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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 15 KB, 380x263, deadWhale.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5618506 No.5618506 [Reply] [Original]

>In before "hurr Durr, you bought at $400"
>"$1500 by EOY" (2035)
Try $26, I've had these stupid motherfucking coins since the spring and while everything is mooning, they only decide to blast a cum rocket to Saturn to only be bleeding out back to hell's depths. 3/4ths of my portfolio always going up, but what does Litecoin do everyday? Down 2%.
Stinky Linkies are having better gains holding from now own than LiddleCoin.

>> No.5618618

I bought a bunch at 37$ sold them at 80...ya dig good for you for holding..

>> No.5618832

Think fundamentals. Why would LTC go up in price ? Would you use it rather than ETH ?

>> No.5618884

>LTC up 2000+% in a year

>OP and his weak hands FUD

>> No.5619361

Go ahead and sell at the low like a dumb fuck.

>> No.5619400

LTC has never been a moon coin, it just gets dragged along for the ride once a year

>> No.5619450
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>> No.5619609
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Abandon ship and come to the Dark side, XRB is waiting for you. It accomplishes what LTC wants but in a much better way.
>inb4 hur dur pajeet pnd.
Do it or stay poor.

>> No.5619725
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>> No.5619852

Well this shit is wrong as fuck.

>> No.5619874

ignore it then

>> No.5619921

Litecoin's fiat value is down because Bitcoin's fiat value is down.

>> No.5620014


>> No.5620069
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>> No.5620082

>muh arbitrary numbers

>> No.5620225
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>> No.5620315

Trust me I sold LTC too when I thought it was dying, guess what, a few days later it fucking quadruples. Lesson learned: DON'T SELL YOUR LTC

>> No.5620507

In since 31 and 48.
What the fuck is happening.
This is some faggetey right here seeing cripple dominate my ltc.

I hope your happy Charlie you stupid cunt.

>> No.5620536


I wasn't even selling my LTC, I was just using it to move money into some other shit and was going to rebuy LTC right after. The fucking moon mission happens to hit right then while waiting to rebuy. Seriously, fuck this game sometimes.

>> No.5620933
File: 89 KB, 1127x685, 1509253441441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you wouldn't

>> No.5621037
File: 362 KB, 765x428, 1514512217620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who pulled these numbers out of their ass?

>> No.5621049

I laughed

>> No.5621138

Did you just pass your MS Excel exam, anon?