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56213171 No.56213171 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.56213188

they'll just ramp up immigration and all will be well again

>> No.56213200

Who gives a shit about Germany?

>> No.56213216

turns out importing third worlders with no will/skill/intelligence to work and killing off the native population with mRNA modifications before having your imperial masters kill your cheap energy supplies will cripple your shit.
Fucking Goymany. Many shabbos goyim here, for real (I don't live in Goymany)

>> No.56213272 [DELETED] 

basierend if true
hopefully it crashes tfo and some other generations can afford to buy

>> No.56213276

how much? having a house in germany doesnt sound so bad

>> No.56213288

Where do you think all those migrants in Lampedusa are headed?

>> No.56213333

The house itself is cheap, the property taxes, the maintenance and the top down climate chang cultist costs in the other hand make it irrational to buy or build houses in Germanistan

>> No.56213340
File: 93 KB, 960x640, uk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U.K has almost as many business bankruptcies than during the Great Recession

But the GDP is positive so everything is fine

>> No.56213378

Germany have the lowest rate of homeownership in Europe, most Germans rent.
As such they don't have the same dynamics/benefits of homeownership than other countries e.g. re-mortgaging, reverse mortgage not really a thing and few tax benefits from being homeowner.
Since their renting culture is the norm, the tenants have special rights and are a demographic which the politicians pander to. For instance they have rent-control laws etc.

The bottomline is that falling house prices in Germany means something very different than it would mean in the US or most other western countries.

>> No.56213400

sounds just as shit as every other western country then

>> No.56213406

It means
>safe and effective
>the US did nordstream

>> No.56213408

Said in another thread. This is literally weakness leaving the economy. Any business that cannot survive the stress test of 5-6% interest rates is a parasite taking resources from efficient businesses and should die.

>> No.56213477

Than you're left with millions of unemployed people and little to no safety net to support it

>> No.56213479

Funnily enough all the big Oligarchical Zombie corporations who haven't made a profit since the 1990's are still up and chugging though

>> No.56213492

Worse. The communists banned gas and oil heating through law while forcing home owners to buy "heat pumps". Only problem there aren't enough qualified technician able to build such "heat pumps", driving the prices for the renewal even higher.

Germany is a communist shitshow on the level of China

>> No.56213496

I'm thinking about moving to germany (if I get a job there), time to sell my stonks now and buy some real state hehehe

I hope they won't figure out that I'm spiritually a jew.

>> No.56213503

>cost of living is finally going down

>> No.56213520

Lmfao. German manufacturer and industry that isn't subsidized by the communist is fleeing the country since last year, while energy prices are the highest in the world BECAUSE of communist subsidized "renewable energy" scamming. The only group of "people" migrating to Germany are sand nigger analphabet to scam welfare

>> No.56213523

Looks like we will not have to live in ze pod after all. Cheap houses incoming. Me and my homies have our redeemed crypto gainz ready. This is the best thing to happen for ordinary Europeans.
OP better not be a bitch ass liar.

>> No.56213563

So moving as a Software Engineer is not a good idea? I found a nice job in audio software that I would be very happy to get.

I know I won't get a high salary (especially because I don't speak German). But rent seems to be fairly cheap (<1k€/month)

>> No.56213566

Bullshit. Try to buy a house in a decent area like Munich, Frankfurt, Hamburg. 800k-1 mil. minimum.

>> No.56213585

Why apartment in Nuremberg are that cheap compared to Munich, etc?

I saw a couple of apartments to buy for about 250k€ (1 bedroom)

>> No.56213588

I will buy a house in germoney and bang germsluts.

>> No.56213607

germ sluts are probably polish / czech / hungarian / romanian / hungarian sluts rather than german ones

> Verification not required.

>> No.56213609

No shit. A house in a decent are is expensive. Whats your fucking point?

>> No.56213621

It's retarded to move to Germany unless you want to scam welfare
>Building houses in highly urbanized regions is expensive
Lmfao, yes it is captain obvious
>Frankfurt, Munich, Hamburg
Those cities are basically the expensive version of Mogadishu by now

>> No.56213628

Clear tell you have never even been to Germany

>> No.56213636

If America did it, nordstream 1 and 2 would be completely destroyed.

Nordstream 2 isn’t completely destroyed and could still be partially used.

Ukraine could’ve even done it. They’ve taken out huge ships and part of a huge bridge with Ukrainian made submarine drones.

>> No.56213645

There is nothing wrong with moving to Germany.
Ignore the dumbasses in this thread

>> No.56213648

>Germanistan home ownership rates already lower than anywhere pleasant to live
>it's somehow bad that houses are going down in price

>> No.56213661

Ok, thanks anon!

>> No.56213678

Fuck real estate agents everywhere. Near zero value added to community.
For ordinary EU people this housing price crash is a godsend

>> No.56213679

Nuremberg is a fucking ghetto. If you want to move to a decent German speaking country, Austria, Luxembourg or the Eastern Belgium

>> No.56213684

Shut the fuck up already, you retarded sperg

>> No.56213699

Hey I lived in Germany, the only decent cities in Germanistan were sub 150k towns in Eastern Germany and that was 15 years ago. With the flooding, the energy prices and the industry fleeing that communist shithole, I even doubt that the East is liveable these days

>> No.56213707

Can you make sense of the articles of nouns in German language? There just is no system! Infuriating af. Just rote learn the article for every noun. No wonder English came on top of being the lingua franca of the world

>> No.56213714

How could I tell, youre not a german.
Noone gives a fuck about your retarderd opinion, nigger

>> No.56213716

Well Nuremberg is like 50% of immigrants. But that's where I might get a job, can't choose

>> No.56213749

There is a very autistic system, and with new speak it has become even more autistic, which is funny because most new germs speak Turkified German
Wonder why you get a job there? Because noone wants to be there. Do yourself a favor and before you mover to Germanistan, do a holiday tour through that shithole, you are quickly going to realize that it's a bad idea to move there.

>> No.56213790

Yeah, what a shithole, you seething sperg


>> No.56213806

I hate real estate index funds and investment firms, mega debt tech real estate scammers like Zillow, and foreign property investors more than real estate agents. But I still hate them too.

>> No.56213866

Property tax isnt much, atleast at my location (varies)

>> No.56213877

>Nuremberg is only the historic inner city
Yes every inner city in Europe looks "nice" but that's ignoring 90% of the rest of the city being a Middle Eastern ghetto.
The Inner city of Vienna, Graz and Innsbruck are also nice, the moment you drive one station outside of the inner city you think you are in the middle east

>> No.56213946

Property taxes are just one aspect on why it's retarded to build in Germany. The biggest issue is naturally the communist top down over regulation and "green" client politics trying to shove their scams down peoples throat with rule by law. Vonovia didn't stop developing housing projects for fun

>> No.56214481

UK hasn't entered a recession yet but July growth was negative and will most likely follow suit either in Q4 or ealy next year

>> No.56214530

blablabla, keep sperging


>> No.56214654

My uncle bought for 180k 11 yrs ago and sold one a week ago for 800k. Not sure if demands going down because his property was sold in 3 days.

>> No.56214739

>See goyim we HAVE to keep printing more fiat

>> No.56216131

shut up. Goymany is third world now. Unironically. Nothing will salvage this shithole ever again except the end of civilization and eons of time.

>> No.56216143
File: 903 KB, 220x208, 1536238339889.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You really came back, just for another spergout?

>> No.56216151

If Ukraine did it, the US did it.

>> No.56216171

Jesus christ, bots to shill for Goymany? Man this is so fucking pathetic.

>> No.56216180

What makes you think im a bot, you pathetic sperg?

>> No.56216200

That should be obvious to anyone with a brain.

>> No.56216207

So, not you. You antigerman piece of shit

>> No.56216240

>muh antigerman
germany has been dead for a long time now. No one alive has ever seen it.

>> No.56216243

Call me when the same happens in C*nada.

>> No.56216245

You certainly havent, becaus I have proven you wrong ceveral times:


>> No.56216288

>place built by now dead people
>now inhabited by invaders
Unlike (you) I have a memory of what germany used to look like not even 30 years ago. It is just an economic zone now, nothing more.
Egypt ain't the same as the guys who built the Pyramids even though they still stand and the name is still there.

>> No.56216299

In countries without gun rights this is not actually a problem.

>> No.56216303

Yeah, these arent germans, you retarded nigger, Just stay in the shithole youre in now.


>> No.56216335

>look there's still some eternally enslaved goymanys here
yeah, just like there are some christians in lebanon etc. Fuck off, tell your supervisor you suck ass and to invest all those euros into something useful. Bot.

>> No.56216643

>and suddenly the bot vanishes
do not go to germany and support this shithole with your work. you'll only prolong this gay technocratic communist retard vassal regime

>> No.56216671

There is no point argueing with a stupid cunt like you. Youve been proven wrong over and over again.
Youre only here to talk shit.

>> No.56216728

and you are wasting the gigantic government budget of germany to shill on an obscure basket weaving forum.

>> No.56216740

You already admitted youre not german. Of course I defend my country from scum like you.

>> No.56216743

you have to work less time for the same house.
if you think that's bad you are a retard.

>> No.56218383

>scum like you
meanwhile 75 percent of (nu-)germans are not working while the rest slaves away, giving 75% of their salary back to the government for gibs. (50% by the employer, 25 % by the taxman and that's not including VAT at ridiculous 19%).
Gotta feed those useless socialist you proud german.

>> No.56218396

essen die scheisse

>> No.56218413

Never said anything about building

>> No.56218439

This, except unironically this is exactly what will happen.

>> No.56218443

Not my problem.

>> No.56218620

>Ukraine did it
>if US did it, it would have worked

>> No.56219893

Austria went full fascho during COVID.

>> No.56221877


Are you telling me I can make MAD money being running a biz installing heat pumps in Germany?.....


>> No.56221923


sperg is most likely a Russian

>> No.56221956


ok guaranteed Russian now

>> No.56221962

Disgusting eurotrash don’t have free houses for everyone?

>> No.56221971

Housing in Europe has to be one of the dumbest "investments" someone can make except maybe housing in Canada.

>> No.56221981

There are tons of Africans in Zimbabwe but the house prices aren't high. People who think immigration will cause house prices to go up are fucking retarded

>> No.56221993

Yes the treasonous unity government of Cuckservatives WEF eco fascists, champagne socialist and EU libtard cucks did, while the moderate right wingers are now sitting at 35%+, only 30% of the population took jab number two and up to 300k people were raving through the streets of Vienna every weekend for 4 months to protest against the globalist attempts at forcing people into the needle through rule By Law

>> No.56221994

Except China is still manufacturing things unlike Germany.

>> No.56222040
File: 521 KB, 1080x1575, IMG_20230928_030013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure?

>> No.56223267

>guaranteed russian
you amerimutts don't know any different, you want to make the world a shithole like yours so you're not reminded of what s shithole culture you have.
>anyone i don't like is a russian
fuck off diversity mutt.
Europe used to be beautiful. No longer.

>> No.56223295

this is barely the interests
this is all the energy costs making every real business dead on arrival
so all manufacturing leaves and you are left with services that dont require energy
so the steel mill closes down, the auto maker, but the poodle walker and office snack diversity consultant are still around
now tell me again about strength and weakness

>> No.56223403

i dont get how people can get so stupid about this shit
before you make a major life decision like immigrating for a job you go there for a week on holiday and check out the place and not just the touristy areas
or are you really that retarded to think that german cities all look like the historic market square and a build up short term amusement park

>> No.56225700

nooo you must be a russian!