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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 57 KB, 1024x393, IMG_2253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5616949 No.5616949 [Reply] [Original]

So we're gonna pretend BNTY didn't just crash and burn? Im still in the green but goddamn man. Also no BNTY post in the last hour or so so here you go.

>> No.5616995

Just look at that scammy picture. what a stupid fucking coin. I was gone the day BNTY blew up but I didn't even feel a speck of FOMO when I looked at it. I would hate to be holding those bags when quality coins are mooning hard as fuck

>> No.5617001

Yeah I'm happy I made a profit still, but it's unfortunate the hype already wore off.

I know, iron hands but sometimes you gotta know when to fold em

>> No.5617047

will it 2x tomorrow?

>> No.5617061

Yeah, but when it starts picking up again I'm sure the posts will come around

>> No.5617076

this coin is still young. it has a couple of moon missions left in it.

>> No.5617080


Move it all to DBC. That shit is leveling out ready for the next exchange release.

>> No.5617095
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Bought in at 0.08 Cents. 5400 BNTY.
Letting it ride

>> No.5617101

how the fuck is 20 cents a crash and burn?

brain dead pajeets

>> No.5617110

I think the initial rush has faded but it's still undervalued IF the devs can deliver.

That's the thing, the more I think about this concept the more I think it has promise but the devs need to stop being such flaming cucks.

A decentralised bounty platform where you could post a bounty on anything would literally be THE block-chain applicaiton..

Fully exploiting the fact the law can't shut it down, nor stop bounty hunters from collecting no matter WHAT they posted.

But they're going the cuck route of making it productive.

They need to come out and announce public bounties atleast, where everyone can chip in and raise a bounty pool.

The alpha they have posted up also doesn't even work on the block-chain it just seems to be a Javascript/HTML message board where you can have a button that links to a thread on btcChat or the bounty-poster's webite.

They need to work on an escrow system right straight away, and need to work on the block-chain smart contracts to autoamtically transfer the escrows out.

What they should do is develop that tech, limit the bounties to no more than $5, and let the world go wild with it for a month as a test. See what people will decentralisedly do for each other for $5, like an unregulated fiver.

It's really all up to the devs now whether they want to be 500M mktCap+, or whether they want to cuck themselves back to ICO level 5M~

>> No.5617161

How do they solve the oracle problem?

Serious question.

>> No.5617291

That's hands down the best part of this.

People holding a certain number of BNTY tokens can take the roll of sheriffs.

They stake their bounty, and are presented case by case bounty completions and comments by both parties.

They are then asked to vote if the bounty was or wasn't successfully completed. If they vote in-line with the majority, then they get a reward/fee.

If they vote against the majority they lose a small portion of their stake.

If bounties aren't settled, the bounty hunter or host can dispute it.

That's the general 'gist' of the idea, I suppose there's a lot more to flesh out on how it'd work.

The coin grew too quickly I think, They need way more development, but if they were to do it, this is easy a $1-2 coin.

>> No.5617310

you guys do know all that happened (if you look at the order books) is that some whale had bought a shit-ton of coins at the start of BNTY, then when the price rose up too high, he sold a chunk off of his coins for less than half the going price to artificially lower it
then you weakhands freaked the fuck out thinking that that whale's fake price was the actual going price of the coin, and he accumulated
now the whales have a shit-ton of YOUR coins and will eventually let the price rise organically again to make a profit off them
see you in a week when the whales let this thing grow naturally
it's a freaking kucoin that's 3 days old
i will never understand weakhanders

>> No.5617320

It's clear BNTY is gaining recognition. I'm sure the developers will deliver. There's literally no way this project can stay <20 mil mc. The moon mission is inevitable. I guess just seeing how profitable crypto trading can be, we get impatient. It has been trading for what 4 days now? 3 days?

>> No.5617448

BNTY is a stealth moon mission. This isn't for faggots who want to get on the latest privacy coin ride and then get dumped on by whales.

This is a coin, like XRB, that will see steady development throughout 2018. It's already got a working platform and a unique value to the blockchain space.

Whoever sold, c ya later cowboy.

>> No.5617594

see what happens when you don't sell to whales?
did the whales let up some or are people getting smarter finally?

>> No.5617637

God man, email this shit to then. If they don't listen, at least we tried.

>> No.5617667



>> No.5617703


>> No.5617730
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Boy howdy, pardners. This is good coin, hyup. Yeehaw, gidding up sirs.

>> No.5617734

>2000 SATS
So low?

>> No.5617809


>> No.5617877



>> No.5617997


The Buy and Sell orders for this coin are so spread that it can go up or down 30-50 sats in 1 transaction.

>> No.5617999
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could be a whale or a retard
either way, it will rise steadily so long as people stop pulling this shit

>> No.5618044

When's this coming to Binance?

>> No.5618157

Not fucking soon enough, thats for sure.

Would be nice to get the fuck away from these whales in the kiddie pool on kucoin.

>> No.5618165

Whale, fuck off, drop the wall already and let us rise.

>> No.5618234
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>> No.5618288
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Lmaoo what the fuck

Fucking bounty hunters dude?? Why wouldn't they just use ANY other crypto. Bounty hunters are gonna want to get paid in something worth their work not some worthless shit coin. Fucking LMAO Dog larpers

>> No.5618292

fucking kek

>> No.5618339

This thing is a piece of shit scam hahahahahaha. Should have bought ripple at .22 cents fucking morons

>> No.5618355
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>> No.5618403

best coin mentioned so far by all shillers

>> No.5618405


>> No.5618421

ree kucoin isnt loading

>> No.5618443

Just wait till the ED hacker is caught and the $100k bounty is paid out. Screencap this. It's getting close.

>> No.5618468

See you on the moon space cowboys.

>> No.5618474

Lmao 'muh bank coin'.

Ripple is a jewish mass pump and dump.

The jews missed out on the first crypto boom and are trying to get in control of the majority of Ethereum and Bitcoin for cheap.

How do they do it?

They invent their own shitcoin XRP, pump it to hell, wait until you sell your BTC and Ethereum for it..

Then they abandon it and laugh at you:

"See goyim, somehow we always end up with all the wealth in this country. We came to Europe with nothing, we came out wealthy..

We came to America with nothing, we came out wealthy.

We missed the whole fucking crypto boom because we were too busy crashing the housing market...

doesn't matter, we still. Came. Out. Wealthy and incontrol of all the ethereum/BTC. We truely are god's chosen people."

Haha. Stay poor. The moment XRP falls, I'm converting to judaism to laugh at you bagholding the jewscam coin.


>> No.5618480

Wtf?! Why I can't see Bounty at Kucoin?

>> No.5618511

This, where the fuck is the ETH market?

>> No.5618526


Fucking typical shit holy fuck get bounty on binance plox

>> No.5618535

This coin seriously needs a reliable, large exchange. Kucoin fucked me so hard, I couldn't sign in, I couldn't transfer shit over there. The site sucks.

>> No.5618549


there are problems with the graphs for < 15 minutes, it's being reset. calm your tits.

>> No.5618550

Seriously wtf, I thought I just can't see it but it's really missing?

>> No.5618577
File: 151 KB, 306x343, 1508718523385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kucoin itself kills the mission now

>> No.5618580


the BTC/BNTY pair is showing .22 atm

>> No.5618588

The site fucking sucks dude, you can't make fast trades there because it freezes so much

>> No.5618613


Yeah when we havent been getting fucked by whales been getting fucked by kucoin

>> No.5618626
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>> No.5618664


You still have your bnty the bnty/eth pairing is just fucked up.

BTC pair is at .24 cents now

>> No.5618672
File: 28 KB, 712x669, bull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is the hardest ride to the moon i've done in a while

>> No.5618698

happened with some other coins too.
itll be back again

the bnty/btc pair still works though

>> No.5618731

>buying BNTY while KCS moons as well
That's like being a retard.

>> No.5618772


This exchange is dogshit man, I'm getting off of kucoin as fast as I can put my bounty somewhere else.

>> No.5618804

no one saw this, last chance to see it

>> No.5618834
File: 138 KB, 1182x886, BOUNTY0X.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I saw it man, is that why we're mooning right now?

>> No.5618856

holy fuck we're going on a run right now.

>> No.5618881

mooning back again, accumulate boisssssssss

>> No.5618883
File: 122 KB, 645x645, 1406536157836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is it time?

>> No.5618949
File: 51 KB, 437x454, bountytime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's time friends.

>t. Whale.

>> No.5619008


>> No.5619029

Finally based?

>> No.5619052
File: 6 KB, 241x291, Sheriff_Sprite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lets go boys

>> No.5619055

not making money anytime soon i bought ath

>> No.5619056

>see good coin with low market cap
>initial pump wears off due to whales dumping and accumulating
>stagnates for a day
>in 1 hour, the price goes up 30%

every fucking time. hold u faggots

>> No.5619165

weak handed pajeets jumping off the train at .0003

>> No.5619185

You faggots about to get dumped on. Last warning.

>> No.5619190
File: 177 KB, 1920x1200, BNTY2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


We're fucking rolling now sheriffs TO THE MOON

>> No.5619234
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>> No.5619368

why do threads pop up when support lines cross? like it was about to re-test the bull run... This fucking smells.

>> No.5619371

wash the butter off your hands pajeet

>> No.5619411
File: 183 KB, 643x533, E8728B92-08C8-44CB-B76B-BE0D6A07E6E0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5619421

People getting excited and stopping their internal wojaking?

>> No.5619429

Everyone's confidence is shaken and they all want to sell. I'm buying the dip for sure.

>> No.5619446
File: 99 KB, 640x1136, C2045198-18E7-4D74-B8AB-0ADBE221698C.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops wrong

>> No.5619464

Just saying the Whale wall is gone for BNTY/ETH. Be careful and don't get shekeled

>> No.5619479

pajeet has slippery ghee

>> No.5619480


>> No.5619521


>> No.5619527

yeah imo sell immediately fucking idiot

>> No.5619535

>big if true

>> No.5619541

Jesus, whales, fucking stop, why are they still delaying the mission?

>> No.5619549
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Why the fuck are you newfags still in BNTY? It was just a /biz/ PnD, like PRL.

I made an easy $5k, but you're not supposed to hold that shit.

>> No.5619570

flood this fucking guy out already... he put the 180k sell order in again.

>> No.5619575




>> No.5619596

Meh I'm up $1500 still, so I'll hold.

>> No.5619625

>this lol

>> No.5619646

What's the purpose of this coin?

>> No.5619713

Putting bouties on niggas and pajeets. Internet will become the new wild west.

>> No.5619766

it already is boss. Look at all this tax evasion.

>> No.5620145

Whoever the fuck is suspending all this growth at least fucking grow this a little. actually killing all the fucking hype you've already accumulated so fuckin much jesus chill

>> No.5620855
File: 40 KB, 736x695, 1asd812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> doesn't have a dev team
> they're posting now announcements (and a bounty on their own site rofl) for a dev after (probably) realizing that you can't make what they keep saying without writing actual code and not hiring a freelancer and chop some code from githubs
> company is run by high-school dropout (c'mon dude couldn't get past high school, it's not college wtf) and a lawyer
> they don't have more technical knowledge than most people after reading 4-5 whitepapers
> current "platform" (what that word began to mean now) looks like I'm browsing the web with netscape
> is anyway just a shitty webapp. where's the blockchain/decentralization ?
> they are now tweeting that they are in talks with exchanges, which doesn't mean anything. If I had 1$ for every time a shitcoin tweeted this I would for real have a lambo. Promoting on their group to spam said exchanges twitter feeds. Imagine the thought process behind adding a coin in an in exchange (it's not "hey
bountycuck647, which coin was spammed today on our twitter ?")
>they're saying that wow SIX COMPANIES will post their bounties there. what company in their right mind would do that if they saw the whole thing? Guess this is more of a "like father-like son" thing, imagine the quality of the bounties rofl. The 100k "bounty" for that hacker is just the first example. Posting that was free, fixing everything else is not.
First gains were made because reddit fags were shilling it amongst themselves and some of them are leaking here. The bountyx group periodically plans to spam subreddits. last time someone even said something like "dude that exact thread was posted 6 times already and deleted 4 times"
But there will aways be cucks who think "smol marketcap = big gainz.. wen mon"

>> No.5621001

Yes pajeets, listen to this whale and sell your bags to him.

>> No.5621192


say whatever you want, bnty is doing good

>> No.5621293

Anyone who can read a chart can see it is and the price is being manipulated. Just stupid weak-hands falling for the whales games and selling at loss for them.

>> No.5621422
File: 15 KB, 214x255, rtfd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cup and handle forming on the 1h chart?

>> No.5621483

it would have to stabilize temporarily around 300-320 to form that. A whale is currently fucking everything.

>89k sell at 247

>> No.5621542

no offense but why is everyone on this fucking board using gwei. always have to switch charts n shit

>> No.5621543

LOL any anyone selling right now

>> No.5621592

The bitcoin pair has a much lower volume for this coin. Better to use the eth one

>> No.5621596

Anyone selling right deserves to be mugged and shot by niggers.

>> No.5621702

i see. the 30 min chart on the btc pair looks like the braille alphabat lmao

>> No.5621910

still holding strong :)

>> No.5621932

So I see 145k, 24qk, and 106k sale orders at retarded prices.

It seems that since this coin is so new it has too many whales that are manipulating the price. Im just gonna hold my bag for the next month or two and see what happens.

>> No.5621963

can somebody give me the rundown on how and when this will make it to binance

>> No.5621994


I'm a whale but not in this fuckin contraption.

How logical is this: I bought a shit ton of bnty so I can wait 1-2 years for them to have a working product instead of getting almost everything in money skelly when he releases his pajereum 2.0.

Meanwhile, all freelancing and job sites (small/big/niche) will implement crypto within a week after they realize it's a good thing to do and there's your revolutionary product.


>> No.5622137

they still in talk with the boys from binance

>> No.5622155

The same can be said from every other coin, no every other endeavor, i.e, idea can be copied.

>> No.5622280
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>money skelly
what is money skelly

>> No.5622299

Ethereums creator

>> No.5622405


yeah, there are a lot of shitcoins (99%) who don't bring anything new besides adding blockchain and decentralization to their narrative. glad you figured it out.

i honestly undestand that being hard given the number of shitty ICO's we are being spammed with. *money skelly tears*

>> No.5622412
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meh im just gonna hodl, it was just released, it has to go back up right?

>> No.5622456
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this handsome boyo

>> No.5622472

BNTY has an interesting concept though:

It's like Fiverr or a freelancer site, but with lower fees and less need to trust the freelancer and check the work.

It's especially useful in small measurable tasks, where the checking process can be automated and then if the task has been completed, funds are automatically released via the smart contract and therefore there's less of a need to trust both parties. From what I understand it's also feeless in this situation too.

If the task is slightly difficult to measure, then a 3rd party Sheriff will check if the task if done correctly and will only receive payment if he checks it properly. The higher his reputation, the more you can trust that he's reviewing it properly. In this scenario there will be a small fee for the Sheriff doing so. An example of this could be article writing or creating a YouTube video about them.

If the task is very complicated or subjective, then the person who posts the job will have to check it manually. This will be feeless too (From what I understand because there's no Sheriff). An example of this would be finding bugs in a businesses website or any creative design work such as a logo.

Here's what the website looks like at the moment, so you can see what I mean: https://alpha.bounty0x.io/bounties

I'm on board because from what I understand, as long as there is obvious quantitative and measurable criteria, you can use the smart contract in an automated way. So for example, if I understand correctly, you could hire someone for SEO services and if you get to a certain rank on Alexa because of it, the funds will be released via the smart contract. Therefore eliminating the trust from both parties and the need to check up on everything from the person giving the work's point of view. In this scenario it's also feeless, so even better. It may not be the next Ethereum, but it has a working product now and it's a concept that could get even better in the future.

>> No.5622626

too much effort i just want money fuck you

>> No.5622696

I think it would be cool to be a sheriff because then you can pretend you've had a job

>> No.5622816


All freelancer/fiverr like stars and even more niche examples have that stuff ALREADY FIGURED OUT. On top of that they are legally liable for many things including escrow.

Haven't heard much of that in crypto.

>> No.5622887
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>> No.5623129

could somebody explain to a brainlet what bnty actually does, I get that people can pay for others to do something and a sheriff will act as the moderator to say if it is done correctly, taking a fee, but where does the coin come in?

>> No.5623230

they're payed in bounty coins>>5623129

>> No.5623476

the coins are used in those transactions...