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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56171014 No.56171014 [Reply] [Original]

Something's cooking

>> No.56171150

Considering how Gun and Kevin are silent prob charges and sub ICO price

>> No.56171278

Yeah like the last time you posted this right? Lying nigger.

>> No.56171916
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Drop it already anon

>> No.56172247
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It's coming.

>> No.56172262

>He's still going on with this cringe lie
You're an asshole bruv

>> No.56172301

Let me guess… another Asian company deploying a subnet… yaaaawnnnn…

>> No.56172443

If not, I’m guessing it’s an NFT rush program similar to defi rush.

>> No.56172471

>FED announce AVAX as the reserve currency

Crypto whales and VCs hate avax, No other explanation, Ugly to watch that those are the people who dictate narrative and momentum in this space, With them crypto will keep being a joke

>> No.56172549

I mean the only reason solana has been getting a lot of attention is because Vitalik tweeted about it when it was in free fall. That did 2 things. Marked the bottom at that point, and it also told VCs and crypto natives “ if Vitalik respects it, it has to be worth looking at”. Now avalanche is largely ignored, but it is gaining traction in Asia. I would like to see more US companies involved but I understand that regulatory concerns is a blocker.

>> No.56172579

Vitalik "respected" avalanche long before he did Solana.

And if VCs are THAT incompetent that they need skelly tweet to go all in and have conviction then we're completely doomed.

>> No.56172953

That is exactly what it is lmao. They need someone to think for them and say the tech is good. That’s what most of this market is.

>> No.56172976

Pretty sure that Vitalik never expected that Avalanche would get this big in 2021. He acted like he mixed up Avalanche and the low IQ Jewscam Algorand on reddit a couple weeks ago to lowkey shit on Avalanche.


>> No.56173948


>> No.56174044

Forreal kek, having large amounts of money =/= knowing or understanding shit. It's like a roulette board to them and a skelly tweet makes them think he foresees it coming up red.

>> No.56174065
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Don’t tell them

>> No.56174067
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JPM says Ethereum is useless dogshit.

John Wu is already poaching them.

>> No.56174499

>Best innovation and tech in crypto.
>Worst price performance.


>> No.56174678

Yep. Looks like they’re cooking up a price avalanche. This crab dumping piece of shit is dropping faster than you can say “double spend”

>> No.56174926
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love those

>> No.56175058

I are conflict. Lower prices make subnets affordable, but also keep me at my 9 to 5.

>> No.56175071

they really need to lower node stake reqs frankly

>> No.56175089

Imagine holding this absolute trash. You know these shills are laughing behind close doors at the idiots who bought this scam.

>> No.56175094

my portfolio is burning to the ground

>> No.56175096

Mmmmmm mmmm... smells like double spend

>> No.56177605

JPM will just fork Avalanche if it works as intended. A Network of coordinated sub-networks with fast finality just makes more sense for business. The whole shared security L2 thing Ethereum is optimizing for doesn't matter for private networks. Speed and performance/fault isolation are more important properties.

>> No.56177746
File: 82 KB, 700x807, IMG_0164.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JPM will just fork Avalanche
they wont fork it they will simply launch a Subnet which doesnt even take 30 seconds to do and doesnt even require to know any code.
whatever virtual machine they need they can simply deploy it and have instant access to all the tools and chainlink oracles and they can make it as centralized or decentralized as they want.

basically Launching a Subnet is like deploying a new server on AWS, thats how easy it is.
Also John Wu is such a networking beast he makes them an offer they cant refuse.

>> No.56178463

I think getting the payment model right for Avacloud is a must. They need to pay AWS in cash and have it accrue value to AVAX without having to hold AVAX on their balance sheet. It isn't vastly different to Hyperledger then. The need to validate the C-Chain should also be removed. Greater regulatory clarity will also help.

>> No.56178655
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>without having to hold AVAX on their balance sheet.
on Ava Cloud exposure to Cryptocurrency is optional. source: https://avacloud.io/finance
>The need to validate the C-Chain should also be removed
its important for the primary network and its going to be the most important public chain.
>Greater regulatory clarity will also help.
Ava Labs is expanding to everywhere and Emin Gün Sirer is technical advisor to the CFTC which is in close collaboration with "The United States House Committee on Financial Services".
they oversee the entire financial services industry, including the securities, insurance, banking and housing industries, the work of the Federal Reserve, the United States Department of the Treasury, the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission and other financial services regulators.
So I'm not worried about any Regulations.

>> No.56179196
File: 136 KB, 767x769, avax_intern_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"I am concerned about the amount of time you are in my office Emin-san"

How do we get him to leave her alone?

>> No.56180474


>> No.56181214

Last time this was posted, vista was announced. I’m guessing it’s something NFT related this time.

>> No.56181758
File: 315 KB, 881x643, 1678987381432258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

distract him with more avax-chans

>> No.56182524

>its important for the primary network and its going to be the most important public chain.

I think the P-Chain will be more important. The C-Chain is important as a central liquidity hub and short-term it is important everyone validate it. But long-term why does it need thousands of validators, seems overkill. Wouldn't it be better to be optional, so you only get AVAX rewards if you also validate the C-Chain. You'd have to validate it if you want your Subnet to have access to its liquidity because of how Teleporter works anyway.

>> No.56182525
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>> No.56182532

Yeah their silence is unironically deafening. The project seems so dead now, it's just Patrick O'Grady and Luigi Demeo still tweeting about it from the official Avalabs team LMAO. And the occasional korean rewards program.

>> No.56182991

Fuck this crab dumping piece of trash coin. Going down faster than you can say double spend.

>> No.56183032

In case you are not aware we have dogcoins at the top just because Elon Musk tweeted about them. It's a clown market.

>> No.56183753

Kevin has been tweeting more. Emin has been picking up as well. When they tweeted a lot, people bitched about how much they were on twitter.

>> No.56185465

>long-term why does it need thousands of validators
for credible actual DeFi. If major governments effectively ban it then sure it's really not that important. I think avalabs can deliver enough significant improvements to the EVM that will make it relatively lighter to validate on the same hardware.
>you only get AVAX rewards if you also validate the C-Chain
I don't think creating two classes of validators based on differing economic incentives is a good idea.