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56210019 No.56210019 [Reply] [Original]

imagine doing this shit for minimum wage
and then some jerkoff films you with his phone instead of helping you and shares it for the world to see


>> No.56210367

What would be the correct way to retrieve that box? Looks like they just sent the dumbest most expendable member of staff to get it.

>> No.56210402

Looks like a fun job actually. I would add sound effects with my mouth when going up and down and retrieving stuff

>> No.56210423

Shut up bot

>> No.56210445

I hate this webm. I hate how the dumb boomer is just watching and flailing his hands because he's afraid to help. I hate how the person filming gets up close to the poor sod instead of going around the store for assistance. I hate how some people even seem to be laughing at the guy, as if being crushed by a fuckhuge box is humorous. This isn't funny, it's sad. The guy doesn't even seem particularly stupid, he's just doing what he's been told to do within his means and now he's suffering.

If you listen to the clip, he is in abject agony. All men are required to keep the world on their shoulders and if you do it incorrectly, you're made into a laughing stock. In this unfortunate fuck's case, that became his literal existence, and no one cares, they just treat him as "expendable." Because all men can be replaced, right? Let's just shame every single man who puts honest effort into his work, while we sit from our ivory towers as if we wouldn't react exactly the same way. I'd like to see a woman, or an African-American male, get treated this way, but everyone knows that this just so happens to be a white male humiliation ritual and nothing more.

We're a sick society full of incompetent bystanders having giggle fits at mens' misery. Burn this place to the fucking ground.

>> No.56210474

this is old news. he ended up suing lowes shortly after and settled for a couple hundred grand after lawyer fees.

yeah he may seem dumb but the real dumbasses involved in this video is lowes management and the cameraman exploiting him for clout not realizing the ironic consequence of giving him an easy out of wage slaving.

>> No.56210477
File: 30 KB, 580x454, thanksforplaying.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if being crushed by a fuckhuge box is humorous

>> No.56210486

That's good, I hope he can NEET it up for the rest of his life instead of having to be embarrassed on social media.

>> No.56210488

1. Get a man to do it.
2. These is no 2

>> No.56210493


There is no 'management' here. These are all store cucks.

>> No.56210508

>for minimum wage
Home Depot starts at $19/hr here. Not high earners or anything but that's double the current minimum.

>> No.56210518
File: 526 KB, 220x165, tenor (5).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as if being crushed by a fuckhuge box is humorous

>> No.56210525

yeah its sad as shit. well said

>> No.56210545

Yeah moving boxes 8 hours per day for 40 years sounds extremely fun

>> No.56210575

Here's a life hack for you: just don't work lmao. Especially not a shit min wage warehouse job.
Nobody is forcing you to do it.

>> No.56210605

That box was full of ICP bags. Poor guy was lucky he didnt get crushed to death by the weight.

>> No.56210683

Unreal how majority of brain dead idiots like yourself see this and think there was any serious level of potential danger even present

>> No.56210723

>endomorph holding a massive heavy box on a shaky platform, pinned and unable to do anything is perfectly safe goy

>> No.56210774

tis is what happens when popular things on sicko TV like Hunger Games and such.
what kind of mind fucked brain logic rewiring need to happen to enjoy or be interested in watching such shows with plots like that.
culture is ultimately fucked right now. seems like it wont get better and till its mostly destroyed and then maybe rebuilt but who know what kind of beast would rise form the ashes of this shit clown world

>> No.56211034

You're not very bright are you?

>> No.56211176

>Nobody is forcing you to do it.
I think the constant danger of living on the streets and getting fucked by niggers and not being able to eat is the one forcing people to be wagies.

>> No.56211425

I started laughing uncontrollably while watching this video.
Am I becoming the Joker?

>> No.56211431

There's a record amount of homeless Americans. I think they're figuring out it's a less stressful life than working minimum wage.

>> No.56211614

>for 40 years
If you gather $0 savings and no ambition to move forward that's a skill issue

>> No.56211668

It's not a skill issue. Working minimum wage used to be enough to pay for college or buy a house. It's a sign that the US is declining.

>> No.56211692

Nobody at Lowes earns minimum wage though. Also my point still stands when you're talking over a lifetime. Poor people are usually poor because of a lifetime of bad decisions

>> No.56211708

even if that were true, which its not, the people of previous eras spent a lot less. like a shit-ton less.

wages are bad and wagies are abused. there is a social component to it that is really ugly. but acting like there was some golden era where $7.50 was enough to make it is lunacy.

>> No.56212054

The box was too wide for the elevator to begin with.

>> No.56212203
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>> No.56212320

>that's not a good idea

>> No.56212348

2 men for no effort instead of a pussy.

>> No.56212359 [DELETED] 

You won't do shit nigger. There's a capitalist to kill on every block and you won't do shit.

>> No.56212392

fight back

>> No.56212489

Every subjugated population freed themselves by slaughtering their slavers. Eventually they spoil their kids, lose their identities and start the cycle over.
As for niggers, largely a victim of circumstance forced into survival mode, they know not what they do by design. The cartels, mafia, well organized tribes subverting government to kill their subjects on a massive scale (not backyard grove street) are the real dangers. Go after the demons using their law to weaponize the shitbulls against everyone else, rehabilitation of the hapless animals will naturally follow.

>> No.56212509

Put box on pallet and use a forklift

>> No.56212628

You reacted like a bitch. if that guy was alpha, he would have thrown that box on the floor, or refused to do the dangerous task

You get abused then cry like a bitch. more fool you

>> No.56212643

>laugh at the wage slaves on ~$8 a day

>> No.56212653

Fakest shit ever. You can see the box moving around easily because it barely weighs anything lol

>> No.56212667

number one bitch move is to cry frantically for help

youre a grown ass man. imagine screaming for help like a bitch LMAO

>> No.56212689

It very well could have hurt, but he reacted like a massive pussy. I fell and fractured my humerus in two places and didn't even cry like that. Plus he could've just stepped down the lower part of the platform and been fine.

>society is unfair to men blablabla
There are clear differences between men and women. This guy acted like a womanly faggot. It may be unfair but it's the reality. Simple as.

>> No.56212690

convinced that this guy staged the whole thing with the high pitched screaming in order to get a pay out and enjoy the NEET Life

>> No.56212712

>Yeah moving boxes 8 hours per day for 40 years sounds extremely fun

oh sorry, your dumb cuck ass needs 10 work meetings a day with dumb roast beef hags in order to feel "stimulated" right?

or staring at a screen making some cuck code stupidity

>> No.56212734

>I didn't cry in this completely different situation (which wasn't video'd btw) so therefore this other guy is a faggot while I am le based alpha
Fucking proofread the things you people type holy shit

>> No.56212763

imagine getting ass mad as a grown man because you cant throw a hissy fit and scream like a woman without other people laughing at you

how do i know you are a coddled loser

>> No.56212813

A real man would help and comfort his fellow man when they're freaking out instead of calling him a "womanly faggot" like some narcissistic cunt.
>How do I know you are a coddled loser
I had a few panic attacks when I was younger and dumber and guess what? Nobody helped me, because they have the same cancerous mindset you psychopaths do.

>> No.56212825

Making a couple hundo grand for some mild discomfort is a pretty good way to learn that modern society will fucking murder you for doing what you're told. Best Outcome.

>> No.56212896

Would lifting have saved him?

>> No.56212902

ive seen this word thrown around here more and more. first about boomers, now about real men.. kek.

Calling people narcissistic is inherently womanly. We are not here to be your little buddy boyos, we are in a competition for resources.

if you cannot even convince me you are strong and worthy of respect, everyone will just laugh at you until you adjust your behaviour accordingly

you can drop out of society and "stick it to us" by being an even poorer loser.
No one gives a shit. go cope and have your little feminine "panic attacks"

clearly your parents did not love you enough to teach you about the world and let you rot your brain on stupid videogames, movies, and being a little pussy

>> No.56212939

Ah, so you're a demoralization shill. Have a nice day, and maybe ease up on the Reddit spacing next time you sperg out with the boomer rhetoric.

>> No.56212971

>Reddit spacing

more onions language from the feminized beta zoomoid

like clockwork. now go back to having panic attacks lmfao. let me guess. mommy had the doctors diagnose you with several mental illnesses :( aww diddums... that means youre special :))

>> No.56213023

Yes, he is a pussy. There's nothing that needed to be proofread as everything I stated is correct. You may not like it, but it's true.
I never said I would have personally laughed at him or called him a pussy in that situation, but that's how the world will view him. Especially through a social media video.

Stop crying so much and just accept that the world is an unfair place. You'll never change this so it's not the hill to die on.

>> No.56213078


>> No.56213201

>pussy boy having panic attacks
>crying the world isnt fair disney movie logic
>calls other people cowards

i think you are confused. oh sorry is that "narcissistic" of me.


>> No.56213245
File: 13 KB, 255x247, 1588186306882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

way better with sound kek

>> No.56213436

dumb system
the heavy large shit should be on the bottom

>> No.56215100
File: 1.21 MB, 960x960, 1506815801839.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56216858

No lawsuit was ever filed, guy lied to you because he's a butt hurt wagie and he's upset about getting dabbed on.

>> No.56217513

He's right that a real man would help his fellow man, even if that fellow man is kind of maybe crying about it too much. I unironically think what would my dad do and he would immediately go into "solve the problem" mode and try to direct him with directions, direct other people around, re-position himself to be as optimal as possible, etc. You sound like you'd be a cowardly faggot who'd laugh safely disguised by a false security of "what everyone else is doing". A true weakling. I hope not, though.

>> No.56217592

>he ended up suing lowes shortly after and settled for a couple hundred grand after lawyer fees.
This is false, Lowes literally just fired everyone in the video.

>> No.56218465


>> No.56218511

this. holy fuck its a gorillion times better with sound.

>> No.56218528

fucking jogger just videoing. people are so fucking lame. I will never work again because we live and work around people that will just film your demise rather than help.

its over.

>> No.56218614

You are not an alpha. You are an intolerable insufferable weak cowardly sissy cuck faggot bitch nigger uberbeta bitchboi. Everyone posting in this thread knows this, you must of all. I’m glad cowardly faggots like you suffer