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56180826 No.56180826 [Reply] [Original]

SDL to $10 within 6 months

>> No.56181002
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And then what.
Another forced migration that dilutes (2:1 from LPL to SDL) token holders, and also completely changes the revenue share model?
Top kek

>> No.56181013

Does my voting power refer to how many linkies I can put into the priority pool? Or can I put as many as I wish?

>> No.56181049

I think you can put as many as you wish.
And then Jonny can dilute you much as he wishes.

>> No.56181078
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>priority pool gets 1.2m LINK staked into general access and SDL roi does a 2.5x on top of the current bonus
Even non-SDL holders who use it increase SDL's ROI by having stLINK

>> No.56181101

no it's how much resdl you have which you get from staking and locking sdl
the amount of stlink you have is irrelevant to this
i am still really angry with them and what they pulled but the slurp-8 tokenomic changes are very good, an 8x increase in fees to community holders
the more link, the more fees

>> No.56181237

you can put as much as you wish, the more SDL you have the more priority you have, for example if you lock up 10k SDL for 4 years you get the power of having 90k SDL for voting and pool priority

>> No.56181507

>if you lock up 10k SDL for 4 years
What would happen if in 3 years jonny unilaterally decides to do a 2:1 migration from SDL to ASDF?
I guess we would all patiently wait for slurp-69, where he proposes some half assed fixes to the ASDF tokenomics in order to quiet down lawsuit threats from angry neckbeards.

>> No.56181650
File: 548 KB, 777x777, 1636772785422470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm never putting my money anywhere near you guys ever again
simple as

>> No.56181861

LINK is down 90% and had you lock up tokens, you probably should leave there too.
At least SDL has only given non-circ tokens to nodes and not binance

>> No.56181896
File: 425 KB, 777x777, 1673299602176214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I havent been dicked over with the Chainlink tokens I have staked
cant say the same for the linkpool tokens I bought
won't be making that mistake again

>> No.56182056

Who is the target audience for this?

Anyone with a decent stacks knows about the lpl scam. Newfags/tourists don’t even have the link required to stake. Oh and your entire original selling point
>pool’s closed
blew up in your fucking faces.

You’d have better luck just advertising it as its own shitcoin with no relation to link hoping to trick some niggers into it when the next bull hits.

>> No.56182514

uhh steth, cbeth, reth?

>> No.56182536

also they have 300k in their priority pool in two days
it's obviously good for whales as don't need to worry about wallet limits, one put in 100k

>> No.56182540

LOL fucking kill yourself. Johnny will just rug you guys again.

>> No.56182544

Why would anybody be stupid enough to stake their eth over stake.link? It literally only adds risk on top, way better to stake directly with the different providers if you want a mixed yield.

>> No.56182551

So you do need SDL to stake link via their pool?
We don't know what happens when full staking releases. Early staking rolls over for not but what will happen in 10 years? Theoretically SDL will be the option.

LPL rug is forgivable if they deliver in the end

>> No.56182555

no i'm saying that a chainlink lst like those mentioned clearly will have demand
their eth product is a waste of time, is dead

>> No.56182561

you don't need sdl but you get priority for any link they can get into the community pool

>> No.56182570

LMAO I am N E V E R migrating my LPL SEETHE I'll never be an immigrant

LPL Chads rise up!

>> No.56182572

Any long term holder has white listed wallets to directly stake with chainlink with a way bigger limit than sdl can offer.

And you can still just swap your link for stlink if you want to stake on sdl.

>> No.56182582


>> No.56182592

>white listed wallets to directly stake with chainlink
Do we know what happens after 0.2 or when full staking is released? Tbh if we get access to something for life then SDL is useless to me

>> No.56182597

Imagine actually believing that chainlink will just let sdl handle staking.

Chainlink Labs even said MULTIPLE times that they are working on a delegation platform but you guys are too stupid to read their Blog posts.

>> No.56182607

I don't think they will just let them and know there will be competition but SDL has the top node operators for now.
And what blog? I read node operators can set up a delegation platform (i.e. SDL) but nothing of Chainlink doing so themself.

>> No.56182616

sdl is staking in the community pool though, they will just get in as much as they can
there is no "upper limit", just however much space is left in phase 3 of staking

>> No.56182619
File: 188 KB, 2048x1152, Planned-Roadmap-for-Chainlink-Staking-2048x1152.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pic related is from:

"In a future Staking release, Auto-Delegation may evolve into a dynamic mechanism, a design where community stake is automatically delegated across actively staking node operators in variable amounts based on reputation metrics, such as historical performance, length of time LINK is staked, and amount staked."

the focus of sdl is LIQUID staking, jhonny the pedo has confirmed it too

>> No.56182622

exactly? ask yourself why they call if "priority queue" when in fact they only get whats left after people staked their link directly with chainlink. you have to be completely retarded to think thats bullish.

>> No.56182631

with withdraws available in v0.2 then larger stakers can get their link in first in the queue, from what i understood it's more about that
i mean okay? the eth lsts are very popular, instant withdraws, can use in other defi protocols

>> No.56182633

I hadn't decided what I would do. Just have my SDL from my old LPL tokens. Before this thread I was thinking 10% linkies on SDL. Idk anymore. I didnt do 100% of my stack for 0.1 (probably dumb)

>> No.56182639

watch out though, using sdl to stake will be a taxable event in some countries, staking directly is better in this regard

>> No.56182641

Thank you tho**

>> No.56182644

If you want to stake you buy LPL not some literal pajeet trash like SDL

>> No.56182646

Fucking johnny..

>> No.56182660

im staking 100% directly with chainlink, there are many reasons for this:

1. johnny rugged us and there is no trust left
2. why stake on a third party when you can stake with chainlink?
3. i can always just swap some link to stlink if i want to use johnnys platform
4. im just not gonna support a platform that rugged me

good that you sdl cucks finally realised that chainlink will continue to provide staking services

>> No.56182827

Can you still swap LPL for SDL and where if so? I have some, didn't follow what's been happening for a year or two.

>> No.56182877

this has nothing to do with jonny, all lsts are like this, they have distinct tokens and a token to token swap is a taxable event
check the airdrops tab, there should be an additional airdrop
>Users that met the outlined criteria for the 18 April 2023 Community Airdrop as issued in SLURP-3 have until 15 October 2023 to claim their SDL (180 days after airdrop went live).
afaik no one is claiming that chainlink won't run staking?

>> No.56183026

I was joking about Johnny. He still is a cunt however.
It was speculated long ago LPL was the only way to stake and I hadn't really seen anything saying other. Even now best is >>56182619 I guess?
>may evolve
>variable amounts based on..
I just want to cover my bases.

>> No.56183041

Alright I read thru the slurps, I ended up just throwing my sdl (resdl whatever the fuck) in a lock up for 4 years. The way I figure is the rug pull already happened to LP ogs. If the project is around in 4 years then cool. If not I've lost what is now basically negligible money with the value of sdl currently. The only saving grace is the connection between chainlink and linkpool/Johnny. I threw a small amount of chainlink in the priority pool because it was some left overs and thought whatever.

I'm going to try get some more wallets in general access instead

>> No.56183047

Imagine being this stupid. Johnny showed his true colors and he will absolutely fuck you over again if he sees some profit for him in it.

>> No.56183057

Yeah well how do you think you will stake LINK without LPL?

Pool's closed. Think about it

>> No.56183062

>We don't know what happens when full staking releases
This was the entire argument in favor of lpl in the first place
>you won't be able to stake without linkpool
>pool's closed
Fool me once, shame on you...

>> No.56183117

Staking rewards are a midwit carrot on a stick.

Staking rewards aren't meant to be a mechanism to make anyone rich by itself. Staking is bullish because it'll be the catalyst to increase LINK's price. Staking return's won't be a "high" percentage in the long term.

Once staking is released in its final form, waves of market participants will increase the staked portion of tokens until a "fair" equilibrium between price and yearly staking return % is reached. Probably somewhere slightly over whatever the risk free interest rate will be at that time. Riding that token price increase (50x+ from here) will be much more lucrative than staking will be in the long term. The best play is simply holding erc20 LINK.

If you play your cards right, you'll have 7-8 figs equivalent in dollars after everything is said and done, which you'll be able to allocate to any variety of yielding assets, including (but not limited to) staking LINK, which should offer long term returns in line with REITs, fixed income, dividend stocks, etc.

>> No.56183148

Yeah but you *need* to buy LPL to create the catalyst for LINK's moon because without LPL how will you stake LINK?

Do you think Linkpool the best node out there will just let you stake LINK? Oh my sweet summer child

>> No.56183152

I doubt it. I need some lawyer advice to know if we could sue them for the LP shares fiasco. Remember that LP had the word SHARES on it

>> No.56183225

Yup, also on the lp->lpl migration the token contract function that was called was named "claim ownership".

>> No.56183280

Imagine being so salty you'll try to shoot the whole LINK network in the foot because of price performance in the wild West crypto world

Nodes need LINK, nodes are more important for Chainlink than you public pool layabouts

>> No.56183290

>Yeah but you *need* to buy LPL to create the catalyst for LINK's moon because without LPL how will you stake LINK?
Fair point. I think native staking will be feasible for whales and node operators. If for whatever reason (technical complexity or minimum investment required) native staking isn't feasible for retail, plenty of staking pools should pop up.

>> No.56183299

I mean, if you want to use some linkie.staker protocol that's opens up after SDL has already been pushing around millions of LINK, good for you for supporting indie artists or whatever

>> No.56183304

Bro do you really think I'm gonna bother selling 2k usd worth of sdl. Fuck it Johnny can have my 50 linkies I threw in there too. Nor am I going to bother with lawsuits. Even at the tippety top my LP was a single percent of my link holdings. These are high risk plays, I'll check on it in another year if it's still around. But if I see Johnny in a porsche rolling through Sydney that's another story. He better move to Bulgaria with nexo lads if he wants to flaunt our money.

>> No.56183342

SDL's first mover advantage can be relevant, yes, but it doesn't mean competitive alternatives can't appear later.

The best analogy I can come up with is ETH liquid staking pools. People looking to stake their ETH have plenty of decent options to choose from.

>> No.56183843

>7.94m SDL staked
>only 227 NFTs
The average position is ~35k SDL

>> No.56184212

Already got burned by linkpool, not falling for this

>> No.56184216

>Pool's clos-ACK

>> No.56185313

Rug pull haha

>> No.56185324

Already got burned by the Toilet Witch, not falling for another of her tricks.

>> No.56185966

whale just added 400k link to the pool
sdl holders get 5% of each link staked in the community pool
they also get 15% of link in node operator pool but seems that isn't expanding in v0.2

>> No.56186952

perhaps this priority pool will capture more than people expected

>> No.56186964

yet Lido takes up 80% of the market

>> No.56186967

checked and sdl pilled

>> No.56187081

currently, sdl has 750,000 link in the node operator allocation of v0.1 staking
that's an income of 7,875 link per year for sdl hodlers with the new tokenomics
from the community pool, for every 1 million link staked through the priority pool gets sdl holders 2,500 link
so if we get about 3 million staked then it will double the fees
the new tokenomics scale very nicely, imagine when it has 10 or 15 millon link staked through it...