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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56191251 No.56191251 [Reply] [Original]

They've released the DEX, they're talking about it on plebbit and yet Link has nothing to show for it.

>> No.56191359

What does this have to do with Link?

>> No.56191419

does it have a token?

>> No.56191465

dash fork piece of shit

>> No.56191514
File: 37 KB, 500x524, 1594359088916.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you know you know. Then again, no one knows. But if you know you know. Hail Hydra.

>> No.56191558

because everyone eats Link's ass here and told me stakenet/hydranet was a scam even though it was the other way around all along?

>> No.56191812

It was a scam, until it wasn't...

>> No.56192550

But why did they say it was a scam to begin with if they didn't know about anything.

>> No.56192645

There's just a lot of people who bought high and sold low because of the failures of the past teams that worked on this. Understandably, it's difficult for them to see the project succeed after losing they money on it. It's a good time to buy in though, while crypto is in the accumulation stage. Link is also a good buy too though, no reason not to hold both.

>> No.56192929

yes HDN

>> No.56192951

Oh another dex. Amazing. I get to trade shit coins for other shit coins? Amazing. What amazing progress.

We don't have enough locations to trade shit coins with the sole purpose to be front run by validators.

>> No.56193028
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Subtly implying that BTC and ETH are shitcoins. I don't even.

>> No.56193034

how can you be front run on a lightning BTC to connext ETH transaction?

>> No.56193196

Sadly none of these DEXs ever get anywhere or attract any users no matter how good the tech is.

>> No.56193517
File: 13 KB, 300x300, hmmmm1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atomic swaps. 1bn mcap at peak

Project died after Binance tried to hack it. Was a huge hassle to set up if I remember correctly? 250m mcap at peak.

Never heard of it but seems to be a bygone of 2017, probably only ran on hype/mania alone. 400m mcap at peak.

Literally better than all those listed above, with better tech than what they offered. Only 15m mcap.


>> No.56194042

If HDN hits 400M MC I'm going to suicide myself by hookers