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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56199991 No.56199991 [Reply] [Original]

I'm not optimistic about this shitcoin.

>> No.56200682
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Checked, Optimism not needed

>> No.56200986

The foundation is dumping kek
If most is unlocked it can be a buy tho but that takes its time

>> No.56201009

they'll need the money to inflate volume and attempt to remain relevant once there are a billion L2s

>> No.56202429
File: 1.16 MB, 1447x1934, 138419665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comedy material

>> No.56202527

The problem with current new shitcoins is that VCs perfected the game and already launch them at insane overvaluation, Retail get no opportunity

>> No.56202551

token not needed

>> No.56202761
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I swapped my ARB for OP then it shit the bed.
Fucking bs
After a weekly uptrend it is broken

>> No.56204092
File: 226 KB, 1110x1500, 1692491538180939.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP was good but Kava is simply the superior Ethereum co-chain... In all regards. Their SDK is built on Cosmos so it's fast cheap AND intuitive while still being able to run ERC-20 seamlessly. It's just better.

>> No.56204104

From $100 to $8.

>> No.56204106
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>Investing in le eth co-chain meme
Telos, Kava, Optimism and others. None made it.

>> No.56204108

why would there be more l2's knowing full well how useless they are. not even base with the coinbase brand recognition managed to do anything cool lol

>> No.56204115
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not selling merely of nostalgia value alone.

>> No.56204116

>Their SDK is built on Cosmos
Stopped reading there. Lol. Lmao even.

>> No.56204157

>swapping a shitcoin for another shitcoin
Fucking idiot moron retard.

>> No.56204178
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faggot developers will just continue to build on og eth and not co-chains because people dont like taking 4 minutes of their day to learn another exchange or buy processes. we are doomed.

>> No.56204260

I see no reason why their SDK being built on Cosmos is somehow supposed to be a thing worthy of being mocked as you're not so subtly implying in your post.

>> No.56204270


>> No.56204281

b-b-b-but I thought OPBNB was going to save this stuff from irrelevancy...?

>> No.56204294

But I thought you'd be able to easily translate your projects built on ETH easily? y'know, transferable skills and all that.

>> No.56204300

FPBP ladies and gents

>> No.56204627

They airdropped me another 1500 OP like a week ago. Pretty dope another 2k

>> No.56204660

everyone and their grandma is making an L2, it will be even more accessible post-dencun