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56194492 No.56194492 [Reply] [Original]

Vitalik Buterin once said that #ICP is the greatest competitor to #ETH.

Do you disagree and why?

>> No.56194499
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icypoo is a scam
also no source

>> No.56194521

Poor 3 digit portfolio newfag (you) detected
stay poor investing isn't for you wagie

>> No.56194558
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best researcher on /biz/ that is me

>> No.56195138

You wont actually have a civil discussion about icp here. Theres too many bots, paid shills, and people that despise the project due to getting burned.
My opinion is ICP is exactly what ETH claims to be but at least ICP is going to benefit all metheads from absorbing the ecosystem in a year.
Also havent seen a thread up on this here but Dragginz hit a new ath. I'm not going to make a thread for that coin cuz the jannies ban you for some reason

>> No.56195208
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>Theres too many bots, paid shills
>My opinion is ICP is exactly what ETH claims to be

>> No.56195217

>Do you disagree?
Because I don't own any

>> No.56195233

>Dragging deez nuts!
Why is Dominic so bad at choosing names?

>> No.56195251

Vitalik also said Kyber is the exchange of the future and Uniswap would make a great oracle token. Imagine listening to that aging boomer '23 fr no cap

>> No.56195367

An insider told me that Vitalik was seen crying after meeting at DeFi headquarters with Dominic, Emin, and Sergei. Apparently his advisers are telling him now the 3 most powerful cryptocurrencies (AVAX, ICP, and LINK) are set to flip ETH in the coming fiscal quarter.

>> No.56195381
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He only said that because he's afraid of Cardano and doesn't want to admit it or Charles will use the admission to crush vitalik once and for all

Verification not required.

>> No.56195388

Based Cardano Chad

>> No.56195415

Why mention avalanche? Avalanche has never been relevant ever. Wanxiang is China's Official blockchain institute, remind me when Avalanche ever received a visit. If you don't get invited, there is no future for you in China.
Sergay received an invite btw.

>> No.56195453

Vitalik also said that there is no future for ETH forks, trying to become the next ETH, by literally copy and pasting Ethereum's EVM tweaking a few parameters.

>> No.56195521

3 digits eh? Kinda like how most people’s portfolios who bought ICP went down 3 digits?

>> No.56195543

Thats actually is the reason why adam picked that name. Him and his team like that joke.

>> No.56195558

see no discussion

>> No.56195591

>most people that bought ICP went to 3 digits.
You're one of them. I know you are, been in this game for half a decade. I can spot the newfags from a mile-away, icp under $3 is a blessing.
I always do my due diligence never fomo, never go all in, always average my buy-ins skillfully.

>> No.56195990
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And how has that turned out so far?

>> No.56196724


>> No.56196989

When do the seed round unlocks stop?

>> No.56197096

You're literally retarded and poodriven, cope and seethe, your trash will never be kava

>> No.56197112

They're all poos

>> No.56197115

Fucking great (for ICPoo non-holders)

>> No.56197119

kek, your garbage isn't any better

>> No.56197129

ICP > Anything on Cosmos any time faggot

>> No.56197630

Move token A to B ''eth-killer''
Now deploy a Wasm file onchain without bottlenecking your chain to death.

>> No.56197746

Id: FUG L2

What did he mean by this?

>> No.56197777

build on Layer 0
simple as

>> No.56197791

Explains why they tried to sabotage it

>> No.56197821

Chainlink can do everything ICP does plus more.

>> No.56197832

ETH is just a technology to make Vitalik rich by making it easy for scammers to scam poor desperate people. Like 80%+ of the activity on ETH is operated by scammers. The more scammers scamming people means the more money Vitalik makes. If he cared about people getting scammed he'd do something about it but he does nothing. He just virtue signals by sending shitcoins he doesn't want and was given for free to the most popular cause at the time. ETH has made more scammers rich than probably any other technology in history. Vitalik is evil. All someone needs to do is make a chain that makes it hard or impossible for scammers to scam people and it would probably overtake ETH

>> No.56198837

Try to put a jpeg on your oracle.

>> No.56198841

Great, since I know that ICP takes security therefore will outlast any chain except bitcoin.

>> No.56199809

>there is no future for you in China.
Avalanche already has Alibaba and Tencent you dumb fuck