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56206402 No.56206402 [Reply] [Original]

How is the mainstream supposed to take crypto seriously when it's all meme coins, monkey jpegs, and nigger-faggot-inu?

>> No.56206414

Chainlink will shift sentiment

>> No.56206416

People don't take shiny rocks seriously either

>> No.56206427

That's why you've been focusing on slurping BTC, XRP and LINK...right?

>> No.56206441

don't use the n word seriously

>> No.56206469

Nigger is a normal word. If you are afraid of the word nigger, congratulations, you programmed yourself with post 1945 new speak. Deprogram yourself, say nigger

>> No.56206479

>racism outside of /b/
yikes, not cool

>> No.56206529

Define racism and make me laugh brainwashed nigger

>> No.56206530
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It's not about whitepapers or coin metrics or any of that BULLSHIT. It is about use case, infrastructure, distribution. Through the lighting network and firms like Strike, Bitcoin is actually providing trustless payments not only through the internet but also in retail through partnerships with large payment terminal vendors. Open source private hard money (Bitcoin and Lughtning) is the signal everything else is noise. Think about the last time you have transacted or used Ethereum or any of this other shit and think about whether normoids are foaming at the mouth for that or could even figure out how to use it efficiently for any purpose other than speculation and entertainment.

>> No.56206604

being any edgy little boy on the internet isn't cool anon

>> No.56206621

Nigger has nothing to do with edgy. It's a normal word that is being tried to be eradicated top down. The word, due to the top down authoritarian manipulation of speech attempt is by now less a description of a nigger but a battle cry for anti censorship and speech manipulation

>> No.56206651

>Nigger has nothing to do with edgy
>very epic edgy boy. You'd be the coolest kid in an xbox lobby

>> No.56206663
File: 440 KB, 2000x3000, R-8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nazi (new speak definition) seething that he can't cancel the word

>> No.56207187

Yikes not cool dude

>> No.56207195

same way they take the banking system seriously
it's in the background and they don't need to hear about it or understand it

>> No.56207199

what the fuck is your problem bro...?

>> No.56207254

Go back

>> No.56207276

>How is the mainstream supposed to take crypto seriously
Elon Musk

>> No.56207293

go back where??

>> No.56207303

Ok hol up. There is a disturbing amount of the use of the n-word in this thread. Everyone who has posted hitherto has had their account rating taken down a notch.


Not my problem.

>> No.56207313

I take the banking system seriously because I can walk into any store, swipe my plastic banking system card, and they let me walk out the store with anything I want.

>> No.56207336

>Newfag telling others to go back
Kill yourself, /b/ro.