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File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56177469 No.56177469 [Reply] [Original]

Money is a cope. You will never look like this.
You will never have sex.

>> No.56177474

where's all the body hair?

>> No.56177479

low t male, has to supplement with steroids

>> No.56177502

Looking like this doesn't get you sex unless you're cruising the lockerroom for cocks. Most pussy I ever got was when I was a little overweight.

>> No.56177505

I don't want to look like that, especially if it means queers like you will save my picture on your computer.

>> No.56177507

>Looks like a little boy
Imagine being stupid enough to completely destroy your endocrine system in your early 20’s.

>> No.56177538

This too. The winningest bodybuilder of all time didn't touch steroids until he was 32, he just lifted and ate all the food until then so he wouldn't blow up his nuts and have messed up kids. Everyone blasting test and sarms fresh out of highschool or still in it is fucked.

>> No.56177580

Guys that look like that are usually losers that live with their moms and spend all day at the gym. Their physique is all they have. Go out and fuck one and i guarantee you after a couple dates youll find out that he stocks shelves at walmart part time while selling videos to old men on OF with a vibrator in his ass. Either this or theyre a trust fund baby that can spend all day on their body because they barely work.

>> No.56177595

Everyone knows face > body. His face is a literal 4

>> No.56177624

The number of influencers I've seen with a Patrick Bateman daily routine of self improvement with no other point than to look good in a montage for the sake of good footage is too damn high. A mexican with a beer gut and hernia could outlift them and still go work eight hours in the sun.

>> No.56177633

I would gladly take $10 Million to never have sex ever.

>> No.56177658

>spend all day at the gym
More like 1-ish hours a day, 4 days a week.

>> No.56177669

That’s easy to look like, literally just spend an hour in gym everyday while taking lots of riods. Down side is you permanently fuck your test production for life so you only can enjoy being muscle bound so long as you keep taking riods and do not get a heart attack

>> No.56177688

Money is more important than Sex or looking good.
with money you can literally buy anything you want.

>> No.56177690
File: 545 KB, 750x996, 2-20-2021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

COPE. your woman will never truly desire you. your one true love will cheat on you with people who look like him while YOU be the beta provider and you will never find out because women cover their tracks extremely well. looks has always been #1. money is what average looking soft betas use to cope.

>> No.56177695

Reminder that gym bros are either closeted homos or trannies to be. This one seems to be the latter.

>> No.56177707

>woman will never truly desire you
who gives a shit what woman desire?
>your one true love will cheat on you
no such thing as "true love", also just cheat first lol
>YOU be the beta provider
lmao imagine paying cunts (that arent prostitutes)
>women cover their tracks extremely well.
woman are mental midgets and dumb as shit. a monkey could outsmart them.

>> No.56177708

Take down my picture OP

>> No.56177717

This. Gymbros think they are going to attract women, but the only attraction they get is from gymbros in the sense of silly discussions, sissy affection, and envy to boot

>> No.56177719

Nigger I played college ball and banged hoes like a loaded freight train ten minutes late to the depot without ever doing steroids or stripping enough fat and water out of me I was one sneeze away from a cold. Please do blow up your endocrine system chasing cum gutters, it'll be extremely funny when you're 42 and on bed rest because of heart failure while yo bitch is the one off getting dick that still works.

Ignant ass pickaninny cotton-headed zoomer fucks.

>> No.56177723

What a faggot

>> No.56177724

Women don't even like men like that, gym bros are all fags who fuck each other in the locker room.

>> No.56177744

Why would want to look like a bear and hide your muscles?

>> No.56177760

Good thing I hate women then

>> No.56177771

After nearly 15 years of fapping I can honestly say I no longer think it's the worst thing in the world to be an unattractive man who never has sex
I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck a hot woman right now if I had the opportunity, that would be cope
But I no longer think it's some horrible thing if women never find me hot and I never have sex
Being a virgin male has its bad sides and good sides. Everyone knows exactly what the bad sides are, that's why we're made fun of and looked down upon
But few people will tell you the downsides of being a man that has sex. The drama with women. The increased false accusation #metoo risk. The STD risk. The baby mama/child support bs, and the half-lie that you can easily avoid that by just using condoms when 1. condoms aren't 100% effective and 2. everybody (even virgins like me) knows that condom sex doesn't feel as good and it's always hotter when a woman lets you fuck her raw, which is why a lot of dudes do it and then the baby mama/child support bs ends up happening to them anyway
It would be nice to have sex just to know the feeling, but at least I can play vidya and do other fun shit in my own time with no woman or kid taking up my free time. And I don't have to worry about any of the above issues
Maybe it still is cope go an extent, but either way I'm fine with it

>> No.56177781

>Women don't even like men like that.
The shitty ones that aren't wife material do.

>> No.56177788

Going to the gym is for quality of life and increasing performance in a skill. Bodybuilding is kinda gay since women stop caring at a certain point about muscles. Powerlifting and strongman competition is somewhat acceptable but still a bit questionable since the likelihood of injury is a bit too high.

>> No.56177790

the dynamics of the social order have changed significantly since we were young
the same type of people and personality archetypes who used to get laid now don't anymore
unironically the zoomer women obsess over a single guy and if they can't have him they wait in line
It's something incredible to observe as I went back to school for my master's and it's just not the same vibe whatsoever. The amount of people, specifically young men, who just look miserable to be alive, day in and day out, is a stark contrast to when I was undergrad.

You can't interact with zoomers either, not just for me but their own peers, they don't invite small talk or eavesdropping into a conversation. It's like an entire generational embodiment of the Seattle freeze. Everything is "weird" or "awkward", literally the dumbest and most miniscule interactions can be considered "awkward" to them. Don't get me wrong I remember that age being cringe in those ways too. But not like this. Not even close.

I feel for the zoomer men because they are coming to adulthood in a world that they are flat out, not prepared for. Social media, the phones, bing bing wahoo. An entire generation that can only interact online, and when they see each other in person they just keep their head down or join the discord call and put the headphones on so they can continue living in their own little world while never having to interact with the real one.

>> No.56177815

If you're trying to fuck an athlete you should probably also be an athlete to keep up, but even those chicks want someone with a little fat on them. Makes banging hurt less. I don't know how many people here have been legit skinny and fucked someone that was the same but slamming your pelvic or hip bones into someone else's because you're both so skinny you have no fucking cushion at all is not a great time. Ideal shape for fucking would be physically fit but still carrying some fat and water weight.

>> No.56177852

I guess I did luck out being one of the last from the before times, but holy shit people make things harder than they need to be. Have some basic hygiene and a job and getting laid is far from impossible even in the retarded age, I think people just keep entertaining so much of the stupidity and faggotry of now that it's self sustaining. Whatever the answer is, steroids isn't it. That's for when someone is in their 40's and wants to get their quality of life back with a doctor's supervision, anyone doing it young is choosing to die at middle age.

Like fucks sake just sell weed if pussy is that hard to find.

>> No.56177866

idk about ugly millionaires but i had read that billionaires have to hire security to be safe from all the fangirls, and usually these billionaires are ugly

>> No.56177869

Women like muscles, of course, but not as much as men do. Something to think about, op.

>> No.56177879

lifting weights and being in visibly good health is based but bodies like this are gay and retarded. you can't look like that without roids and a relentlessly disciplined diet. you have no life outside of having an autistic diet plan and lifting 1-2 hours a day 5 days a week.

>> No.56177901

Money is power, chicks like power. All they'd have to do is be in the same room as them without a camera running one time and they never have to work again without it even going to court, hence the security. Anything much past about 30 million in net worth and you're firmly at a point in life where you have to keep everyone away and have a security detail for shit like that. It's actually pretty shit.
This. Chicks like strong guys, they really don't care much what the muscles look like they just want them to be there. Men are the ones that get autistic competitive about individual muscles n shit.

>> No.56177904

>Everything is "weird" or "awkward", literally the dumbest and most miniscule interactions can be considered "awkward" to them
I’ve noticed this phenomenon with the boys too. Hard to interact with them in any meaningful way. I’ve met a few solid outliers in my travels, but the narcissism is on overdrive with that generation

>> No.56177926

>I feel for the zoomer men because they are coming to adulthood in a world that they are flat out, not prepared for. Social media, the phones, bing bing wahoo. An entire generation that can only interact online, and when they see each other in person they just keep their head down or join the discord call and put the headphones on so they can continue living in their own little world while never having to interact with the real one.

honestly there's nothing wrong with this. i'm a reformed sperg 34 year old boomer. my social skills are fine and i can blend in just fine -- my boss and his boss like me, my neighbors say hi, i have a gf, etc.. but it's all so unnecessary. so many of these "relationships" that we form are utterly hollow. there's really no benefit to building a professional network, or talking to your neighbor -- because when you're in need, they won't help or they can't help. cut out the middle man and live in an autistic bubble because the end result will be the same.

>> No.56177930

I think a lot of that is just not being okay living in the moment and giving a shit about things that don't matter, and frankly if someone can't do those two things they're cattle headed for slaughter. I still saw that in the older generations when I was younger.

>> No.56177949

You don't even need roids for that. Just a decent diet. Nigga is like... 10% bodyfat.

>> No.56177962

>noobgains lifter who extrapolates his first 3 months of gains across a multi-year lifting career
kek. yeah man, i bet he takes creatine at the absolute most.

>> No.56177973

It's still worth it to have those relationships, it's just not worth stressing over and you can't rely on them. I really try not to rely on anyone for anything in my own life and fully expect to get fucked at every turn by everyone I know but I still know people because they're worth knowing. The little bit of social interaction I don't get that I need I'm happy to just do here shitposting like I have for nearly two decades since I was 10.

>> No.56177980


actually did look like this in my 20s. Even did everal cycles of t-cypianate to achieve it. Way too much fucking effort. Yea it got me laid and I still don't think it was worth spending all my fucking time in the gym 6 days a week.

>> No.56177988

Not even bro, just a zma stack and some omega 3 fish oil

>> No.56177995
File: 98 KB, 1080x1080, joe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cope + reading comprehension problems
cope. you're probably ashamed to look at yourself topless in the mirror. your one true love pretends to cum and it stings you every time
cope. post body. amount of anti zoomer vivitrol = probably old and past your prime
cope. you haven't been around a lot of women, i can tell
this guy gets it
get jacked and watch these pussy worldviews piss themselves out of your brain in 5 minutes
you're probably right, but the people on this thread you're talking to are soft betas with hairy moobs. they literally cannot compete with pic related. it scares them and they lash out
same response as above
money is cope. chicks will get with a dude for his excess wealth then cheat on him with a nonchalant dude on his third cycle of test + masteron. happens every SINGLE DAY
good job. but once again remember you are talking to fatties ITT who haven't touched a barbell after 40 years of eating and shitting garbage

>> No.56178005

have sex gymcel

>> No.56178016

It's like having a nice old muscle car. Sure it's dope as fuck and looks good but most of the people that want to touch it or talk about it are other dudes and it's just a motherfucker of work to keep it up to the point you basically need a mechanic on speed dial until you can figure out your own valve lash and all that good shit, same way most people either need a trainer or do literally nothing but lift to be shredded. It's just easier and healthier to lift and do cardio and not care about being 10-15lbs overweight and anyone that's stayed gigaskinny for an extended period of time knows it sucks fucking ass and you feel like dogshit the whole way.

>> No.56178034

>cope + reading comprehension problems
all I read from you is
>muh holes muh true love
and other bullshit that doesnt really bother a real man.

>> No.56178056
File: 154 KB, 1065x1064, file.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why´d you post a pic of a dead man? This guy died at 30 from steroid abuse. This is what this guy looks like now btw

>> No.56178061

balding hard, sad!

>> No.56178076

>post body
I'd rather not have to deal with the fallout as I played more than just college ball, but in my prime I was about 2m tall and north of 135kg and still hitting 5:30 mile times or better. That said for not being an athlete and focusing on looking good you do have an impressive body. At the end of the day yes you can just get shredded and bang hoes especially when they're younger, but it becomes a novelty to women pretty quickly and certainly isn't enough to hold one down. At least not a good one. Having said that, yeah, anyone that doesn't at least do regular cardio and the big compound lifts on a regular basis - male or female from 16 to 76 - can shut the fuck up completely and get out of my face.

>> No.56178098

women want alphas who dont give a fuck. being obsessed about your physique is feminine, and the opposite of not giving a fuck. its a fragile ego, that can be destroyed by a girl anytime she wants. major turn off for her

>> No.56178101

fair point

>> No.56178130

>what women really want is vain, feminine, delicate men
at least try to pretend you've ever spoken to women op.

>> No.56178179

For "the average dude" taking some creatine and a good multivitamin and hitting the gym 3x a week for about an hour is going to put them firmly towards the front of the pack for dating or sex and certainly do enough for them they could focus on other areas of their life to make them a complete person and an attractive spouse. They should save the test for when they're hitting 30-35 and their levels start naturally tapering off, that way they can extend their 20's into their 40's and their 30's into their 60's and their 40's into their 70's without having a heart attack because they burned the candle at both ends while they were young. One of the greatest sins a man can commit is to not know the full strength and beauty his body is capable of but so is vanity and pride.

>> No.56178188

hey adem nice thread you have here

>> No.56178208

Women don't usually have a lot of body hair

>> No.56178217

Ultra based, but you're shouting into the void

>> No.56178237
File: 155 KB, 640x360, 1695475382009208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56178251

What you could easily look like that by just working out. Getting rich is really hard though. And I don't mean a few million dollars anyone can do that by starting a small business or investing wisely. I mean getting to 9 figures.

>> No.56178275

Moreplatesmoredates is at least honest about steroids being dangerous and tells people to avoid them until they're in their 30's and have a doctor's supervision. Comparing them to someone transitioning DIY style with no bloodwork on a whim and a prayer is pretty disingenuous.

>> No.56178277

people easily forget this.
there's ~80,000 guys with 9 figure wealth, ~2,000 with 10 figure wealth, and millions and millions of guys who spend time at the gym and look exactly like that.

wealth is the only filter for a reason, it's actually difficult to achieve, and actually separates the men from the boys.

>> No.56178281

The collective weight of all posters on this thread is like 275 pounds.

>> No.56178282

it's only sad because he won't shave his head

>> No.56178283

If you have to look like that to have sex, how the hell were you born?

>> No.56178308

>being obsessed about your physique is feminine
good point. i'll go down a couple cheeseburgers and stop giving a fuck about how i look. thanks anon.

>> No.56178310

it's how brown guys cope with the fact that they'll never have either

>> No.56178316
File: 50 KB, 256x386, 1683187105362822.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Comparing them to someone transitioning DIY style with no bloodwork on a whim and a prayer is pretty disingenuous.

>> No.56178317

All the testosterone went into his muscles instead of making him look like a monkey

>> No.56178323
File: 48 KB, 1230x757, c2f3adgg_jeff-bezos-with-lauren-sanchez-leonardo-dicaprio_625x300_09_November_21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you're relying on some novelty like wealth or physical fitness to attract bitches, you're ngmi.

>> No.56178360

nah, steroids are for pansies

>> No.56178368


/fit/ is coming after you guys...

>> No.56178374
File: 191 KB, 477x720, BD069E71-93E6-40F5-A42E-F6D3C7EDEB5B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>6’2” /fit/ Chad max’d
>Sex is a cope

Also this shit is fine yet the tranny janny warns and deletes my /biz/ circle jerk thread. Fuck (you) YWNBAW

>> No.56178406

/fit/ died when they ran scooby off

>> No.56178444

Anyone that has had sex more than a few (maybe 100) times doesn't care anymore. Sex isn't special. It's quite literally pleb tier

>> No.56178488

its not about using it to attract anybody, it's that pretending physique is a filtering function for women is laughable when the real filtering function has always been status/wealth.

>> No.56178501

Everytime I go to the gym there is literally a gay orgy happening in the locker room everytime, fitcells are so fucking gay

>> No.56178565

>the "dying early from roids and low body fat" look

>> No.56178569

no there isn't. you perceive what you desire, obese closet homosexual.

>> No.56178585
File: 122 KB, 1418x867, Salvatore-Aranzulla-in-vacanza-a-Taormina-Foto-Instagram-1-e1655386385539[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, just... don't.