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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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56164139 No.56164139 [Reply] [Original]

From dom himself:

Hey all good suggestions. There are a lot of things being worked on currently, some of which I can talk about, some of which I can’t quite yet.
One of them is a push into the enterprise space. For that, people will have to wait and see the results and some new developments as they happen – hopefully not too long.
Our current web3 focus continues, of course, and there’s lots happening.
There are two parts to that: (1) multi-chain, and (2) improving scaling and reducing the cost of scaling, so that it’s easier for fully on-chain web3 services to scale to millions of users without recourse to traditional IT, which cannot e.g. be placed under the control of a community/DAO.
Regarding multi-chain, everybody will be aware of the advances with ckBTC, for example the integration into the MyLugano app. (Something else worth mentioning is that there are also exciting plans for Internet Identity, both within such gov/web3 settings, and also web2 settings, but I’ll leave that for another time.)

>> No.56164160

The current big push for multi-chain is now focused heavily on Ethereum, of course. We will be submitting updates to the NNS for approval/integration into the network, which rest upon trustless cryptography and network math rather than bridges and other centralized, fragile, insecure – and possibly illegal – systems and technologies.
The first part of the integration, focuses on allowing ICP assets to switch between native-ICP and ERC20/ETH modes, and that’s already working in prototype form. The ERC20 version of the ICP token will be the first, but the mechanism will be extended to ecosystem assets more generally, so that SNS tokens can be directly traded on Uniswap et al.

>> No.56164175

The second part will see Ethereum assets brought onto ICP, such that they can be used by DEXs and other services on the Internet Computer. The third part will support code-level integrations between canister smart contracts and Ethereum smart contracts.
Essentially, Internet Computer assets will become Ethereum assets, and vice versa, which will provide for better liquidity flows, and allow Ethereum projects to build out in a more decentralized way, become more secure, and allow them to fully delegate power to DAOs. We continue to believe that once the Ethereum developer community properly understands the technology and the core problems it solves, they will warm to what we are doing and start adopting – and we can also see signs that the Ethereum community’s interest in ICP is growing.
Right now, I’m looking forward to the next two advances and releases from DFINITY, which are imminent: ERC20 ICP (which token, of course, can be switched back into native ICP, anytime the holder wishes) and something called the OISY wallet, which will be a production system, but will be open source, and largely designed as a demonstration and inspiration.
OISY will show how an Ethereum system/service can be built on the Internet Computer. It’s an Ethereum wallet that is accessed entirely in the browser, without plugins, which is compatible with Etheruem dapps such as Uniswap, which you can control entirely using an internet identity. It will also pack functionality for managing ERC20 ICP, and things like that. The source code will be available for whoever wants it.

>> No.56164192

Small steps, but important steps, and when people see this kind of functioning in the wild, they will hopefully be amazed at the power of the underlying tech and it will fire their imaginations re how they too can use this technology.
Last note: you mention the need for a stablecoin on the Internet Computer. Well, these advancements will of course allow USDC that was issued on Ethereum to be used on the Internet Computer in chain key mode. What’s on Etheruem, can also be brought to the Internet Computer, without need for permission or agreements.
Separately to the above tech stuff, DFINITY is helping to build-out ICP.Hubs all over the world. Next week we are in Hong Kong running events in parallel with EDGE for Asian VCs interested in the network, and work continues to improve Internet Computer outreach, the website, and so on.
We are working to get all this done as quickly as possible, and for example, I expect to continue to see Internet Computer developer numbers grow as a result of the hubs. Many will wish to leverage the SNS framework, and of course, improvements are in the works there too.
We should not underestimate the pernicious nature of this bear market though, and we will all have to make maximum efforts to support the network through this difficult time.
Regarding the economics of the network, a key challenge the Internet Computer ecosystem faces is that much of the ICP token supply is held by parties who paid much less than the current price, and that undermines the tokenomics. That’s ECT (9.5%) and Seed/public ICO (25%, with a base price of 3 cents), and a Strategic Round hedge/venture fund, whose financial interests now lie with other blockchains they have sunk money into. Those parties can sell their ICP tokens and make gains.

>> No.56164201

Eventually, the situation will normalize, not least because many of those parties will have divested themselves, but that’s a topic beyond what I can get into, for a bunch of reasons, including regulatory.
But it’s worth bearing in mind that our situation is very different to e.g. Solana, where most of the supply seems centrally held by a small number of actors – SBF entities 15-20%, Multicoin 10%, Jump Trading 10-20%, Solana Labs/Foundation/Anatoly etc 25%+ etc, with others & the public holding SOL mostly having bought at prices well above the market price. Of course, that means the real supply heading to the market is much less. They also have powerful well-financed actors buying back SOL to support the price, and things like that. The Internet Computer does have that kind of centralized support.
The reason I raise this last point about the market, is to remind people that token prices often depend upon economic realities that you can’t see, such as supply vs demand, and don’t necessarily reflect the value of a decentralized network and ecosystem – at least in the short term. We also still suffer the effects of professionally-crafted FUD, lawsuits funded by competitors, etc, from 2021, and need to find ways to continue to get the word out about what the Internet Computer really is, and help people understand that far from being some kind of dodgy scam, the Internet Computer project lights the way with respect to technology, decentralization, real utility, and many other things.
Everyone at DFINITY continues to stay laser-focused on developing Internet Computer technology and enabling the network to achieve its mission. As an independent not-for-profit foundation, that is part of an ecosystem, our purpose doesn’t allow us to pursue driving token price as an objective, but we do care about the health of the ecosystem, and driving adoption, as well as technology, and you can expect to see much more from us there.

>> No.56164247
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Dominic Williams is a Cicada 3301 member who solved the puzzle and was accepted into the organization. They created the idea for the Internet Computer (codename TYLER) and then funded it with their massive wealth from getting into Bitcoin early. They are whales and have huge control over the markets, yet are unknown. There were many TYLER candidates in the past but they didn't live up to all of the requirements of building a free, un-censorable web. Their price actions are being advertised on the Veri Doctores YouTube channel as seen with the changing titles last year and in early 2021. Why? To attract a small number of likeminded individuals, those who enjoy puzzles, reason, and have an affiliation for anti-establishment, pro-freedom political perspectives. So that they will control a substantial portion of future of the Web, shielding it from the enemies of freedom and reason.

>> No.56164572

So no plan to stop the deathspiral? Just going to pretend it isnt all crashing down and continue to work? If that is your plan the tech developments won't matter at all. Courting adoption is great but it should have been done aggressively before the coin even launched. Not uears later on its death bed. Good luck. Maybe its time to consider putting some of Dfinitys funds toward running nodes and severing ties with some operators? Or perhaps putting Dfinitys voting power behind a proposal to shift or alter payment plans for node operators so you guys dont kill your cash cow? Or are you satisfied with the money you guys got and are cutting and running now and hoping everyone is too stupid to see it for what it is? 5 long posts to say you won't do anything to fix the issue.

>> No.56164616

There’s already a cap and then they’re working on a proposal now for a different cap. There won’t be a death spiral and only retards believe that there will be. Keep spreading your easily debunkable fud and ignore all this bullishness that was stated from dom that literally no other chain could even dream of doing

>> No.56164628

That cap is in fiat. Every node needs to be paid in rewards equal to what they were promised in USD amount, so that means as ICP goes down in price more and more have to be sold to pay for node providers. This is the inflationary death spiral

>> No.56164675

The cap is in icp retard. Go
Read the forums again. Currently it’s 100k icp not fiat. They already came up with a better solution than the current cap that they’re working on.
Keep spreading your fud and lies

>> No.56164916
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>> No.56165551

where did he post this

>> No.56165628
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nigga, fuck this piece of shit blog chain
I have had enough of being conned by dawnmonique and his not even half of 420 cyberjannies that do sudokus and call it cryptoesniffagraphy. I am tired of that chink Manmun turbulent schizo posting and subliminally shilling Tyrone, making twerking videos and charging a 500$ onlyfags tax to send copy-pasted BuzzFeed cryptoe articles and in between shilling his private Snapchat
I am tired of that bitch nigga doctor with his weeb twin peaks shit youtube, schizo editing his titles and descriptions in a desperate attempt to try and remember how numbers are supposed to work, while constantly disassociating stuck between ghosts and shells
I am tired of Motoko as their faggot programming language, nobody knows it and nobody will use it. Their documentation is nonexistent so developers, even if they tried, would have no idea where to begin because this Motoko scam doesn't even compile shit. I'm switching back to superior Haskell, and don't get me started on those .png nfts, these are the most retarded looking, low volume stinking bags of shit. I download .pngs from here all the time, why would I pay money to "own" a hyperlink to a .png I don't even want to download for free??
fuck off with your icp ponzi scheme, wow 20 year old roadmap, NO FUCKING THANKS, you can lie to other brainlet Redditors; omg amazing lock icp and stake for 8 years, surely our cloudservers will pay you dividents and dominic dicpic nfts, muh disruptive technology, me farting in a tranquil lake is more disruptive than this computer crap. literally 2 dapps, cloned from cardano's superior code & ecosystem
what fucking conmen have the nerve to lie and reassure "investors" (LMAO): yeah bro just 20 more years for smart contracts, web speed bro
real men set sprints to achieve the impossible quick and always deliver like my idol, the scrum master Charles hoskinsan. 2 more weeks and I know something big happens, never missed one deadline unlike that icp scam

>> No.56165693

Go check the dev forums. You’ll find it. You have to be logged into an account since whoever made the thread is a retard and made it private but it’s open to everyone with an account on the site. Pretty much Doms response to a specific thread

>> No.56165701

Yep just retarded Shizo jeets seething as usual

>> No.56165738
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unbelievablely based

>> No.56165901

Did he say something racist? Or is he a faggot? or what's the gist here?

>> No.56166003

Thanks for the spoonfeed but don't bother with the literal niggers here. Keep buying. ICP 2k EOY 2025. The one thing I'm disappointed about is that it seems they want to double down on their own multichain solution and not just integrate Chainlink.

>> No.56166043

Hello Tyler

>> No.56166066

I don't know who Tyler is so don't (You) me with that shit nigger.

>> No.56166087

You can’t hide from us 2.22 -> 2,222

>> No.56166130

Well chainlink is an l2 on eth so based on what dom said it will get integrated at least the token.
Also will get usdc integration which will be awesome.

>> No.56166621

Or maybe it's 2,22 to 2.222.
I can't remember.

>> No.56168144

I applaud manmun hassan huwawei conman benchod for cunning. He succfully dapployed fren tyrone in bizrael hymalayy salt licking mineshaft and in process many canisters were filled with poo and Samwell tears. Manmun conning everyone and go down as VC that got too mad with money become much erratic incoherenced paranoia. VC buddies September were imaginary construct of turbulent mind projecting endless gains could not buy.
Safe to say manmun known considered close munman no longer conman larper farter.