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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56176453 No.56176453 [Reply] [Original]


for newfags

>> No.56176552

This video is more important and useful than any thread I've ever read on this dump

>> No.56176593

/biz/ really is better without all the cryptoshittery, huh

>> No.56176843

Can someone give a rundown to a guy who couldn't be fucked watching a 3.5 hour doco?

>> No.56176849

just watch it. its about the achemery behind the fed and monetary policies that should replace debt based fiat funny money. watch it or stop posting here

>> No.56176851

currency in its current form is a scam to keep you a wagie slavie poor pleb.

>> No.56176856

without crypto this place would be r/wall street bets
not that I would mind

>> No.56176867

You don't need 3.5 hours to convey that.

>> No.56176874

I'd rather watch a 3 hour 90's documentary than this zoomer crap

>> No.56176878

>be boomer, can die any day, not much time left
>let me just waste three hours
You are just sabotaging yourself, Zoomers don't care about your little boycott.

>> No.56176913

That's not saying much considering how low the bar is.

>> No.56176944

does he mention why the USA went into WW1?
No, he is too sanitzied, unlike this documentary
You're missing out

>> No.56177644

>doesn't mention which family and of what ethnicity creates the central banks
>doesn't mention why Jesus kicked out the moneychangers
>doesn't mention what the Revolutionary War is truly about
>doesn't mention the contribution and the mission of The Ol Hickory
yea the 3hrs doc is just better

>> No.56177650

No, you must watch it.

>> No.56177661
File: 251 KB, 665x608, 1514022550440.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I fucking get it.
Money is gay. Fiat is a ponzi. Jews leech our wealth whilst they engage in blood libel on children.

But how does this info help me?

>> No.56177663

you idiot
this 3.5 hours doc will save you lifetime of research. it's literally The QRD of why your life is shit.

>> No.56177776

When tv man in suit says sell, you buy
When tv man in suit says buy, you sell

>> No.56177925

just listen to the /pmg/ chads and buy some gold and silver

>> No.56178068

Nice documentary, may I recommend?


>> No.56178236

Bill Still unironically shilled me a shitcoin and I’ll never forgive him for that. Back around 2012 2013 he kept pushing Quarkcoin on RT. It was a literal pump and dump being pushed by the money master faggot himself. I traded 2013 Bitcoin for it. I’m still raging and if I ever see that pencil necked faggot in real life I am going to fiat him up the ass.

>> No.56178335

>less than 100k views over 10 fucking years
The masses are literally bred to be slaves. Imagine not watching this documentary as a teenager and growing up with this knowledge.

>> No.56178495
File: 393 KB, 716x1083, 1653428732771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's a group of dishonest, schizophrenic Keynesians that try and shoehorn in retarded, evil economic proposals into right wing/anti-Federal Reserve circles by adjusting all of their language to make themselves sound vaguely like Ron Paul.

The term for these people are "Greenbackers" which is a historical movement that strongly opposed going to an actual gold standard or anything resembling free market money (like crypto would be today), and instead want the government to have a complete monopoly over the monetary system and centrally plan it through the Treasury.

Greenbackers talk shit about the Federal Reserve system in the exact same way that Leon Trotsky talked shit about Stalin. Saying
>yeah I hate that Stalin guy too
does not make Leon Trotsky your friend in any capacity whatsoever.

Because I actually understand what their beliefs are and don't just use the surface level take of
>uhh I guess they hate the Fed too so we must be similar
like they're wanting you to do, I regard them with the same disdain as I do Paul Krugman or Robert Reich.

>> No.56178968

i would also like to add
the spiders web britains second empire

so you know what to do and where to go after you made it

>> No.56179004
File: 25 KB, 720x707, 1508855859329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT newfags finds out about the fed and how central banks control the world

>> No.56179314

Nigger brained low IQ gold fish attention span zoomer.

>> No.56179615

It’s pouring rain outside. What else are you got to do?

>> No.56179757

great rec

it is 100% worth the 3.5 hrs. put it on 1.25x speed if you want to save some time. i'd recommend watching it in 15-45 minute chunks where you focus with all your attention and even take notes. take time to pause and look up sources/events he mentions. it's basically like a college course in a documentary and you'll emerge with an understanding of the economic system

the other documentaries i'd recommend doing this with are Adam Curtis ones, The Century of the Self and Hypernormalisation.

>> No.56179762

the corbett report documentary on WW1 and the factors that led to it (Rhodes Roundtable, etc) is a 100% must watch as well. IMO one of the most important documents of our time. God bless James Corbett

>> No.56179767

Kino documentary thread?

>> No.56180012

well if we are doing this then princes of the yen is also a must see

>> No.56180303

the book evolution of money by david byrne is like a few of the documentaries in this thread but also names the jew and lists names, easy to find for free

>> No.56180911

ok jewfaggot

>> No.56180933

>Rothschild kikes are responsible for the death and despair of the entire planet
Tell me something I don’t know

>> No.56180996

Wtf are you on about crypto is the answer to this you faggot nigger

>> No.56181000

No. Go back.

>> No.56181298

Big if true. Also what the point of this video if nobody is going to do shit? BTW Trump is one of them but half of the country will voot for him because they think they're based lmao.