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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56172932 No.56172932 [Reply] [Original]

The Sorbetto Fagola approach has been adapted to yield farming via upgraded popcicle contracts. This is alpha. The Defi bullrun is unironically about to start.

>> No.56172939

what the fuck is this incoherent schizo babble.

>> No.56172985

I think you're inhaling way too much copium right there mate.

>> No.56173031
File: 194 KB, 492x477, 1691858170691224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He knows about the Popsicle SC's
It's fucking over Cotton Candy Ops are a bust DELETE THIS THREAD RIGHT FUCKING NOW

>> No.56173034

So will I be able to make a living by staking my welfare on $CAKE once again??? Is America finally fixed? Pls respond

>> No.56173040

>yield farming
instant trash.

>> No.56173041
File: 274 KB, 667x571, 1691826832588369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kinetix Finance offering over 26% APY for $KAVA via liquid USDT, delegated by the Tether Foundation itself
>DOT 16% APY on most major DEX's
>APT 6%
>They are unaware that farm kino is back and therefore alt season is A-go

>> No.56173047

>The Defi bullrun is unironically about to st-ACK

>> No.56173056

>26% of some worthless shitcoin when you could be farming ETH instead.

3% APY (rewarded in ETH) > whatever the fuck this is.
>hurr but you need a lot of ETH
objectively wrong and false. Stop being a bunch of low IQ niggers and join the white man's side.

>> No.56173059

That ship has sailed a long time ago, so the answer's no.

>> No.56173064

Third worlders will go crazy over these news I guess!

>> No.56173074

This thread is likely compromised

>> No.56173076
File: 16 KB, 215x291, 1691711035070506.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinetix is fucking good, man. Really hope the Kava people kidnaps more devs to program more defi trash to bring in even more money to the ecosystem. That yield must be stabilized it cannot go down.

>> No.56173086

Top signal if you are still not demoralized enough. Makes me feel extremely bearish

>> No.56173087

$Kava is 0.6/0.7 cents a token. That's not a shitcoin.
>Buth eth better!!!
Fees, sluggish staking processes, slippage issues.

Different protocols for different needs and different capital. Fucking retard.

>> No.56173092

holy shit get a fucking job man

>> No.56173098

They NEED ETH developers to take advantage of their tools. Cosmos' SDK plus ERC-20 contracts can make quite a powerful platform to bring in more overall interest/value into the ecosystem.

>> No.56173112

Anything not worth $50 or more is a shitcoin in my eyes. You cannot change this fact.

>> No.56173119

no feedback thread. jannies do your fucking job

>> No.56173125

farming is currently the only semi-consistent way to make some extra income with crypto at the moment because interest is at an ATL

>> No.56173130

that is quite literally the reason why this thing exists in the first place though.