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56176842 No.56176842 [Reply] [Original]

How do I turn 200k into 2 million with the least amount of work?

>> No.56176869

>go to s korea
>get plastic surgery: chin implant, jawline enhancement, change eye color to green
>gastric band surgery if youre fat
>go on dating apps
>select old career women preferably menopausal (no kids ez mode)
>put in minimal effort
>get married
>lounge around an HR roasties house forever

>> No.56177336


>> No.56177356

Sports betting.

>> No.56178773

Give it to someone who turns it into 4 million and make a 50/50 deal

>> No.56178840

>Dump it all into S&P 500 index funds
>Live with parents, never pay for dinner/utilities/rent in dollars, only pay in good boy points watering the lawn, cleaning up room, walking family dog etc.
>do this for 25 years
>Check index fund
>You now have 2 million dollars
It's literally that simple.

>> No.56178875

>just wait 25 years bro, don't spend on anything bro, just hope you don't kick the bucket before bro
holy mother of kek does anyone actually buy this?

>> No.56178888

become a warlord in africa or predict which niche technology will get popular and build sumething related to that technology

>> No.56178899

Invest in CYMI, COTI and OP now you have the time. Thank me later.

>> No.56178902

No, most people do that but without the saving and investing part.

>> No.56178910


>> No.56178914

All in link

>> No.56178941

yeah and both die poor, there's only one true way out but you don't deserve it.