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File: 118 KB, 512x680, qredochan-in-france.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56202281 No.56202281 [Reply] [Original]

I've had word from my primary financial advisor today.
She said she's planning on buying in very soon (days presumably).

>> No.56202297

the anal rape delivered by this coin was nothing short of remarkable

>> No.56202312

Everything's down 90-99.5%+.
For example I've read that 99.5% of the crypto currency coin 'Avalanche' are now in loss.

>> No.56202340

What a silly name. Why did they call their crypto currency coin "Avalanche?"

>> No.56202360

I've read a possible explanation about that as well.

>> No.56202383
File: 1.26 MB, 1024x1360, 1695710031602863.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Qredo, a leading provider of institutional-grade digital asset self-custody solutions, is pleased to announce its participation as one of the institutional partners in the Avalanche Spruce testnet.

Basically buying AVAX should be the top priority here.

>> No.56202386

Man I bought this late '21 and got completely wrecked. I assumed the money is gone.

>> No.56202410
File: 539 KB, 960x500, Avaxchan briefing you about your journey to the earths core.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

QRDO: -99.55%
AVAX: -93.82%

Should have bought AVAX instead. And it makes more sense to buy AVAX anyway, with AVAX you bet on all Subnets.

>> No.56202431

This meme implies it will hit a floor of zero before going back up. I will consider buying the crypto currency coin known as Avax when it reaches zero dollars as your picture foretells.

>> No.56202430

There are too many unknowns about this partnership.
Take ChainLink (tiddly: LINK) for example, many of their partners aren't paying anything at all.
This partnership deployment also seems to be solely on testnet.

Their token is on Ethereum and not on Avalanche, it would be quite risky to launch on Avalanche because of all the double spends.

We're squeezing the VCs right now.

>> No.56202470

>There are too many unknowns about this partnership.
Not at all, they will run a Subnet and to run a Subnet AVAX has to be staked.
its very straightforward actually.
>This partnership deployment also seems to be solely on testnet.
for now
>Their token is on Ethereum and not on Avalanche
not an issue, its easy to Bridge tokens to Avalanche.
>because of all the double spends.
that was a double mint which is not the same thing as a double spend, also that was over 2 years ago.
nobody cares about bugs that were patched a long time ago. strangely enough the only people to bring it up are paid fudders, which are overall irrelevant to Avalanches success.
wont happen tho.
buy low sell high or fomo in at the top like you always do. its your choice.

>> No.56202694
File: 77 KB, 1024x576, 1664896601165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the AVAX needed has likely been given to them by the Avalanche company or VC backers, since they have plenty.
If Avalanche gives all their partners free AVAX to create subnets as advertisement, it doesn't make much sense to buy AVAX now, does it!?

>> No.56202731

>And the AVAX needed has likely been given to them by the Avalanche company or VC backers
>it doesn't make much sense to buy AVAX now, does it!?
buy low sell high

>> No.56202740

I have a girlfriend except I pay her for sex and our relationship is purely transactional. You should bring her on dates because she will become more attractive in the future.

>> No.56202771

>buy low sell high
You're saying you have to buy the coin that has dropped the most because it will go up the most?
In that case, you should buy QRDO!

>> No.56202782

>In that case, you should buy QRDO!
no you should buy AVAX, Avalanche has more potential and by buying AVAX you bet on ALL Subnets, not just on QRDO.

>> No.56202880

Qredo Network has the monopoly on institutional wallets, with Qredo you bet on every single crypto and every single chain, including Bitcoin.

>> No.56202914

>Qredo Network has the monopoly on institutional wallets
Subnets are more important.
Avalanche Subnets will tokenize all the Assets in the World.

>> No.56202938

I hope you are wrong. If the deed to my house gets double spent it will be rather bothersome.

>> No.56202945

If subnets are so important why does the price keep going down all the time?

>> No.56203014

are you illiterate or something?
it was a double MINT not a double spend, these are two different things.
go read up on them, you can read right?
Also again, the bug was fixed over 2 years ago and it is a non issue.
we are in a bear market and most Subnets have not launched yet.
If you arent a mouthbreather you buy before the Subnets launch and before the other Subhumans figure it out.
so again, buy low sell high.

>> No.56203055

So you're saying nobody wants to launch subnets, that doesn't make me want to buy AVAX.

>> No.56203100

>So you're saying nobody wants to launch subnets
you really must be illiterate

>> No.56203118

If someone double mints the deed to my house how do I know which is the original? Or will Avax labs buy me a second house? How do we decide who keeps which house? I guess we could flip a coin.

>> No.56203120

Check the ids, that's another person you accused before.
When you keep failing getting your point across with many different people, you should really try to be honest and improve yourself instead of putting them blame on everyone else.

>> No.56203149
File: 19 KB, 400x400, 1615955794929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every thread that you post qredo drops lower b-but you're squeezing le ebbin VC's right?!?!?!?!

>> No.56203187

go be a retarded nigger somewhere else.
Crypto seems to complicated for a peanut brain like you, you cant even figure out what the words mean lmao

>Check the ids, that's another person you accused before.
and that means you cant read the thread? you must be retarded.

>> No.56203209
File: 260 KB, 687x799, lawl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

haha yea

>> No.56203210

they are retards like all the coinmetro trannys.
I'm honestly surprised they havent roped already after Kadena stole all their money kek

>> No.56203245

You are right and I am sorry. Avax never had a double spend bug. It was actually a septuple spend bug. I am going to go study my dictionary to ensure mistakes like this don't happen again.

>> No.56203276
File: 1007 KB, 1024x1024, 1690519939446953.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you put in so much effort anon, they're clearly fucking with you
but it's always refreshing seeing AvaxChans everywhere
the highest form of flattery is imitation, and they don't do this with any other project else but Avalanche because it's the only legitimate threat and our existence still makes them seethe

>> No.56203330
File: 124 KB, 712x899, Avax chan going down.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the highest form of flattery is imitation
You use the default settings to churn out anime girls. Of course other low effort posters will make similar anime girls.

>> No.56203540

you dont have enough brain mass to figure it out.
Its funny how it backfired on them, first they stole AVAXchan and then it turned out their Qredo shitcoin is actually partnered with Avalanche.
So kinda funny that they now shill Avalanche, unknowingly.
>Of course other low effort posters will make similar anime girls.
they didnt make them themselves, Coinmetro trannys are too poor for a good GPU so all they do is crop out AVAXchan and add their gaypride flag to it in MSpaint.
kinda pathetic.

>> No.56203635
File: 1.83 MB, 1850x2229, subnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I also find it hilarious how the you will be a subnet meme actually became reality
the tranny foundation has been on an eternal cope ever since
Kadena will unironically become a subnet seeing as their greedy kike devs after dumping on their community for the past 4 years are now shifting towards EVM integrations

>> No.56203658

>that pic
but yea its true, eventually everyone will bend their Knees for Avalanche.

>> No.56203714 [DELETED] 

Giving "partners" free nodes like ChainLink and Avalanche is something very different from giving out grants to builders to kickstart a DeFi ecosystem.

Me being trans doesn't change the fact that Avalanche only goes down.

Partnerships don't mean anything, it's just marketing to trick retail.

>> No.56203764

Giving "partners" free nodes like ChainLink and Avalanche is something very different from giving out grants to builders to kickstart a DeFi ecosystem.

Someone being trans or not doesn't change the fact that Avalanche only goes down.

Partnerships don't mean anything, it's just marketing to trick retail.

>> No.56204358

looks like the troon bot is broken