense case

>> No.56214724

anon your forgetting that slavery existed for centuries & was stable. Society is regressing to olden times

>> No.56214744

Society isn't collapsing, this is just what happens when you take lower order lifeforms and force them into pretending to be human. We should have left them on that fucking god forsaken continent.

>> No.56214750

it's not confrontation about what i care about. it's how stupidly far people are willing to go for very mundane things.

>> No.56214774

It's called factoring odds loser.

>> No.56214808

I was in Boise on a business trip like 2 years ago and I only saw one black guy the whole week.

>> No.56214810

>everyone ITT reeeeing about niggers
>>bros where can I go without niggers
>>omg places without niggers are expensive it's over
Well well well looks like woodschizo can't stop winning

>> No.56214829

By the way this was not the case before. You walked to restaurant to see regular drinking and confessing to waitress, couples having good time and you could just watch out of window while waiting for food and chill. Everyone was chill and it was a social place to be. Now if you go to restaurant you have to browse your phone, cause looking around seems weird. Waitresses are on same time very informal but absolutely cold, like on antidepressants, food is abysmal and costs tons more than before. Atmosphere is zero. It's absolutely not cozy to go eat outside any more.

>> No.56214839

Yea I get it. Not gonna fight over a parking spot but find someone or something to exert your aggression
No shit retard. Obviously diffusing situations is the main priority but being cucked in front of my wife and kid is not fucking happing under any circumstances

>> No.56214867

Explain to your son that it's not being cucked to judge that you are dealing with a total loser with nothing to lose and gtfo.
It could save his life.

>> No.56214877

>all it takes is one fucking nigger*

>> No.56214925

A Nigger wrote this. What? She's going to college and she's gonna be a millionaire right? She didndu nuthin

>> No.56214929

This is a uniquely American problem but you are all to proud to admit it. Proud of what exactly, I don't know.

>> No.56214932

Alaska, they die due to D depletion

>> No.56214933

>is willing to bring his wife and kids in danger because of his ego

>> No.56214935

Shitty people complaining about shitty people. Were all going to hell in a handbasket with this shit society.

>> No.56214976 [DELETED] 

Gotta start your own business. I wake up every morning and I'm only around cool, interesting people, all day every day. Someone has a bad attitude, I can choose not to do business with them. Then they probably hire some other, more expensive company that provides worse service. They get what they deserve.

>> No.56215032

Good, fuck fast food consoomers they need to be shot on sight. This niggress deserves a pay raise and a bigger fucking gun, ideally automatic so she can spray every fucking white goyslurper.

>> No.56215050

>Jack in the Box
>Houston Texas

>> No.56215079


>> No.56215093

>Whtiod Scared of alpha bbc

Many such cases. That’s why we on top

>> No.56215191

Not at all

>> No.56215230

i wouldn’t care because I’ve got a 5k beater

>> No.56215231
File: 34 KB, 406x400, 1688723354140572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If your life is 'be on welfare in the ghetto' or 'work at mcdonalds in the ghetto' I'm confused why you would be at mcdicks in the first place. Does she just like the shootouts?

>> No.56215265

No one has control, it's all manufactured canned stuff (physical or virtual) from California and China.

>> No.56215279

The word "one" is pretty important here and makes GP's point for him.

>> No.56216805

whoa dude i smoke weed too bro omg like whoaaaa, stfu retard go have a better thought

>> No.56217131

Gun go bang.

>> No.56217142

Cucked, you'll scream when someone plugs you.
Fuck around and find out isn't sounding really cool when you realize how cheap firearms are.

>> No.56217153

I didn't ask to be born.
Legalize abortion and shun single parents more and you won't get a huge under paid working class.

>> No.56217160

>everyone is horrible, nothing is quality, nobody cares.
Cry me a river, you're being a pussy, everything is great.
>Fat fuck throws things at people.
>Red state SYG kicks in.
>Retards on 4chan are upset people will pull a gun when you throw shit at them.
Woah bro.

>> No.56217162

The showers were a meme but I get your point

>> No.56217182
File: 486 KB, 1080x2340, Screenshot_20230927_213157_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry kiddo, Alaska has niggers in it.
Nah, I bet truck cuck started it.
I like junk food but my God are people dumb, you live in USA everyone is packed why are you instigating shit?
Rent costs money, welfare isn't handed out like you think it is, people like having money to buy things like food, clothes, goods.
You're very fucking stupid, hot water costs money.

>> No.56217183

wagie ragie hahahhahahahahaha

>> No.56217193

>Slow burn.
You mean pushed around till the last minute and get curb stomped twice in two world wars?
Very scary, bro.

>> No.56217195

I moved to Sioux Falls and my apartment complex (brand new, built in 2020) was filled with niggers. There really is no escaping. Now, I'd rather move a 3rd world maybe Asian country because there's no real white countries anymore. Given the same amount of cultural enrichment occuring worldwide I'd rather live in the least expensive place that I can. I used to think that was the Midwest, but it isn't anymore. It is truly over for us all.

>> No.56217201

I will never put myself in a situation to where I could potentially end up going to prison for the rest of my life, especially over a bad fast food order. I'd 100% kill myself for real. FUCK that shit

>> No.56217226

This. Wish it didn’t take me so long to figure this out. I’m lucky to be alive desu. A wise man picks his battles very carefully.

>> No.56217231

racist hands typed this post

>> No.56217260

When you read police records of post shooting arrests, some of the reasons the shooter gives are bizarre

>He made fun of my mom
>He scratch my car
>He threw me tha fingah and it made me angry

Lower life forms don't care about future planning

>> No.56217271

"Charity jobs" lmao our entire economy and civilization would collapse into dust overnight if it weren't for the tens of millions of wagies on the ground floor doing grunt work. You realize the business is the one who wins from employing such people, because they ultimately profit more from their labor than they're paying them to work? Therefore, it's not charity, it's just a transaction which the business literally cannot survive without making.

>> No.56217323

Organized violence is superior to reactionary violence. I’d be more scared of some dude who sucks it up for the moment then gets revenge later when I don’t expect it than some nigger chimping out on the spot.

>> No.56217364


>> No.56217544

You think that thing washes its hands?

>> No.56217575

There's a Chappelles skit about this "keeping it real" with retards like you who decide to be heros

>> No.56217721
File: 90 KB, 500x739, 1695870633970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bro hunter gatherers are all happier and live more fulfilling lives than 99% of "society".
Humans dont actually need every much to live. It would be much better spending all day hunting with the bros, playing with your family and fucking your wife all night.
Compared to being a wage cuck who has to medicate himself just to cope.

>> No.56217738

Hunter gatherers have 0 chance of attaining immortality or fusion though

>> No.56217877

If it wasn't for all these fuckin white people everything would be fine

>> No.56217909

Lol @ you thinking niggers are held responsible for their actions. They'll just say he screamed "I'll kill you nigger", she went and got the gun the defend herself and thought he was reaching for his gun, and then the jewish nigger white liberal jury will find the sheboon innocent of all charges. Maybe, just MAYBE she gets probation and is back on the streets in two months.

>> No.56217934

this my bro, technology is a fucking meme, we need to go back

>> No.56217978

Thank you for signing your message. Yes. She's going to be a millionaire lol

>> No.56218008

Okay peanut brain

>> No.56218035
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, scum.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about any of them. It's fine.

>> No.56218041

In my experience the vast majority of people who treat wagies like shit are other wagies with slightly more credit card debt. Typically gen x or boomers.

>> No.56218055

>dying over french fries at a drive through cos you wanted to stand up for whats right to a Sheboon who’s too dumb to understand anyway

>> No.56218238

Reddit moment

>> No.56218248
File: 1.02 MB, 640x640, 1656253172241.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be fat nigger
>chimp out for literally no reason

>> No.56218255


>> No.56218289

Blessed post, anon.

>> No.56218953

im honestly the same way now.
too many people living on the edge.
poverty levels sky high, drug addiction rampant.
in my 20s i had to do a year in jail over a probation violation.
while i was locked up this guy killed another inmate because he "owed him a pack of crackers" and he wouldnt pay it back.
people are fucking crazy so i just try to be good to everyone and steer clear of bad encounters.
t. i deliver fucking pizza for a living now.

>> No.56219016

she's honestly Based because people treat fast food workers like crap just because they feel that they can

>> No.56219030


>> No.56219036

you stand up for yourself by not engaging with retards

>> No.56219099

no, she shot at him once or twice and missed. The judge did not sentence her to any prison time.

>> No.56219116


>> No.56219207

>this is why i'm deathly afraid of being confrontational with people. all it takes is one fucking retard with nothing to lose.
yeah it's a big insight

>> No.56219211

>but the problem usually doesn't get fixed since wagies arent paid enough to give a shit about quality customer service.
Wagies did care when they were paying high salaries kek

>> No.56219221

yeah trying to understand the reasons is like trying to understand what goys still worships jews. no matter how you prove them it's retarded, they will come up with an even more retarded justification.
This is why debates are sterile and why democracy is based on debates.

>> No.56219296

Pretty sure it was the yellow kids getting melted into the ground with the atom bomb not the other way around.

>> No.56219312

How's that standing up for yourself or anything at all?

>> No.56219347

you should think of life as a game - would you play around with the retarded kid when you were little? i wouldn't do it as a kid nor would i do it as an adult.

>> No.56219439
File: 70 KB, 696x466, TFW 80 IQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd kill the retard and then yell at the parents for not aborting a net drain
Doing the things that society needs but is too afraid of

>> No.56219531

We will neither idiot, Scientism is a lie

>> No.56219567

what is this double reality where low skill work is simultaneously easy because anyone cando it but it also has to be as miserable as possible because "people need motivation to get better jobs or else everyone would work at mcdonalds"?

why is it so absurd to americans when you suggest that fast food jobs could be better? Who loses in that situation?

>> No.56219595

feel yourself lucky, my temper is a curse and I'm constantly getting into altercations

>> No.56219634

so much for standing up for yourself. society is not even real. only i am real and the only thing that matters is what is good for me.

>> No.56219931

White people can be downright cruel to black wagies. Sure there are some unhinged and egotistical black wagies, but a majority of them are legitimately struggling and are trying to get by. This woman is obviously fed up.

>> No.56220057

i think it's the socialization aspect that is driving people insane. 500 years ago you were poor on a farmstead with your family, in some shitty hand-made thatch roof house. but you still had peace and quiet (in between opposing armies burning and pillaging and raping) and you "worked from home."

today you are poor in a densely populated urban hellscape. you likely live in a cuckpartment and share 4 walls and a ceiling with other loud, stinking, retarded degenerates who you see and hear 24/7. you are in contact with hundreds if not thousands of people while you commute an hour each way to your shitty minimum wage job, where you once again interact with hundreds if not thousands of people a day. every master you serve -- your landlord, the executives at your place of employment, your creditors, etc. -- lives thousands of miles away, if not on the other side of the world.

>> No.56220226

Probably why the elites want to reset everything. I think this every time I see retards that avoid salt or meat to "be healthy."

>> No.56220320

Opposite desu. Also women are weak and out of line.

>> No.56220417

>fast food wagies in burgerland have guns at their work place
you country is fucked beyond repair just give up to the chinks already. I know how this world will end. >Chinks will become economic super power
>burgers get pissed and cry like the baby country they are
>crying fatties push the red button because they will rather let the world end than loosing to the chinks
>we are all dead
great guys go fuck every single one of you faggots

>> No.56220424

>shitty hand-made thatch roof house
excuse me sir but thatch roofing is classy af

>> No.56220463


>> No.56220873

> ready to shoot someone
> open the window so the bullets can go through


>> No.56221153

source? Can't believe you can try and kill someone without getting a prison sentence

>> No.56221192
File: 180 KB, 1195x1367, 1694755701373951.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called alienation. Under capitalism the work is alienated from not only the product of their labor but from themselves and others. The process of production turns people into mere appendages of a machine far greater than they or any nor al person can comprehend. The end result of this shows it's self through actions like these. What fundementally must change is our relationship to production. There's no reason why a minority of workers should be forced to produced at the threat of a larger pool of surplus labor all so that a small minority of owners can reap the rewards of sed labor. In a rational society labor would be spred more evenly with more people performing the same tasks for less time. The benifits of this are astronomically high, more time to spend with our peers and loved ones and more time for ourselves.

It's truly a tragic state that we find ourselves in.

>> No.56221209

Worker is alienated**

>> No.56221219

Fun fact: blacks are 20% homoerectus.

>> No.56221373

>your pride is worth dying to some wagie because you asked for no pickles on your burger

>> No.56221619

all fun and games til you get raped, stabbed to death and left on a roof

>> No.56221636

>being a wage.
Dude that is standard nigger behavior. They have been set loose by the jew and now it's a free for all.

>> No.56221669

not true, food scene in portland is fucking lit, as long as you don't mind stepping over a near-death heroin addict on your way out. Also club your car while you're here.

>> No.56221676


>> No.56222019

I don't think I'll be doing any of that. Enjoy your hellscape.

>> No.56222158

kek, please tell me you're not this retarded

>> No.56222189

this is why its better to simply not interact with them. they're genuinely low IQ and willing to end your life and theirs over literally nothing
avoid them at all costs. they're cancerous

>> No.56222262

Nah. That works for cops, not for regular people. She probably got booked for attempted murder unless the guy actually did point a gun at her.

>> No.56222360

The wealthy parts of any blue city

>> No.56222452

And Christ is Kang yo

>> No.56222525

>Be American
>Go get burgers
>Get shot

>> No.56222593
File: 77 KB, 1124x830, 1695814611762335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be scholar
>Get into argument with customer
>causally leave argument come back with gun, fire 3 rounds at customer
>video evidence
>Witness testimony
>Claim racism
>district attorney (libfag useful idiot) let's you out on a misdemeanor with community service

This really happens? Seriously? Just claim the n word and get off Scott free?

>> No.56222599


>> No.56222627


>> No.56222630

It’s because there’s no fucking growth. You try working at McDonald’s 9-5 every day knowing that the only reward waiting for you is a mandatory pay raise and an attaboy.

Your options are pay out the ass for night classes and maybe become a store manager literally slaving away for $60k/year, always on call, and knowing that’s your new peak, or take on no debt and maybe you’ll become shift lead and get a $2 hour raise which won’t even cover the gas price when they now have you fill in at stores half way across the city due to your position.

So everyone’s either there just for a quick paycheck waiting for something better to come along and begrudgingly carrying out their duties, or they have realized they’re just wasting time waiting to die on this shitty career path and hoping something lucky happens to them along the way.

If there’s no reason to have growth or passion in your work, if growth and passion are actively dissuaded in your job, then you will not try and trying to game the system looks like the only viable path to happiness. This is all jobs now, not just minimum wage ones.

Of course jeets who realize that they might fall off the back of their 12 man moped and get run over tomorrow are more than happy to work for a decent wage answering tech questions, any money at all is real progress when medieval conditions still exist in your country.

>> No.56222635

If you polled Americans asking them if someone deserves to die simply for calling a black person a nigger I bet around half of them would sat yes.

>> No.56222775

Not just at him, apparently the car also had his pregnant wife and I think a child as well?

>> No.56222962

You also get fired for the dumbest shit. I regularly got glowing reviews from customers at my shit retail jobs, enough to get recognized by the DMs. 99% of the time, I kept my cool and was the one who deescalated. Once at each place, though, there was one customer (ALWAYS a lower-middle class Boomer/Gen-X black person putting on airs) who tried to get over on the store and triggered my berserk button. Even then, all I did was argue calmly with them, sticking strictly to company policy. Still canned, because the customer was unhappy. I laugh every time I see that the company's stock is in the shitter or their stores are getting looted. Half of these businesses are absolutely terrible and only survive in monopoly-like conditions.

>> No.56223019

>start trouble
>defend yourself with gun

What happened to 2a, bubba?

>> No.56223056

>No one wants to interview the chick with the gun
I want to hear her side, man. It's gotta be wild.

>> No.56223089

Wise words

>> No.56223091

>Of course jeets who realize that they might fall off the back of their 12 man moped and get run over tomorrow are more than happy to work for a decent wage answering tech questions, any money at all is real progress when medieval conditions still exist in your country.
This also explains a lot of the South, East California, and West Texas. Survival mode. And the sick part is that this is the goal of a lot of the people with money.

>> No.56223106

>"Defending yourself" from an unarmed guy in a drive thru claiming he called you the n word with 0 evidence

>> No.56223123

Tbf someone who openly calls a black person a nigger to their face is essentially proclaiming publicly that they're ready and willing to merc that person (or to call the police to get them to do it for them). It's an imminent threat.

>> No.56223134

what country to escape to once we make it. usa is a zoo. i speak okay german/french, but full of browns last time i visit.

>> No.56223163

You can't escape and it's all your fault.

>> No.56223215

You can clearly see the casing in the video. How do you avoid prison time for this, and moreover what if any are the business and financial ramifications for Jack in the box?

>> No.56223228

>work all day
>all the money you make goes into food and housing

that sounds more like slavery than a "charity job" even medieval peasants had half the year off

>> No.56223257

They couldn't make a case. The driver probably lied about something that made prosecution difficult, or refused to testify. My guess is he really did call her a nigger and/or threatened her and didn't want that to come out in court and jeopardize his job.

>> No.56223262

The elites are the ones filling the countries with these retards. The "great reset" shit is all PR so the dying middle class behaves by telling them "there will be a change, it's not going to go on like this."

>> No.56223289

We've had shrinking birth rates for decades actually. It's propped up by immigrants who actually did ask to be here.

>> No.56223298

thats the right choice, the reality is no one will ever acknowledge they are wrong and confrontation leads to nothing beneficial

>> No.56223308
File: 112 KB, 1024x658, DgU6-1DVMAADM2d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I'm not going to pull out no gun and shoot at somebody over no curly fries. Come on," Ford-Theriot told ABC 13's Jessica Willey in response to the allegations. When Willey pointed out that the video appears to show her doing exactly that, Ford-Theriot said, "If you hear the audio, you didn't hear the gun go off at all,"
>video clearly shows the gun ejecting the spent case
It's all so tiresome

>> No.56223331

yeah all these retards spouting the great reset depopulation meme are complete retards depopulation would be the last thing they want an infinite growing population is how they get their power in the first place

>> No.56223341

Clearly this is what the founding fathers intended.

>> No.56223356

this wouldnt be an issue if they didnt have to compete with the entire third world for a job, usually these jobs are so shit that nobody wants them so theyre forced to pay decently or at least treat them nicer, now that you have you have an infinite supply of labor you can make the job as shit as possible

>> No.56223440
File: 33 KB, 924x924, James-Baldwin-quotes-on-humanity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your fault.

>> No.56223469

We're waiting white peepul. Where you at?

>> No.56223505

I dunno man working multiple 12 hours shifts even outside of the threat of surplus labor sounds pretty shitty.

>> No.56223513

Communist bullshit.
It's a racial slur and saying it is a constitutionally protected activity.

>> No.56223529

>Black woman and Hispanic man have a spat over curly fries
Not my fucking problem, let me know when Whites start doing this to each other.

>> No.56223556

Imminent threats are not protected. Shouldn't have created the association between "nigger" and lynchings.

>> No.56223580

The only association between saying nigger and being lynched is at the hands of your Soros funded twitter mob.
Do you enjoy being called a faggot? Is that why you're attention seeking on here? I can do that for you.

>> No.56223643

You vill DO NOTHING goys
You vill own nothing and be happy
You vill inject ze vaxx
You vill eat ze bugs
You vill live in ze pods

>> No.56223658
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Wagies get what they deserve

>> No.56223677

>bank of Jerusalem
>not legal
What the fuck did this nazi church mean by this

>> No.56223680

Besides a valid threat to someone's safety there are no words that warrant death. You are no better than Muslims beheading people for blasphemy.

>> No.56223691

>The only association between saying nigger and being lynched is at the hands of
the KKK.

>> No.56223693

thats the point its shitty and they wouldnt find that many people to do that if they didnt have an unlimited supply of labor

>> No.56223701

See >>56223556

>> No.56223733

Please say sike

>> No.56223744


>> No.56223796

Or, the DA doesn't want to look "racist" because it's election time soon.

>> No.56223802


>> No.56223845

We are at the point in society where I can't legitimately tell if this is a well-crafted troll post or you are actually fucking serious.

>> No.56223905

It's hilarious because they could literally read books and go outside in the sun all day but instead they seethe constantly and never do any of the things that are basically free and readily available to anyone.

>> No.56223912

>he took the genetic "therapy"

>> No.56223956

>dindu nuffins
>muh wypeepo fault
dont act like a god damn violent vulgar Cro-Magnon ape and maybe you get a little human compassion

>> No.56223965

there's tons of 6 figure jobs with roasties sending emails back and forth. Wages in fast food and retail unironically work harder than a significant number of white collar workers

>> No.56223978

i didnt take it but you have you to be stupid to believe in the depopulation meme

>> No.56223981
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They're gonna get you

>> No.56223996
File: 4 KB, 184x184, e6002606312fb111caafa4e9873b079f3685b49b_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We remain at the point in society where white fragility assumes everything that it can't rationalize comfortably within its worldview is a joke.
I never knew that to be a problem in Texas.

>> No.56224002

Who cares about that shit
Have you even been hunting or fishing? Being out in the woods is awesome

>> No.56224010


>> No.56224016

You deserve what you tolerate. If you tolerate the presence of niggers, then niggers are what you will get.

>> No.56224108

>there has to be a better future otherwise chaos is coming
It's almost like (((they))) have been planning for it.

>> No.56224292

>Baldwin was born as James Arthur Jones to Emma Berdis Jones... Baldwin was born out of wedlock. Jones never revealed to Baldwin who his biological father was.
>In 1949 Baldwin met and fell in love with Lucien Happersberger, a boy aged 17

>> No.56224325
File: 94 KB, 612x612, Jonas Salk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea, it's not like Jonas Salk wrote a book in 1973 saying there are too many people and we should use viruses and vaccines to control the population.
It's totally like that didn't happen.

>> No.56224431

ahh yes some random book by a literally who totally disproves their entire system built on infinite growth as they constantly import millions of people and depopulation would lead to a total collapse of all of their power you opened my eyes bro

>> No.56224519

>Jonas Salk
>literally who
This thread is dildos

>> No.56224611

yeah hes a literally who as in he had 0 power you retard

>> No.56224627

How's the weather in Tel Aviv?

>> No.56224643

>Communism is when I can't call black people the n word.

>> No.56224655

Yeah but you're missing my pointmote people would be more likely to do it if we didn't force people to work so hard and long.

>> No.56224664

I would jump off the roof and die with no soul.

>> No.56224683

what youre describing is just one issue all other issues such as shitty labor conditions and low pay all stem from having an infinite supply of labor

>> No.56224832


>> No.56225069

>charity jobs
Lmao do you actually believe this? If all the goys stopped wageslaving today who would flip burgers and man the retail shop? Do you seriously think the system would keep running if all the goys just quit their deadend jobs at the Mcdonaldrinos and ShartInMarts?
You say it isn't that bad but you wouldn't be caught dead working as a retail wagie.
See this is the problem with this country and why it's going to explode soon. The thought processes and decision making is totally divorced from the machinery and what's actually happening.

>> No.56225151

the people that work these jobs (besides chik fil a) have zero purpose to live and are basically animals surviving on pure instinct, there is no drive to improve themselves and for the most part they really can't because of a mix of low intelligence and bad pay. if you go to a drive thru and your order is wrong/food sucks/etc, just don't go there anymore. Where I live Chick Fil A and a Dairy Queen near the newer white people area are the only viable fast food choices.

>> No.56225387

i once called someone out for scamming people on facebook by calling him a curry filled nigger scum and pointing out exactly what he was doing. the other people in the group started ganging up on me and digging into my personal life and messaging my boss to have me fired. they came to the scammer's side and consoled him.

ever since then i always post from an alt and just let people get taken advantage of. some part of them wants to be. who am i to stop them.

>> No.56225510

I have some bad news anon. Cleetus is real. Don't think you're safe just because you're dealing with whitey. A good portion of them are methed out now too and broken homes are everywhere.

>> No.56225605

Cringe. Accept you're going to die, spiritual midget.

>> No.56225633

That would be based though...? If there really are elites who support an end to most human reproduction, I have to be on their side.

>> No.56225638


>> No.56226742

It really stems more from the profit motive being the central focus of our entire economy. Surplus labor is something that has developed over time along side the historical development of capitalism since the industrial revolution.

>> No.56227237

checked and subtly based

>> No.56227869

>society is collapsing
good. its turned to trash since 2001. then got even worse with social media and smartphones. and no one seems keen on doing anything about it so yeah.. into the trash it goes

>> No.56228365

>Rent costs money, welfare isn't handed out like you think it is, people like having money to buy things like food, clothes, goods.
Black people don't need money to buy shit because they just steal it you dumb gay faggot. Don't @ me again.

>> No.56228732

America is literally a 3rd world country now

>> No.56228798

we got king Arthur over here

>> No.56228862

reminds me of a kid that mocked me at the gym like 10 years ago. i threw a towel into the towel bin and he mocked my throw to make a few of his friends giggle. I told him he should be careful making fun of people he doesn't know in public because it'll get him in trouble with a crazy or violent person some day.
A few years later he was beaten by some mexicans and is now paralyzed. I can only assume because he was being a cocky fag and playing stupid games with stupid prizes.

>> No.56229092


>> No.56229622

Idealism really does rot the brain

>> No.56229719
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lol same happened to me only it was a conservatard boomer that did not like me pointing out on facebook why everyone was so upset over something in France when thousands die from car accidents everyday, made him look like the idiot he was. He tried to pick a fight with me while carrying a gun in an open carry state because he was trying to get me to attack so he could shoot me. A few years later he commited suicide via a gunshot to the head, or his wife killed him, but either way I do not have to worry about him now and I did not even have to do anything.

>> No.56231138

I noticed lately there is an uptick in women (lesbian types) doing aggravated shootings.

>> No.56231168

makes me think of animal behavior studies where scientists purposefully crowd the subjects >>56220057 and observe weird and aberrant behaviors.

>> No.56231202

The fuckery is so much deeper than “the left”

>> No.56231207

Maybe in the past, now we just send tax money to jews

>> No.56231297

To change our relationship to production all we have to do is change the way we distribute capital. All of this stems from money printing.

>> No.56231350

>hating capitalism so much you print fiat currency and distribute it to your friends based on race and gender identity


>> No.56231412

9/11 really was the end, since then it’s just out in the open how evil the top is

>> No.56231430
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Based Shaniqua.

Truckniggers acting like pigs in their lifted 3-ton mobility scooters deserve a .22 caliber to the eye socket straight into the brain.

>> No.56231442

>all it takes is one fucking retard with nothing to lose.
I am that guy

>> No.56231452

This is Reddit bait

>> No.56231459

Why aren't you buying Bitcoin Pedro?

>> No.56231463

Based beyond belief. Our presence keeps these ducks in check, I’m ready to die at the drop of a hat. People used to be killed for so much less than what fucks get away with today

>> No.56231474

>Not just at him, apparently the car also had his pregnant wife and I think a child as well?

Imagine acting like a subhuman piece of garbage in a disgusting pick-up truck with your soon to be obese offspring in it and exposing them to danger through being a total piece of shit.

>> No.56231481

They are psychopaths though and see useless eaters as wasting “their” resources. The culling is coming but not until europeans are culled first.

>> No.56231499

>Defending a piece of shit

You know he did start it. And you're an equal piece of shit if you can't see right from wrong and your own racial bias.

>> No.56231500

Agreed he should have been nowhere near niggers, totally irresponsible

>> No.56231506

Racist hands typed this post

>> No.56231529
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This is you.

>> No.56231530

>he really called her a nigger
>so it’s ok she shot at him if she didn’t kill him

>> No.56231532

>Do you seriously think the system would keep running if all the goys just quit their deadend jobs at the Mcdonaldrinos and ShartInMarts?
COVID pretty much proved this point. The "essential workers" were 90% service workers. The best part is that if all the starbucks and supermarket grunts making minimum wage were suddenly gone, the first people to complain would be those in wealthy positions who feel entitled to the labor of everyone they view as "beneath" them. Heck, it's kind of happening now; people ARE leaving the service industry and choosing to work gigs or other jobs instead of showing up and doing the wagie thing and getting treated like shit by customers, and its why so many places are understaffed. And all the entitled chuds cry "NO ONE WANTS TO WORK ANYMORE", when the truth is that no one wants to work anymore for a multi-billion dollar corporation which pays them poverty wages to put up with dipshits who treat them poorly.

>> No.56231544

Nice projection

>> No.56231549
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Why, yes, how did you know?
But clearly the Shaniqua was in the right and I support her right to shoot some white trucknigger in the face.

>> No.56231561

I think your tampon is ready to be replaced

>> No.56231564
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>They couldn't make a case. The driver probably lied about something that made prosecution difficult, or refused to testify. My guess is he really did call her a nigger and/or threatened her and didn't want that to come out in court and jeopardize his job.

Act like a nigger, and you will be treated like a nigger.
Amazing to see we've got so many trash-tier polchuds out here defending the cage nigger.

>> No.56231580
File: 49 KB, 640x480, 192570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post your truck, cagenigger.
I know your truck and its manufacturer are the basis of 90% of your supposed identity and worthless existence.

>> No.56231610

It is funny how society has formed a word, nigger, where based on race, it is perfectly acceptable daily term, even used in terms of endearment, or it can be used to justify shooting someone in the face and killing them.

>> No.56231637

It's a great designation for anyone worthy of contempt.
Drive-thru goy-slop consuming cagenigger chuds chimping out at wagies in some asscrack in middle America are one such group.

>> No.56231652
File: 759 KB, 854x740, 1609640854473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's why Shaniqua teaching the cagenigger some 22-caliber etiquette is so brilliant and righteous.

>> No.56231664

You belong on Reddit

>> No.56231676
File: 26 KB, 368x368, 1633303285834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been here longer than you, newfag Trumpanzee. In fact, I was one of the founding fathers of the precursor to /pol/ during the /new/ exodus.

>> No.56231730

You spend way too much time on Reddit

>> No.56231803

This, but unironically. Chuds always assert that you should reap what you sow, so what's the reward for instigating a she-boon working at a feed trough for fatties? Seems like he got it.

>> No.56231825
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Based correct-opinion havers.

>> No.56231853

jerk in car = land of the free
nigger with gun = home of the brave

>> No.56231862

Fast food and 90% of retail businesses are completely nonessential. If the west experienced real hardship, wagies would get liquidated a thrown into a war like taking out the trash.

>> No.56232070

You're getting paid in US dollars to participate in this.

>> No.56234949

I boughted 60+ GME shares today. ujel?

>> No.56235013

anon. are you retarded? this webm is but a taste of what's to happen to you and your family if you don't take care of these people.

>> No.56236064

Yeah and fishing and being out in the woods for as many centuries as I feel like is even better.

You're projecting your fears onto me.

Normies, all of you.