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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56200324 No.56200324 [Reply] [Original]

Bought a lot in 2018 after seeing funny memes and getting spoonfed. Basically disappeared around 2020-2021 after the crazy bull run summer and the Dogecoin mania thing.

Its been a couple of years now and I absolutely haven't kept up with the developments of LINK and stuff. Can someone unironically drop a quick rundown and spoonfeed again? How far are we from the singularity?

>> No.56200328

every chink deserves torture

>> No.56200343

Use the catalog dipshit retard. All you have to do is type link

>> No.56200568

ccip came out
staking came out
swift came out

post more linkchan pls

>> No.56201112

>go to archives
>search "link" "chainlink"
>select (show op posts only)
>read every thread

>> No.56201308

You've missed literal terabytes worth of mindless FUD and an occasional decent thread. Chainlink is 100 times bigger than we thought it was going to be though so that's good.

>> No.56201316

A lot of it seems to be full of very bitter FUD and shitflinging between people nowadays unfortunately

Here you go anon.

As far as I know and what I have done in my 10-15 minutes of research

- Whitepaper 2.0
- Staking and something about a new version soon
- SWIFT and SIBOS basically confirmed, and we have ANZ transactions
- something something CCIP summer, likely to launch together with SmartCon upcoming

What is the signficance of CCIP? How does revenue work(saw a lot of FUD around that stuff) and what do you guys project for its future transactions and fees?

Also, how has Ari Juels our man been doing?

>> No.56201322

link remains 1 of my 3 holdings. btc and eth are the other 2.

>> No.56201328
File: 39 KB, 491x498, linkchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot to upload the file, its been long since I've been on 4chan

Yeah there's tons of these FUD threads popping out lately and the noise is really bad. Are there any good archived threads or links or screencaps that are good to read?

>> No.56201577

who gets the revenue from CCIP?

>> No.56201600

just get in the v0.2 staking pool and go back to cryosleep, thank me later

>> No.56202684
File: 115 KB, 1147x1164, 16 trillion in OCA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How far are we from the singularity?
Around 3 - 5 years away according to TradFi.
Now that CCIP is out and now that Avalanche Subnets are production ready we can finally begin the next stage which is Real World Asset tokenization, this is the catalyst for the next Big Bullrun.

>> No.56203001

Basically everything you hoped would happen happened but the token is stuck in single figure hell.

>> No.56203074

The coordinated fud is gone now, all that's left is autistic retards who do it out of habit.