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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56196746 No.56196746 [Reply] [Original]

I really hate working. How can I make money easily? Please no meme answers

>> No.56196755


>> No.56196760
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>not a meme

>> No.56196780
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My snakes doin lil sumtin sumtin

>> No.56196782

What's ur problem

>> No.56196793

Work yourself? Try to find some business that someone can do alone.
Maybe like a cleaning company w/ a van?

idk man I hate my job also but that's par for the course

>> No.56196802

have you considered investing in a good pair of kneepads? roi has been historically higher than most magic internet money. good luck.

>> No.56196808

He hates your kind

>> No.56196930

No. The roi on prostitution is dumping. Bitches run into the same issue as everyone else when liquidity gets scarce

>> No.56196941

I'd like advice on what OP is asking for too but judging by the replies in this thread, biz is dead and it's the absolute worst place to ask this type of question.

>> No.56196958

Buy all the LINK you can at $7.50, wait 3 years, and sell at $150. It's that easy.

>> No.56196961

>How can I make money easily?
Why isn't everyone else doing it if it's easy?
How many times do people have to hear this?

>> No.56196968

>bitch liquidity drying up

>> No.56197019

>be manlet
>have naturally wide hips and narrow shoulders due to low T at birth
>do cardio to be low body fat and do lots of squats, no upper body workouts
>become a trap
>start an OF
>maybe some prostitution
OP I'm assuming you are a low T male from your whiny post, so this should work for you. I'll even pay $500 to be the one to pop your butt cherry once you've followed these steps.

>> No.56197157
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>> No.56197174

>$500 to fuck a man
Does reddit really?

>> No.56197212

The only rich people I know(who didn't just inherit a bunch of money) own their own businesses.

>> No.56197253

Bitches had to increase their prices due to inflation, while johns have less liquidity in their pockets to spend on bitches.

>> No.56197263

night shift security guard

>> No.56197307

Easy, just suck one million dicks for one United States dollar.

>> No.56197354
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You cannot Rajesh, cope, seethe, gargle and dilate, otherwise I wouldn't have gotten into kava kek

>> No.56197367

Stfu sandnigger faggot

>> No.56197369

In my experience, for most people working nights sucks and is not good for your body or mind.
Easiest job I ever had was working as a "houseman" at a hotel while I was in college. You're responsible for cleaning the common areas. Vacuuming the lobby and floors, emptying the outside trash cans and housekeepers carts, etc.

I would also take the dirty laundry out of the rooms at checkout time. The temptation to steal the housekeepers tips is very strong, and you'd also find all sorts of stuff in the rooms. People regularly leave beers and alcohol that they can't bring with them on the plane. I'd also find weed and other drugs. Occasionally jewlery.

I would get everything done in 2-3 hours then just bullshit at the front desk and walk around the rest of my shift. At my hotel all the front desk staff were hot girls. Even the housekeepers were all young and cute. It was awesome and didn't even feel like work. Legit the least stressful job I've ever had in my life. Would get 20k steps in every day I worked. I now make 5x what I made back then and still look back fondly on it.

>> No.56197376

You could simply tell him it's for practice and save the 500 bucks you faggot

>> No.56197380

Go back shitter and be ignored there

>> No.56197383

No (You) gargle

>> No.56197386

Unironically based

>> No.56199480

AI furry porn scam

>> No.56199492

Rent out dat butt

>> No.56199562
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Lazy NEET, get a job!

>> No.56199567

there are different kinds of work
you can't hate all of them

>> No.56199573


>> No.56202199
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>get $5 million
>put it in investments that return even as little as 5%
>$250,000 per year income
>plenty to live off of and reinvest for compounded gains

>> No.56202445

Why would you settle for 5 percent when the total market index returns 7%?

>> No.56202573

exactly. even if you get a shitty return it is still a lot of money

>> No.56202773

I have a forex bot that makes 20%+ a week I will let you rent it weekly for a fee. You can try it the first week free if you want on demo or live account

>> No.56202827

based secret best job ever poster

when I was 21 I worked a Circuit City in the FireDog tech support area. The regional manager literally told our store manager that we were not to help customers on anything non-technical so we could stay in our nerd room and just fuck around all day. We had a lot of sales and the tech manager was a fucking genius who found all these ways to add our labor to computers that customers though was automatic - so we always had "high performance" so corporate loved us. Such a comfy job. we would steal energy drinks from the coolers, fuck around and talk, hit on the barely legal girls working there, go out and drink at lunch and come back, and I was making $18 an hour when minimum wage was $7.75 . ah those were the days. Boomer posting! kids these days have it easy j/k you're all fucked

>> No.56202897

>you can't hate all of them
Unless someone is going to pay me to go fishing and sit on the beach, yes I can hate all of them.

>> No.56202910

Try sports betting

>> No.56202935


runs by itself, you never have to check on it. you can do w/e you want

>> No.56202982

Sell fish you catch? You retards couldnt make money if Powell gave you a printer.

>> No.56203008


>> No.56203098

very true, the people on this board are poor because they are retarded. If they spent half the time learning fundamentals as they do watching trap porn and shit posting they might actually make few bucks int he market

>> No.56203462

It's the bear market again. Invest in low-cap tokens like RAIL and INJ and you will make it.

>> No.56204275

>you have to monetize every single aspect of your life, goy!
Uncle Tes was right

>> No.56204419

Just buy low and sell high brah

>> No.56204512

Order a ton of shit online, resell it for more than what you bought it. No license required.

>stocks and crypto
Dump a ton of cash into one and pull it out later when your money goes up.

>at home work
You can be on the clock for call jobs and just never do any work. You still get payed for as long as you are available. There aren't really any jobs you can do solely on your PC.

>stocking inventory and merchandise jobs
These are basic jobs for part time min wage. You just count shit or put it on shelves. Unfortunately these are the easiest jobs you can find without having to talk to people or perform too much labor.

>> No.56204976

You're retarded, I work from home and code Databases while sitting on my ass.
t. Database Engineer

>> No.56205399

>. How can I make money easily?

kys faggot.

>> No.56205434

Sell deep otm puts on spy, uup, gdx, and xle with at least a year till expiration, using margin

This is the only nonshit advice you will get in this thread

>> No.56205443

Given that it's not filled with people unironically suggesting shitcoin scams, it's an improvement

>> No.56205463

There is absolutely no guarantee that spy will go up 8% forever

5.5% risk free is a far better deal.

Also do the put selling thing I suggested ITT and reinvest the cash in tbills. You will get 10% from tbills alone as you reinvest the premium float as well

>> No.56205480

>Order a ton of shit online, resell it for more than what you bought it. No license required.
this isnt 2017 anymore
>Dump a ton of cash into one and pull it out later when your money goes up.
need a ton of money for something reliable unless you want to lose it all on a shitcoin
>You can be on the clock for call jobs and just never do any work. You still get payed for as long as you are available. There aren't really any jobs you can do solely on your PC.
yeah and get fired after a week