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56168409 No.56168409 [Reply] [Original]

>Co-workers start talking about investments

>> No.56168520

i know this feel kek

>> No.56168981
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>Co-workers start talking about Sex

>> No.56168997
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>co-workers start talking about relationships, significant others and social activities

>> No.56170204

>>Co-workers start talking about investments
if you own anything they talk about, it's a good sell signal

>> No.56170998
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>coworkers start talking about NFL games this weekend

>> No.56171029

When they think the words "401k" and "IRA" have any other meaning in the investment world besides being a certain kind of account

>> No.56171049
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>"you should look into this new coin called ICP. Yeah, I know the name is retarded, but it's going to be huge"
>me to my ex-boss ~2021

>> No.56171056

I still have a voice recording of one of my house tenant just before bitcoin entered the bear market, talking to her friend about investing in crypto. She's a 50+ year old retiree woman. Shilled me to get in the ride because everyone else my age is becoming a millionaire doing so. I never admit I know anything about crypto at that time. Now she moved out from the house already because can't pay the rent. Glad I sold right after that. Shit scared the shit out of me because of the huge sell signal.

>> No.56171062

>co-works start talking about how they like marvel capeshit over dc capeshit or vice cersa

>> No.56171069

>idiot retard on internet can't spell versa

>> No.56171099

>Coworkers all have whole life policies

I tried explaining how it’s a bad deal and the dude got so mad at me. “I think I’ll listen to my insurance guy over you”.

I also had another coworker talk about wanting an 80-90k car and I said “you don’t make enough to afford that” and she lost her shit at me. I knew her wage and it’s less than mine, probably yearly salary around 55k.

I learned a valuable lesson the stop talking about money to make people not hate me. Now I’d say something like “that would be awesome, be careful about interest rates”

>> No.56171109

Not just money but advice in general. Always better to shut up

>> No.56171247

It's amazing that people still get whole life insurance in current year. I guess it's like high-fee actively managed mutual funds. Or annuities. They're old types of product that people buy far more than they should.

>> No.56171259


A lot of the time, people are aware they aren't making the best choice. They're making the easiest or most impulsive choice. They don't want medicine, give them the pat on the back they want for their midwit behavior and then move on with your life. This is interfacing with midwits 101.

>> No.56171277

>they start talking about their 20-40k portfolios
>sit there quietly with 95% of your networth in crypto (200k)

If you even mention retirement, millennial niggers and zoomers laugh.

>> No.56171516

All my coworkers are richer, smarter and better at finance than me.

>> No.56171876

>Guy at work brags about making 3k on crypto
>Everyone is super impressed
>Sitting quietly on a 450k folio myself
I would never share my finances with normies and wouldn't want to ruin his moment, but damn, it was tempting to say something

>> No.56171909

>co-workers start talking about being happy

>> No.56172292
File: 62 KB, 720x1041, Supreme Bot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell them about Blackswan dot biz and the bot

>> No.56172323

> coworkers start talking

I hate working with women and tech fags