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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 389 KB, 597x765, sonic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56180484 No.56180484 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of this project?

>> No.56180496

Honestly, anon?

>> No.56180554


>> No.56180580

>it's only a matter of time until dumb money enters the market

Dumb money are the ones holding crap like this hoping for a liquidity injection into ultra-risk speculative crypto/assets that isn't going to come for another decade.

The people you think you're going to dump your bags on can barely afford to live month to month.

>> No.56180589

yup. next bull in 5-10 years, after spx does a casual -50%

>> No.56180631

yep that one

>> No.56180799
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>> No.56181856

I am happy Sonic did a big money and was hoping the derivative coin SuperMarioPorsche911 would also succeed but it's possible the dev is a scammer

>> No.56181874

if the coin was dead the meme fags would leave it alone, and the price would be down 90%.

>> No.56182167

i mean its nonsense obviously but the question is does it have good meme energy.

imagine in the future paying for things with money called harryputterobamasonic10inu

>> No.56183150

>What do you think of this project?
its THE memecoin of the next cycle

>> No.56183172

I think of TwilightPalinNaziMario6MillionInu ticker : CBDC

>> No.56183245

I think its a joke playing off the autismi awareness month colour themes which has become a meme. Either that or you are mentally 5 years old while trying to pretend your ponzo crypto scam isnt gonna bankrupt everyone involved. Quit.

>> No.56183273

So much cringe it actually makes me feel ashamed of crypto.

>> No.56183604

Can someone tell me how to swap a neverheard bnb (bsc) coins to ETH mainnet? these bridge websites dont even have the coin listed.

>> No.56183613

i think i meant migrate not swap but you get the idea. I want to change the mainnet beauce it has good trade pairs in dex.

>> No.56183629

go to the project community websites and ask which bridge has liquidity to transfer to mainnet

>> No.56183633

i love u anon <3

>> No.56183642

this. I am overwhelmed by unfayhomable loser vibe when looking at this "project".
I just wish all of crypto would go to zero, even if I lose my 100k, just to see all your fucking suicides. Dogs place is in the street

>> No.56183656


watched it go from 1 cent to 20
watched it crash to 5 cents
and weirdly enough it seems to have support and its not actually crashing like youd expect a true shitcoin to crash
if it clears 12 cents ill buy it as it seems to weirdly have traction

pepe soared and is doing ultimately nothing but going down, in the next month or so if this thing can clear the 12 cent mark and actually pass the previous ath of about 20 cents then i think somehow its actually saddled to moon. this fucking market is retarded and everyone's looking for something to make them rich

the crypto market went from purist cypherpunkism (btc) to delusions of promise (erc20 boom of 2017) to professionalized jpegs and "finance" (nfts and defi rush of 2021). i think the market is just becoming more and more polarized in which it's either the original Bitcoin and everything else which is an actual slot machine. Harry Potter has actually realized this and has tried to become the most retarded, usless, and transparently dumb coin possible, thereby reaching the "endgame" of crypto. they say this explicitly in the meme. it's actually high IQ. Harry Potter is the actual antithesis of what crypto originally started as, and for that, if it reaches 20 cents, i believe it will fly.
>monkey jpegs
dumber shit's happened

>> No.56183702

>the crypto market went from purist cypherpunkism (btc) to delusions of promise (erc20 boom of 2017) to professionalized jpegs and "finance" (nfts and defi rush of 2021). i think the market is just becoming more and more polarized in which it's either the original Bitcoin and everything else which is an actual slot machine
Some truth to it. The truth truth is that the original cyberpunk vision never took off before 2020 Monero, honestly.
I was using BTC in 2014, it was just the XMR vibe before the mass fraud speculation. I think it's hard to distinguish the fraud, massive money printer and negative interest era from the real crypto spirit. Anyhow I know believe only XMR (as a coin + community) represents crypto. It's not surprising, appreciating and understanding the purpose and existence of cyberpunk needs intelligence, knowledge

>> No.56183713 [DELETED] 


>> No.56183739
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There's nothing loserish about meming about a hilarious mishmash of the most unlikely, popular and well known names under the ticker BITCOIN. But as this anon said >>56183656, there is large amount of satire and lampooning going on here. The dogs coins truly aren't funny and Pepe was such forced marketing that project didn't have organic growth, this the bleed to 200m market cap. You don't have to understand it and that's fine, but to come FUD this when many OGs of crypto can see it for what it is, well that's on you and your right to chose to ignorance.

>> No.56183768

>There's nothing loserish about meming about a hilarious mishmash of the most unlikely, popular and well known names under the ticker BITCOIN
Not if that feels obviously forced, cringe, unorganic... fucking trads. Not agreeing with me is only possible if 1) you are 12yo 2) you are a jeet 3) you are a turkroach subhuman 4) a fucking chinese subhuman 5) a mix of the above
>captcha AX GAY

>> No.56183830
File: 410 KB, 1080x2048, 20230908_155948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively speaking this was made from a backpack that actually existed where someone took the time to hand sew a bunch of disparate ideas on a backpack. So someone took all of those and added Inu and you are saying it's forced? Your mind is closed to what it isn't that you can't even acknowledge what many others already have for what it is.

>> No.56183856

blablabla. Nigger tier discussion, fuck yourself. The fact that your dogshit is original doesn't remove the fact it's dogshit.

>> No.56183872
File: 152 KB, 850x1026, 20230825_123538.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We need people like you too.

>> No.56183884

DAMN DUDE lmao, fucking savage but based

>> No.56183927
File: 46 KB, 391x872, IMG_20230822_213439_887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56183943

I didn't even notice the tulip part of the original bag...and the logo replaces that with bitcoin lmao

>> No.56183951 [DELETED] 

You've never made a cent from memecoins have you? I'd bet you're either brand new to crypto or you're one of the retarded utility fags who only invest in coins that have staff to pay, and venture capital to suck off and then seethe when the memecoin cycle happens and you're wondering why the market is so dumb.

>> No.56184044
File: 92 KB, 946x2048, FysnzZZXsAwMkM1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Makes ya wonder if the creator was trying to make a comparison between tulip mania and crypto currency by replacing the tulip with the figurehead crypto, BITCOIN.

>> No.56184482

its 2023. if your coin doesnt have revenue it is GARBAGE

if it has revenue but doesnt pass it onto its holders, you can always pray that will change

if you want to gamble your lunch money on coins that have zero revenue in 2023, thats fine. but nobody is going to be surprised when it eventually pulls the -99%

i prefer to move in with size on high conviction plays and simply wait for YEARS. for me, it's rlb.

goodluck to degens tho, somebody is definitely making money, but surely most people are losing in the memecoin casino

>> No.56184523
File: 808 KB, 707x709, bitcoin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely think it's one of the best shitcoins out. It made me money twice. I bought a bag of 1.25 million on ETH for like $700 and sold for a 10x because I thought it would go the same way as the original, but I was very wrong. For that reason it pisses me off. Other than that it's 10/10 though.

>> No.56184607

I agree that revenue generation is one aspect of a positive. Where I disagree, is that those things don't attract the masses. I own BTC, ETH, LINK, etc. Utility itself has become a meme. Community itself can be a meme too, however, I would like to point out that if you have what is honestly the ENDGAME of memes (the ticker BITCOIN, childhood heroes in the name, smash hit NFT collection, community model that literally change the model that others envy to replicate), there is a very real chance you will catch on more than something that is purely revenue generating. This is my very humble opinion, but I am watching Twitter, TikTok, Instagram for how things work. This project has Twitter on lock. In comparison, it might be harder to get people to rally behind something purely for reven-generating reasons.

There are different avenues to cover and to believe things can only be accomplished in a static way is the very perception this project has not only shattered but continues to do so. They are looking into coffee & beer based off the Sproto Gremlins NFT, a weed based off the namesake crypto, it will be featured on an F1, they are involved in Karate Combat (MMA)(, interviewing Larry Sinclaire who smoked crack and fucked Obama, etc. The project coined phrases The peoples' BITCOIN, It's funnier if you don't sell, RETAIN, Don't Coom, There is no second best (Saylor talking about bitcoin as best asset class) and tons more.

To think this coin is merely a joke or not viable is a major mistake. Clearly it IS viable and has created a subculture that is expanding. Look at the support and charts. It just got back to 80m, and this is a "bear" market.

>> No.56184684

shib did the meme/community/mass advertising strat. everyone saw that how turned out, nobody is gonna get fooled

it's a ponzi with a limited lifespan. it might go to 1b before going to 0. or it might go down 10% every day for the next 3 years. either way, the result is the same. goodluck in your ponzi, ill be stacking rlb for the next 3-5 years

>> No.56184764

Not sure where the hostility is coming from, but it sounds deeply rooted. I just pointed out multiple ways how it's less ponzi than most other projects can ever claim. There is no fooling anyone here. If you join, you probably just love Harry, Obama, Sonic, Inus, or the number 10. The devs are literally turning the success into business ideas. An LLC was officially made recently. Dog season is over. It's not funny, it doesn't have the ticker BITCOIN.
It doesn't have Harry, Obama and Sonic to provide infinite meme (and if you really wanna go there, an Inu can be included in the memes).

I appreciate your concern and extrapolation to Shib, but we are not them, and I'd go as far to say that project represents everything BITCOIN isn't. In fact, if you look at the core of BITCOIN, they made sure to NOT have a Ryoshi. The launch was done in a fair
way (tokens weren't even saved for exchanges so they can dump on us), we don't ride coat tails by donating to the founder of ETH to gain favor, we don't give a fuck to. I don't see people talk as passionately about RLB as BITCOIN or hold it with similar conviction if that says anything for future projection. Either way, GL to you too.

>> No.56185404
File: 180 KB, 1400x788, Screen_Shot_2017_07_13_at_1.09.20_PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dogshit trying way too hard to be funny and "go against the wave". Their marketing style of "we are le new generation, normal traders dont get it we are TRUE degen!!!" reeks of pic related. Thank GOD I took out my money from DOGE and the shitcoin game in general and invested in Kava and XRP. XRP paid off, now I'm waiting on Kava to do their thing.

>> No.56185478
File: 159 KB, 791x1139, A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a coin based off an actual backpack consisting of Harry, Obama and Sonic. There is no "try". As far as your second comment about you pic related, try gathering 171 people in an X Space for those coins you mentioned. And for that matter, why do you guys even come in this thread to give a play-by-play on your purchases about Rollbit, Kava and worst of all XRP like they aren't shitcoins (with XRP being one of the heaviest offenders). I am embarrassed to even be associated with baggies like you. I think of BITCOIN more as the real king of crypto. Not a meme coin let alone an alt coin.

>> No.56185498
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this. what else does the coin have that others dont have already? trying to appeal to adhd zoomers with being alternative is the best they have and it's nothing more than me shitting bricks on paper crumbs of u.s. dollars. this shit is fucking revolting knowing adult children will rugpull the moment they can.

>> No.56185519

Clearly you haven't read any post above the one that validates your own bias. People just come in here to shit on it.

>> No.56185555 [DELETED] 

>shib did the meme/community/mass advertising strat. everyone saw that how turned out, nobody is gonna get fooled

Yeah it went to 40 plus billion, those holders sure did get fooled as you put it.

>it's a ponzi with a limited lifespan. it might go to 1b before going to 0. or it might go down 10% every day for the next 3 years. either way, the result is the same. goodluck in your ponzi, ill be stacking rlb for the next 3-5 years
You're an actual midwit kek

Utility fags are peak midcurves its actually insane when you think about it. I can't wait until the next memeseason the seethe is going to be off the charts

>> No.56185623
File: 1.48 MB, 1609x1699, 1692373408598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ANY and EVERY image under the sun is memeable by using the branding from the original image. Any meme can be bent to out will even if it isn't related to Harry, Obama, Sonic, an Inu or the number 10. It's instantly recognizable branding. If Shib did 40b without even being funny or having actually good/infinitely memeable characters, then who knows where this will stop.

>> No.56185639
File: 13 KB, 800x200, jdate.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shittier TwilightPalinNaziMario6MillionInu. Has no fundamentals and the meme is like 9gag tier. TwilightPalinNaziMario6MillionInu has solid Y2K fundamentals and actually has moonman moonshot potential

>> No.56186654 [DELETED] 

Gr8 b8 m8

>> No.56186764

This coin has a casino that provides it revenue + over 100 ETH in the war chest


>> No.56186886

>Harry Potter has actually realized this and has tried to become the most retarded, usless, and transparently dumb coin possible, thereby reaching the "endgame" of crypto. they say this explicitly in the meme. it's actually high IQ. Harry Potter is the actual antithesis of what crypto originally started as, and for that, if it reaches 20 cents, i believe it will fly.
>The dogs coins truly aren't funny and Pepe was such forced marketing that project didn't have organic growth, this the bleed to 200m market cap. You don't have to understand it and that's fine, but to come FUD this when many OGs of crypto can see it for what it is, well that's on you and your right to chose to ignorance.

trying to apply esoteric background to a shitty coin just like the rest is fucking hilarious (as if the internet hasn't tried to capitalize that to death already in this decade.) the only thing it has is it being "IM SO QUIRKY x3 RWAR I AM SO IRONIC AND UNIRONIC! U CAN'T TELL WHICH ONE I AM!! :3" sorry elon hasn't pumped and dumped your shitty coin like doge but trying to convince anyone anything otherwise than this sad excuse of a coin is hilarious. keep making mental gymnastics in your head to get your bag goyim. we're all here for the long run of things. you aren't different from the rest and you should know your place here.

>> No.56186922

Exactly, and why twilightpalinnazimario6million inu is better. It takes memecoins to its logical extreme

>> No.56186951

> dumber shit has happened

I concur. Time for yolo.

>> No.56187015
File: 338 KB, 771x772, 20230805_055729.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are the one playing even more mental gymnastics in the other direction. No is talking about esotericism. Are you retarded? We are already increasing our influence on a laege scale, the opposite of what your are saying. Hell, I even forgot to mention the casino that incorporates other coin alike SPX, Ardvark, etc. to encourage participants from other communities, the fact the Sproto Gremlins are mooning right now, etc.

We are simply talking about facts about this project revolving around this project, which you refuse to acknowledge. Even worst, you ground your opinion in what other projects have, not the objective points we've listed. If anyone listened to you, they'd think the future of the project was bleak because you're straight up a hater, when the facts point to how prmosing this performance is during a bear market where most things (especially meme coins like Pepe, smaller ones, all of our derivatives/clones, etc.) are dying.

>> No.56187095

>ANY and EVERY image under the sun is memeable by using the branding from the original image. Any meme can be bent to out will even if it isn't related to Harry, Obama, Sonic, an Inu or the number 10. It's instantly recognizable branding. If Shib did 40b without even being funny or having actually good/infinitely memeable characters, then who knows where this will stop.
remove esotericism with aesthetic and it's the same thing. esotericism more so for just how fucking mundane the meme attaches itself to images that have no purpose other than being of questionable origin. what's stopping me from investing a million dollars into rainbowdash1337trumpUSA123 with tinker BITCOIN2 (the END of tinker BITCOIN)? it's just fucking nonsense and is the epitome of meta humor. and holy shit! A FUCKING CASINO IN A SHITCOIN? might as well be fucking robbing me in broad daylight right now. who's the target audience for that? retards willing to buy into this shit? i guess that seems fair. oh wait. maybe you could add some nfts to it! maybe an NFT video game for me to collect some collectivle figures, BUT DIGITALLY!! i'm a hater for having a reason here and how isn't this different from anything else?? and what mental gymnastics am i making here? shitcoin -> glorified meta humor -> shitcoin + glorified meta humor. please stick to your telegram circles and shill there. this is just embarrassing to see.

>> No.56187132

Did you just learn that word? Esoteric means only understood by few. I get you are trying to sound like you know what you are talking about, but that's obviously not what is occurring here. Please read the previous posts. The fact that you think the target audience is "retards" says it all. It's not for retards. You can be a competitive professional and still partake. As for those dervis, go ahead, no is stopping you from investing a million bucks in them, but guess what? Go check the charts. HPOP8I (the Pacman clone) was the prime example of an influencer pump and dump. We are not the same. We started the trend. Whether you choose to acknowledge this doesn't change the fact that many communities are trying to bower and incorporate what worked into their models.

>> No.56187178

>esoteric means only understood by few.
Yes. I take my shitcoin and insert it into images with questionable origins. It doesn't need to make sense, it just needs to be meta. Rinse and repeat. Maybe sprinkle in some other funny meta memes inside of it. Therefore, I am using esotericism and using it as an aesthetic to pump my shitcoin. I am glad I could catch you up to speed my dear. Now, I call people retards for investing into shitcoins retards, because they could rather be investing it into stocks and options rather than gambling it into a shitcoin. And no, you didn't start any trend. You glorified it into your shitcoin and want to presume that any other shitcoin after is "copying" your shitcoin. Meta-humor is an internet trend, not a shitcoin trend. I wish you could learn to separate the two and realize how balls deep you are into this failure of an argument.

>> No.56187215

I bought a $500 bag on the $60M dip "just in case", don't usually mess with shitcoins but maybe something about this feels different. The chart is strangely strong.

>> No.56187218
File: 148 KB, 680x679, IMG_20230817_153849_285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well here's where I think you fail to recognize a key point. Although opinion based too, what you call the meta being inserting a shitcoin into images of questionable origins is not necessarily the case. The humor doesn't have to be that way if we don't want it to be. Harry. Obama. Sonic. There's plenty of images thst are not of questionable origins (main stream appeal especially under the ticker BITCOIN). On the hand, if we want to partake in images of questionable origin or what you are calling meta, we could using the very same characters OR every single other meme using a very simple template.

Combined with the fact that you have a telegram that inserts these very logos when you type /meme, you get an extremely flexible and versatile coin.

>> No.56187258

Wtf is with the website

>> No.56187280

But how does this effect TwilightPalinNaziMario6Million Inu? It's a far superior meme and obviously far more esoteric since it integrates qaballistic principles.

>> No.56187351

The chad palin vs the virgin obama. Provactive without making a fuss about it.