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56170795 No.56170795 [Reply] [Original]

new ari

>> No.56170802

Hes jewish he cant be trusted

>> No.56170832

thats what he builds TEEs for, so you dont have to trust anymore.

>> No.56170863
File: 545 KB, 656x849, 1655702090239.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to my knowledge this is the first time we have seen him unmasked right? i wonder if there is any symbolism to that

>> No.56170870

I've just realized Chainlink bagholders are literally rebranded Cardano bagholders.
Everything makes sense now.

>> No.56170910

Outside of laughs this is still the best place for alpha.
Thanks for link

>> No.56170914

Man I never know what the FUCK ari is saying

>> No.56170923

But Bobby Fischer proved there are good Jews that care about truth…
Maybe ari is leik that guy

>> No.56171127

>linkfags will unironically defend serpent bloodline jews
Thats a yikes from me

>> No.56171148

What are the odds this nigga doesn’t sacrifice chirren

>> No.56171185

ah yes, I understood this video perfectly

>> No.56171201

It's crazy that I can understand what he's talking about perfectly

>> No.56171227

He's unironically ourjew. They are rare but happen once a century or so. Paul who was Saul for example.

>> No.56171263




>> No.56171301

Dis nigga ain’t even pretending to understand dis big pot of Gumbo

>> No.56171421

Chainlink is one day just going to drop a MEV resistant BCCA layer 1 that solves the trilemma and it'll quickly slurp up all the liquidity thanks to CCIP

>> No.56171452

please tell me you are not a human who actually wrote that shit thinking it makes any fucking sense

>> No.56171474
File: 761 KB, 1242x1230, 1686781278131271.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

extremely bullish. thank you based ari. anyone know wtf he was talking about?

>> No.56171490

>t. Retard

>> No.56171495

TEE+blockchain are U S E L E S S
Just intellectual masturbation for Computer scientists and doctorates
> t. system engineer, worked in web3 5yrs, left to never return

>> No.56171534
File: 1.12 MB, 400x215, MEV isnt theft okay.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking MEV fudders out in full force today.
Amazing how the closer CLL gets to releasing FSS, the louder the fuddites get.

The thieves are getting more vocal.
They see the writing on the wall.
And they're scared.

>> No.56171638

I feel like that was more for selfish reasons than good morals, he was like an abandoned broodling trying to prove himself (like Adolf)

>> No.56171671


>> No.56171704

This. They are screaming into the void and I'm loving every minute of it.

>tfw we will get fractions of a link on each and every transaction going through SWIFT/DTCC/Euroclear

>> No.56171713

anyone got the tweet where he cracked intel sgx by "accident"?

>> No.56171725

The nice part of 4chan is you are anonymous so there is no dude trust me to fall back on. If people want their post taken seriously then they must provide the evidence. It's not perfect but it's head and shoulders above the namefag platforms where reputation and clique are everything.

>> No.56171796

Ari just wants to prove shes 18 bros

>> No.56171826
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226 views. so literally nobody in the world cares

gonna go watch this video instead

>> No.56171867 [DELETED] 

Wont dont you understand about slurping? Your mom loves it.

>> No.56172049

The bigger problem with Reddit is that it’s heavily curated. Ghislane maxwell was literally a mod on /r/worldnews. It’s a manufactured echo chamber.

>> No.56172134

It's not only a problem with reddit. It's a problem on Twitter, etc. as well. Anywhere you have a name and history attached to your posts.

>> No.56172365
File: 36 KB, 640x360, 60d5d0fd6604d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>About a16z crypto research
>a16z crypto research is a multidisciplinary lab that works closely with our portfolio companies and others toward solving the important problems in the space, and toward advancing the science and technology of the next generation of the internet.

>> No.56172385

Why isn’t a pseudonymous unmoderated website possible? Where people can dox themselves if they’re mentally ill

>> No.56172547

How did Ari manage to remain healthy during the bear market?
Did he fitness max to cope?
His attempt to make crypto fair and free it from the MEV is very welcome.
He is a role model for what a crypto builder should be.

>> No.56172813

the eggman is /ourguy/, if Ari himself is being hosted by this based dude, its bullish beyond anything imaginable

>> No.56172823

Yes but when you are tired you can get alpha from provable good actors with an identity if you manage to find them.
Good luck getting your alpha here during the next bull run.

>> No.56172836

Eggman was involved in mosaic, he's a true tech OG and saw what crypto for what it was since the beggining.
No doubt he'll prop up link.

>> No.56173014

Does Ari really worship Greek Gods? Is there anything to substantiate this? I tried to email him about it but he ignored me.

>> No.56173485

Good work, chief. Please keep up the investigation.

>> No.56173572

the one good jew

>> No.56173614

No such thing. He has much worse motives but at least we will profit

>> No.56174281
File: 582 KB, 777x777, 1671831320030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao ari

>> No.56174391

ari cares not for world domination he just wants to write novels and conduct research. he could've easily started his own company but instead he decided to join up with a 3 man team headed by a philosophy major.

>> No.56176539

>Hes jewish he cant be trusted

>> No.56176648

Bullish at his answer to the girl's question (54:00):
>Ari: You've just alluded to my master plan. Yes, the hope is that transactions eventually get routed exclusively through services that order them fairly.