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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56180162 No.56180162 [Reply] [Original]

Holy fuck can Link really become billions of marketcap?

>> No.56180164


>> No.56180170

It's already 4b

>> No.56180179


>> No.56180187
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By smoking the competition.

>> No.56180189
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Doubt it. Do you really need 30+ threads to talk about this garbage? What new is being said that couldn't just be contained to one general?

>> No.56180196

he means thousands of billions or even a million billions retard

>> No.56180198

Holy shit bros im gonna make it

>> No.56180200

no it's mathematically impossible nothing will reach 1 billion mcap it's just too much

>> No.56180207

that guy is the dumbest big $link shiller account on twitter but i won't unfollow because we are mutals

>> No.56180210

Bro he has so much alpha it’s how I found this place

>> No.56180218

biz could be shilling the 40mil marketcap next generation AI web3 services project that is poised to become as big as $link was/is but it's all oldtroons and pleb top buyers of 2021 alt L1s now. truly over

>> No.56180226

he just regurgitates what much smarter link marines (RTJ / LinkDrake) are saying in a dumber way + hypes. he's not smart

>> No.56180228

it will be worth trillions in due time

>> No.56180336

fucking lol

>> No.56180503

Do you hate niggers and kikes? You aren't a true LINK marine unless you want to exterminate the state of Israel.

>> No.56180827

Swift is working with Chainlink to maximize security and efficiency and minimize costs, NOT sending billions to chainshit

>> No.56180855

this. trillions will come to the chainlink token but only incidentally

>> No.56180879

>one general
Fucking never post again newfaggot

>> No.56180918

Really hope this is a joke.

>> No.56181117

Spics, trannies, and faggots too.

>> No.56182105

Wow so i will get 365 per year per staked token :3

>> No.56182119
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>> No.56182143

Smarter != Smart
You == Retard

>> No.56182324

Stop spamming your shit here paid shill fags. Your threads are advertising. Buy an ad

>> No.56182339

back to r*ddit

>> No.56182348
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Shut the fuck up

>> No.56182560

whats your beef with him his content is good

>> No.56182600

Not just that, he literally takes actual actual anon posts from 4chan and copy-pastes the text as if it's his own words. He should at least put it in quotation marks...
Also, when he screenshots anon's posts he should keep the post number/ID.

>> No.56182632

haha, it's always the same with these crypto projects
>look at that successful business over there
>now imagine we could insert ourselves as a middleman to siphon off their success

>> No.56182653

Kys polcunt, i hope you die in a fire.

>> No.56182663

Link board. Nuff said

>> No.56182680

>3% of $5 trillion is $150 billion. Per day. Now imagine a large chunk of that going to blockchain actors. That's exactly what the CCIP trials are about

Ok but SWIFTs revenue was 790 million for 2022, why would clients pay 189x times what they’re currently paying per transaction just to use CCIP lol

Is the twitter guy being retarded or what

>> No.56182698

No wait what the fuck, the guy in OPs pic is implying 150 billion PER DAY, so 54,750 billion per year. A whooping 69,303 times swifts yearly revenue.

>Uhhh, sir, we’ve updated our fees. Instead of paying $20 for your international bank transfer like last year, now you have to pay $1,386,000 to transfer $500 bucks. But we’re using chainlink now though!

Lol, delusional

>> No.56182744

Just an other grifter, living off biz screenshots to impress crypto normies. Has no ideas or opinion of his own, is unable to criticise link, another brick in the normification of the community

>> No.56182776

lmao link is a tranny coin, this is proof

>> No.56182927

lurk more faggot, drake actually writes the OC on biz that he quotes on CT

>> No.56182953
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sup zach

>> No.56182985

>lurk more

Kek, got to love nulinkers. He's the middle of the IQ curve if it was a person. But that's probably what we need now to appeal to the masses

>> No.56182993

All crypto twitter is cringe and cancer, especially those that ride the biz wave

>> No.56182998

"community advocates" is a retarded normie concept that entails shilling whatever the situation is. Dont expect any smart individuals signing up to this

>> No.56183006
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I like frog

>> No.56183023
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We should be at $80b market cap right now but for some reason we're behind

>> No.56183034

community avocados are based. when they say nothing then rapidly post a 100+ post controlled narrative in under seven minutes you know you are in for the ride of your life. Face facts anons sre not as based as paid employees waging. Engagements do not require you to say nigger or kike or faggot. please keep all obscenities to a minimum and help direct the discussion towards the benefit of the chainlink oracle network

>> No.56183071

This to be quite honest with you

>> No.56183084

Holy shit thats by far the gayest thing i have ever read on this board, and i once stumbled into /lgbt/.
>i hate this guy but he follows me so i keep my feed up to date with his bullshit out of fear of a number on a screen being reduced by 1

>> No.56183092

Whole idea behind blockchain adoption is to drastically reduce those fees. Guy is retarded

>> No.56183169

This is not /biz/. This is /chainlink/. Always has been.
We found gold, we own this board since 2017.

>> No.56183192

We own this board nigger. Go back to discord with you tranny mudslime incel friends. You lost. Cope and seethe.

>> No.56183219

Swift transaction costs are not 3% of their volume. What do you moronic braintards seriously believe that? Id be surprised if it was even 0.03%.

>> No.56183227

I was going to write a negative post for Bubba, but he isn’t even worth it. He will just ignore it and keep posting the posts here like they were his writings anyway. Twitterfags really are the worst.

>> No.56183246

You own nothing you filthy street shitting nigger. You are filtered out, ignored and discounted as token not sneeded

>> No.56183361

I think they might actually believe it, I haven't seen any of the Chainlink advocates call it out as wrong information.

>> No.56183561

He’s an autistic prick. Acts like he knows everything that’s going to happen while he wage cucks since he didn’t take any profit. He knows nothing.

>> No.56184133

It’s 7 billion. FDV is all that matters

>> No.56184372

>holding link to a higher standard than every other coin cuz... cuz reasons

>> No.56184441

>Your threads are advertising.
kek you do realize /biz/ was created specifically for crypto advertising right?
It was meant to keep bitcoin shilling off /g/

>> No.56184483

The journalist that got punched unironically kys'd himself

>> No.56184498
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This is patently false though, Swift fee’s are like multiple fractions less. Here is the total revenue for swift. We even had a swift portal corporate installation specialist in the thread the other day that explained swift uses a bundle pricing system. They’re literally fractions of a fraction of a penny.

Very bearish that link marines can’t read basic corporate income statements

>> No.56184506

lol swift only make $948
linkies are so screwed

>> No.56184657


>> No.56184697

if you can't handle it, filter it or leave.
t. bounced away from /biz/ hard when I saw a catalog of blue, and in retrospect anons were trying to help me get in early

>> No.56184699

Is there a 12 month extension?

>> No.56184751

Swift isn't a for-profit organisation (as well you know) and so ccip could generate millions, nonse of which Swift would absorb

>> No.56184915

*none of which

>> No.56184927

Those analogies were made by someone who doesn’t understand the technology he’s trying to make analogies about.

>> No.56184958

Sure, chainlink has to compete with the pricing of a non-profit entity then. Sending financial messaging is inherently cheap. If links going to charge 3% fees to move trillions while swift is charging 0.0003% for the same service in tradfi, you will have to induce an insane amount of demand

>> No.56185091

>Link offers the same service as Swift

You are the dumbest retard I've probably ever seen on /biz/

>> No.56186485

aye mate ur pretty dumb ngl :/

>> No.56188557

>3% per dar
>in 33 days, all the money is gone in fees