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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56202233 No.56202233 [Reply] [Original]

/Career/ - General

>current job
>future career plans

>> No.56202252

>econ and statistics
>statistics for the government
>reading this thread

>> No.56202254

Do business that cooperated to enforce the china flu bail out scam bankrupt?
Have "experts", "journalists", "scientists" and "celebrities" that propagated the lies around the china flu bail out scam been hanged?
Have politicians and administrators local to international been blood eagled for enacting policy regarding the china flu bail out scam?

There is no reason to ve productive

>> No.56202257

Not doxxing myself, glowie mother fucker

>> No.56202285
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>BSc. Business Administration & MSc. Finance
>Trainee Corporate Banking at Boulge Bracket bank in Frankfurt
>work 5-10 years and then fuck off to comfy PE job

>> No.56202704

>High school
> Freelance DevSecops consultant specialized in Compliance auditing
> 200K+/year
> Expanding freelance business to SMB

>> No.56203015
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data mining thread
data mining thread
data mining thread
data mining thread
data mining thread
data mining thread

>> No.56203038 [DELETED] 

Kek, nice anon

>Bsc Aerospace engineering
>Product manager in Berlin (1 year as PM, 3 years as an engineer, 6 years as customer and technical support)
>wanna start e-commerce/digital service business

>> No.56203080

>BS in CS
>Software Engineer
>Continue wagecucking as a WFH software engineer until I can LeanFIRE/NEET in dad's house

>> No.56203101

product manager seems like a comfy role, how do you find it?

>> No.56203485
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>E-commerce editor
>anything better than this

>> No.56203532

>Principal at a small-ish VC firm (~50M AUM)
>$75k plus carry and .1% of the fund
>ride the rising tide of my firm or catch another one up. My goal is $1M yearly total comp in 10 years.

>> No.56204434

>BS in physics
>backend software engineer

find one of those mythical 500k a year tech jobs

>> No.56204462

Whats your background? How did you land the vc role?

>> No.56205097

by far the most common way this happens is connections. Maybe from school, maybe from daddy's golf buddy. as george carlin said, its a big club and you aint in it.

>> No.56205320
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>AAS in electronics
>engineering technician
>buy house in a rural area, quit job, work under the table, collect government benefits, check out of society

>> No.56205574

Sadly >>56205097 is correct in 90% of cases, but I just became an extreme expert in my field by being an obsessive researcher and working on/helping with startup projects for a few years, then I found a small VC fund that needed an analyst for those types of businesses. I continued to be a super indispensable bigbrain and really really good at my job until now (2.5 yrs later), so I guess if you find yourself in the 99.9th percentile for IQ and are also extremely charming and hardworking, you can do it too. Alot also get in just by being from some jerkoff rich boy school or daddy's golf buddy has a fund. I didn't have any of that shit, in fact I was homeless for a good portion of my teen years, so at least I can say I am completely self-made by some definition.

I can't recommend it enough however, I love this job. I just sit like Caesar and give the thumbs up or thumbs down based on my opinion of the company, and am paid ok enough.

>> No.56205598

>high school
>WFH Software engineer
>$500,000 wfh with only 2 hours of work per week
>none im set

>> No.56205674

>No degree
>$1000 from SS
>Starting a drop shipping website

>> No.56205682

>>current job
it consultant - do M&A integrations for big corps
>>future career plans
getting the fuck out of this souless industry and living on a beach in mexico

>> No.56205698
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You should be productive in training your marksmanship and physical fitness.
You can find the pdf of pic rel online for free

>> No.56205712

>Litigation Associate
>Investing spare chunks in LUNC, LINK, BTC, AVAX, BAT and others until I can quit my job.

>> No.56205732

fuck you, glowfatass

>> No.56206593

>BA in communications, MBA just finished
>fricking Helpdesk Support
>$60,000 a year (atleast im not larping like half this thread)
>changing careers, because I am stuck in a dead-end job. Am joining the Army reserves in 2 months to learn IT then getting an IT degree then applying to government jobs.

How good is my plan?

>> No.56206665
File: 9 KB, 217x320, IMG_8133.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BS, Mechanical Engineering
>Mechanical Design Engineer
>$67,000 (4 years of experience)
>I have none

>> No.56207355

> 26
> masters in stats (from top notch school)
> recently laid off Software engineer (interviewing at top hedgies now)
> 140k (was making that, now 0)
> LINK, thinking about settling for lower paying job to stay WFH

>> No.56207375

working for 5 years in data science for a defense contractor. Recently learned I have a security clearance.

What's the play? (I know about that website for cleared personnel)

>> No.56207381
File: 107 KB, 480x608, philosophy of knowledge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit, do you even need to go to school to investment bank? All you really do is study macroeconomic trends and look at TA. And the TA work can just be done by computers

>> No.56207438

openai tell andy the sand dollars guy says hi

>> No.56207461

>all the newfags answering
Go back faggots

>> No.56209104


>AA at community college lol
>Systems Engineer + side consulting company
>96k + 100-120k
>hold the line. optimize consulting company, open MSP in my city and quit day job.

>> No.56210299
File: 126 KB, 750x1109, FekLwpOWQAAKvHo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>senior accountant
>$90k remote
>become accounting manager in globohomo medtech

>> No.56213069
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Bumping, also nice double dubs.

>> No.56213228

>B2b sales, lol
>$38k base + commission
>Wait a year for a raise and go do sales for a different company because sales isn't so bad.

>> No.56213254

>current job
$245K TC
>future career plans
keep grinding until i hit at least $300k TC then save/invest until i have $10M. wanted to retire by 40 but might have to push it out

>> No.56213261

>fuck u data miner

>> No.56213262

are you social? or rather not talk to random people in day-to-day life?

>> No.56213273

>current job
pee pee inspector
>future career plans
poo poo inspector

>> No.56213514
File: 3.70 MB, 256x171, 364396722_960755121883053_3941572890743129858_n.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>taking degree in finance
>project manager (part time)
>your mom

>> No.56213715

> 22
> MSc financial engineering
> Buy-side Analyst
> 280K AED per annum
> no plan just make more money

>> No.56214464

>Cant say
>retired at 40

>> No.56214648

>Own consulting business

IT is the path for career growth if you have half a brain. I am a certified autistic midwit and somehow i have done it.

>> No.56214680

Industrial Engineering
>>current job
language teacher
>>future career plans
CPA in Japan

>> No.56215793

>/biz/ actually expects me to believe the average person here is making >$150k in a white collar profession
What goes through people's heads when they lie on the internet? We all know the average salary is $50k.

>> No.56215800
File: 3.65 MB, 640x266, laughing chris evans stop my invincible son.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age: too old to be on this forum
>degree: nunyabizness
>current job: Nword sayer (unpaid)
>salary: $0
>future career plans: become an hero

>> No.56216053

bachelors in business
>current job
data analyst
52k usd
>future career plans
Work a couple of more years to reach 40 ss credits, play up my autism to get a diagnosis and ssdi eligibility, retire overseas on lcol country

>> No.56216534

>LOL none and zero student debt ever
>SWE at big tech
>base $180k/y, bonus $36k/y, RSU grants $120k/y, lots of other benefits probably worth like $10k
>retire as a millionaire at 35 after saving >85% of my take home pay for a decade and change, then idk, do drugs and watch tv all day

>> No.56216564

So mech E's being capped at 70k isn't just a fud meme???

>> No.56216824

Do CPAs do well in Japan? I know we can make good money here in the States but places like U.K. and Canada make shit
t.pyreuing bach in accounting

>> No.56216894

I don't know if there is a JP equivalent designation to the US's CPA, but Accounting/Finance VP's and Directors make an average of 12,000,000 JPY according to this website https://worldsalaries.com/average-salary-in-japan/.. Which is around $80,000 USD. I am an entry level accounting analyst at my company and I make 82k whereas my VP makes 240,000 and Accounting Director makes 400,000. Japanese salaries have been suppressed for many years although the COL is cheaper there compared to where I live in the US (middle of the country)

>> No.56216945

>physics for the government
>reading this thread lol

>> No.56216982

how did you get a clearance without realizing?

>> No.56217259

>$75k plus carry and .1% of the fund
genuinely curious what does this mean? what does this amount to?

>early 30s
>various degrees
>good pay
>climb the ladder

>> No.56217470

You fucked up by joining the Army Reserves after you finished school. The only reason to join the military now is for the education benefits
t. zogbot

>> No.56218083

>BS in Accounting
>Public Accounting wagie slavie
>get CPA license and move to industry so I can have my Saturdays back. If not I'll just go be a homeless vagrant

>> No.56218112

Why is it that every software engineer in big tech is 23-29? Where the fuck are the ones that are 40 or 50? Do they all just fuck off and retire by then? You'd think there be tons of 45 year olds making $1.2m a year or whatever but I never see them here or on plebbit

>> No.56218177

when you make that much you can retire by early 30s, and good thing too because there's a lot of ageism in tech. that or you become a huge consoooomer and keep working i guess, especially if you work your way up to manager, for most the grind just wouldn't be worth it i imagine
it'll be a little harder to do that now since everyone also got a massive IPO and got literal millions just for working 1-2 years at startups. that party ended

>> No.56218196

>some dumb certs
>god i have no idea it makes me sad probably going back to school out of lack of ideas. thankfully my family is well off

>> No.56218433

>architecture certificate
>gibs receiver
>receive more gibs

>> No.56218618

Applied math
>current job
Own and operate a commercial cleaning company
100k-ish usd
>future career plans
Keep growing this shit, hopefully manage to have others take over, maybe sell