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56197364 No.56197364 [Reply] [Original]

How much longer are we going to crab? My Chainlink bags are starting to feel heavy bros

>> No.56197652
File: 179 KB, 1024x1024, british empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not long.

>> No.56197679

you have to train them to go outside in the street so they don't shit on the floor in your house. they like being trained it's like school for them

>> No.56197686

I love pajeeta females. they let me bondage and collar them up during visits and I love walking them and watching their pajeeta butts wiggle while they crawl.

and just a bit longer anon. chainlink is starting to take off. sergey is making some moves lately.

>> No.56197692

Imagine the smell

>> No.56197879

Why are pajeetas like this? They fetishizes whites and are even more submissive then Asians. Easiest women ever

>> No.56197884

idk but I love pajeet females. I love their glorious wiggle butts and I love giving their buttcheeks spanks and kisses and playing games with them because they are super docile and submissive and will even roleplay tradwife with you if you want. i'm fairly sure if my investments in crypto and stock take off over the next 3-10yrs im going to end up with a harem of pajeet females wearing just panties and collars at my beck and call.

>> No.56197903
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You should sell then, just swing trade and make more Link.
Nothing bad will happen.

>> No.56197965

pajeetas would be great if they didn't have such bad bodies
>broad shoulders
>saggy tiddies
>fat in the middle
>narrow hips
>no butt
if they have a figure they're short and future goblinas
8-10 months

>> No.56198031

idk where you've been getting your pajeeta's at to get them naked but I havent had those problems with the ones ive enjoyed. they've all had fairly nice bodies and werent any of those issues. most had decently plump butts much to my enjoyment. Man sorry to hear you had such bad experiences with them desu. you get a good looking one and you'll have her larping as naked desert dancing pajeeta real quick to enjoy the view.

>> No.56198080

Why are whiteys out here chasing brown women? Are you fucking stupid? Blind dumb and stupid?
Keep at it though, makes things easier for us.

>> No.56198463

huh interesting a not white seething in a thread about whites getting with pajeeta's. very curious behavior

>> No.56199356
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>> No.56199651
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Bleach pride world wide.

>> No.56199698

You’ll be back to dumping soon

>> No.56199700

you think they're having kids with them? pumping and dumping browns is all they're good for, who cares.
it's not like it works the other way, so there's just more choice for whites and more used up women for browns.

>> No.56199701

>never seen a leg day in his life
yeah i wouldn't ever walk down the street if there was human feces everywhere, either
imagine being able to travel anywhere and you toss a dart at the world's largest toilet and say, "seems alright" then hop on a plane

>> No.56199711
File: 102 KB, 400x225, awooga_awooga.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As a white man, mfw I see a submissive yellow woman who wants me.

We must secure a future homeland for our hapa offspring

>> No.56199713

Naturally selecting yourself out of the White race is very becoming of your behavior of touching shitskins. Filtered.