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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 528 KB, 1125x1635, 518FE087-D900-46E7-BC21-41FC0A165859.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56162499 No.56162499 [Reply] [Original]

$80K total revenue after 3 months, giving annualized revs of $320,000. At a $3.7B valuation, Link trades at a 11,563x multiple. Hmmm…

>> No.56162549

>cumulative revenue
>linear trend instead of parabolic
This implies that the network isn't growing. Mathlets don't @ me.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56162566
File: 129 KB, 1080x907, donut_holster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this! wake me up when the parabolic chart looks like that one!

>> No.56162568

>growth isn't growth unless it's exponential

>> No.56162577

its not growth, its stagnant, fix revenue, niggertier anon....

>> No.56162586
File: 119 KB, 874x1046, 402439F0-1CBA-4595-ADBC-9D2285301B1E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


So this world changing tech makes as much money as an IT monkey in the Midwest…KEK LINKIES

>> No.56162589

Zoom out

>> No.56162592

he literally can't understand because the graph is going up

>> No.56162597

unironically true.

>> No.56162607

The absolute state of advocates

>> No.56162614


CCIP has done $4.92 of revenue today on Ethereum.

>> No.56162627

Mathlet subhuman detected. Whats cumulative revenue anon? It's the integral of r(t) dt. That integral is a linear function c*t. That only happens if r(t) = c, a constant. Cope, sneed and dial8, tranny retard.

>> No.56162644

looks like every day it's accumulating more, fag

>> No.56162664

But it’s only 3 fucking months retard

>> No.56162696


look at the link above. All of the chains had higher revs in the first month versus now. In other words, growth has slowed. The question is why? They said for years there was incredible demand for this service

>> No.56162819

Volume is pretty shit across all chains right now. Crypto is in a bear market.

>> No.56162823

No shit you brainless nigger kek. You need to have white skin, blue eyes and passed Calc 2 in order to be considered human.
>Verification not required.

>> No.56162832

nobody cares about your fancy number magic nerd

>> No.56162851

Kek shitskin baggie kek
Cope and seethe, you will never be white

>> No.56162864
File: 33 KB, 856x651, 78cc2e200f1e89c40c0e4728d56462f3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

daily reminder that rollbit does 3x the revenue of link in a single day than link is projected to make all year

>> No.56162888

I could have passed calc2 if I studied but I was too busy SMASHING PUSSY YOU NERD FAGGOT LMAO

>> No.56162924

oh wow you put your dick in some festering brainless gash, good job bro

>> No.56162929
File: 39 KB, 656x679, AA03353E-33B2-4EDE-9833-9D5B25A6C837.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would you rather take 1 million dollars of revenue today or start with a penny of revenue and double it every day for 90 days? quid quo pro. cogito ergo sum.

>> No.56162947

checkd + based
get rekt, number nerd

>> No.56162974

This guy is shit at graphs

>> No.56163076

Ohhhhh so THIS is why Chainlink is only six dollars. It's basically bullshit that they tried to hide as long as possible because there's zero demand. Now I get why it didn't release in 2022

>> No.56163223

what you're describing is exponential growth. the data we have so far does not show exponential growth

>> No.56163225

You’re on 4chan, on /biz for that matter

>> No.56163254

the worst thing a shitcoin can ever do is deliver a product
then everyone can see just how small the market for their token really is

>> No.56163301

correct. speculation has 10x or more the pumping power than any delivered product

>> No.56163302

Paradigm-chaning technology

>> No.56163365

you dropped this G, king

>> No.56163418

I feel as though there is an agenda here but not sure what it is.

>> No.56163432
File: 75 KB, 1024x1024, 20230906_133355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eric Wallach is none other than Eric Wall Taproot Wizard and longtime LINK fudder!

>> No.56163470

Not the data silly goose, the delivery of the data.

>> No.56163777

Its suspicious I'll give you that. Probably riddled with mathematical incogsistencies.

Remember back in the day when we were just regular link marines fighting against the VCs? I remember fighting in the jungles watching for VC foxholes.

Matter of fact why is it that blacks can commit petty street crime but if a white person does it they need to write a full book-length incel manifesto explaining why they turned to a life of crime. I'd like to turn to a life of petty street crime one day but I uninstalled GTA. What is this insane double standard?

In the future incel manifesto reviews will become the most popular book review type. The New Yorker will gush about how this incel manifesto captured the tormented soul of the individual currently incarcerated.

>> No.56163835

I normally don’t respond to schizo posting but I have to admire those trips.

>> No.56163904

What the fuck is up with all the brainlets ITT?

>CCIP is Chainlink's only revenue driver

>lineair growth is le bad when the network isn't even open to non-pilot users yet

>my shady crypto casino launders a million dollars a day, buy the totally needed "utility" token!

>don't deliver products goylink, it makes the rest of the space look bad

Absolutely trash opinions and insights in this thread. Kindly kys.

>> No.56163923
File: 30 KB, 479x360, 1695328222896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>0 growth
>12k a month
I can see why Sergei has to dump his LINK on you baggies. No way can they afford 600 HR women with that kind of revenue.

>> No.56164416

no, it just makes chainlink look bad when nobody wants to pay for anything they offer.
if they kept talking big and not delivering they might have had a chance at a second cycle, like cardano. but now? it's basically over for them.

>> No.56164459

it's called a fud thread, how new are you?
it's used to filter new arrivals
ccip is barely live, it's basically still in testing with few early users just using it for messaging
we know this, they don't

>> No.56164548

Thats pretty funny. I was trying to explain that to people in one of the RWA threads and they literally just kept falling back on

>muhhhhhhh insert elite banker here said our buzzwords!!!!!!

>> No.56164584

That was a pajeet thread. Read the room.

>> No.56164592

don't be this guy anon

>> No.56164594
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>> No.56164690

ok scammer

>> No.56164833

>6 years later
>the swift experiement has progressed into…another experiment
>0 users

>> No.56164895

the first cycle really is the do or die time for these alts. for most its easy, get retail interested. for business products like chainlink offers they have to do a lot more work. once that post-pump bear market hits and liquidity disappears their funding sources disappear too.

>> No.56164947

>his shitcoin of choice can't even afford 600 HR women

>> No.56164996
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Ah, old fud. Like a warm blanket.

>> No.56165087
File: 699 KB, 1125x1756, 58AC93C9-13A1-4A2F-ACA5-9AA9B51A58B9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.56165101

>near vertical growth
Is you dense

>> No.56165103

and now they know, he's still dumping hundreds of millions of dollars worth of link at 10% of its ath? not very confident that revenue is coming any time soon, or at all.

>> No.56165112

what do you mean?

>> No.56165119

he's not dumping

he's just decentralizing the network, chud

>> No.56165141

logically if there was a huge pump expected he would wait to "dump" his tokens to maximize profits but since he's doing it now midwit took that as evidence that there is no near-term pump expected

>> No.56165162

Kekfuddies will insist that LINK tokens are not like stocks that entitle you to a share of a company's profits but then they will also go and calculate the PE ratio. Interdasting.

>> No.56165215

near-term? ha. they've been dumping nearly a decade worth of runway for how long now?
the only people who think long-term success is all but guaranteed are those buying what chainlink themselves are desperate to sell.

>> No.56165216

Posting the actual revenue numbers is fud?

>entitle you to a share of profits
Huh? What stock market are you following? You seem confused. Also what share of profit for Link? Their operating loss in hundred mils per year

>> No.56165440

ITT Dunning-Kruger brownskin midwits coping over their shit tier token not needed "investment" kek

>> No.56165851

Its not fud, there is just no correlation there so you may in fact be retarded. Remind me again, dear fuddie, what the price of the LINK token was in May of 2021 when CCIP revenue was $0.

>> No.56166196

Aaaaaaand just like that the thread died

>> No.56166230

>Sir Gay Nasty Slob just blew high finance
Yes homo

>> No.56167206
File: 238 KB, 1280x1280, 1689722315566979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$80K total revenue after 3 months
Thank fucking god I snapped out of it all and moved on to Kava. Holy SHIT what a shit show.

>> No.56167374

>Intellectually dishonest post.
You do know that CCIP is in a limited access mainnet release right now, right? It's not actually available to the general public yet.

>> No.56167818
File: 571 KB, 1536x2048, 1694053413816220.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i-its earning NOTHING after all this time!!
>it's dead!!
>goto https://ccip.chain.link/
>pick latest 5 transactions
>inspect the payload/data as text (not hexadecimal)
>new message with Id 12
>new message with Id 11
>new message with Id 84
>new message with Id 85

80k revenue with ONLY test transactions. Just imagine how much money will this shit earn once the floodgates are open (and they will be).

The future is bright bros.

>> No.56167826

The thing is obviously revenue will grow. But the counter-argument is, LINK talked this up for so long... they don't have barely anyone significant on launch? muh partnerships muh integrations, muh swift. LINK holders will live in their fantasy world of 'we will be billionaires soon, two more weeks, trust the big macs', while FUDers will just kind've lie. The reality seems to be somewhere in the middle. Something very underwhelming with maybe no real world value that will make money but not as much as you thought.

>> No.56167882

Thats cope. Just because there is a schizo on each extreme doesnt mean we meet in the middle. Link is going to $0 or $1T+ mcap

>> No.56167889

It's going to $0

>> No.56167932
File: 478 KB, 2250x2250, Bubble bot Logo-01.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

when you get to know how much Bubblebot giving profit you will forget everything so what are you waiting for join now

>> No.56167984
File: 98 KB, 764x894, 1692605761939632.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nobody wants to pay for anything they offer

>> No.56167999
File: 9 KB, 698x123, 1672304956368223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mainnet numbers are for very strictly limited pilot purposes only.
Even the testnet numbers are limited, but already they're very high.

>> No.56168045

Hmm this anon seems reasonable…>>56167889

>> No.56168197

This garbage is so comically overpriced, it makes the 2000 Dotcom bubble look tame and reasonable in comparison.

Holy fuck, this needs to drop another 99.99% along with all the other worthless shitcoins.

>> No.56168199

CCIP is overpriced?

>> No.56168206
File: 66 KB, 640x393, Ripple-Graphics.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit kek.
Sergey should open up a lemonade stand, it would generate more income.

>> No.56168213


VeChain and Chainlink figured this out, that's why they dangle some new SOON promise carrot to the desperate bagholders, into perpetuity.

>> No.56168215
File: 140 KB, 283x296, 1612755399677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CCIP is Chainlink's only revenue driver

Well, we know their primary source of income is dumping millions of premined air tokens from the ICO into the spot markets. DUH.

What do you say to that, advocate faggot?

>> No.56168221

Yep, looks like nobody is paying for what Chainlink has to offer.

Your screen grab changes nothing, all I have to do is look at CCIP "revenues". Chainlink has no other revenues except token dumps.

>> No.56168225
File: 51 KB, 465x512, 1682057239023767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$850k annually for feeds per project
>"Yep, looks like nobody is paying for what Chainlink has to offer"

>> No.56168229

You want the makers of decentralized protocols to extract a percentage off each use?
Even Vitalik isn’t as brazen with his MEV, and that’s already bad enough.

>> No.56168231
File: 20 KB, 350x420, 1597536845303.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink is overpriced.

It's a failing software company registered in the Caymans with no viable software products, and some illegally raised security masquerading as a "utility token" which makes it uninvestable to any institutions in the US or pretty much anywhere.

A software company with $4 a day in sales from their software products is not worth 3.7 BILLION dollars LMao.

Fair value on Chainlink if you ignore their illegal funding token is between $500,000-2 MM.

>> No.56168235

>850k annually for feeds per project

May we see them?


>decentralized protocols

It's a proprietary software product.

>> No.56168325

>May we see them?
sure: >>56167984

>> No.56168369

>It's a proprietary software product.
Did we get a new script? Chainlink is opensource so we are supposed to use that to say either pajeets/chinks will copy paste (APU3, BAND etc.) or banks will copy the code and make their own (Liink etc.). What is it now?

>> No.56168670

May 2021 was the height of covid stimulus printing. Look at anything back then.

>> No.56168920


>> No.56169254

which is why it's critical to understand that link peaked in 2020, a year earlier.

>> No.56169636
File: 23 KB, 630x433, Screenshot 2023-09-21 120416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chainlink holders are so low IQ its sometimes its not even funny.

>> No.56169649

kek baggies still in denial
sergey thanks the baggies for funding his dreams

>> No.56170148

>it's fud
>it's not fud but price pumped before in a bull run

You're steering this off topic. The fuck does May '21 price have to do with CCIP revenue

>> No.56170180

>The fuck does May '21 price have to do with CCIP revenue
Well if Link had a higher price when CCIP was literally 0, then why are you now trying to correlate Link's price to CCIP?

>> No.56170611

>all this brownoid fuddie megacope
Yawn not selling lol

>> No.56170638
File: 812 KB, 640x640, 1678144025972306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey. buddy

>> No.56170646

Kek fuddies

>> No.56170792

>held link through a 90% drop
>people who didn't lose 90% of their unrealized gains are the ones coping
linkies are truly the women of crypto

>> No.56170879

Kek are linkniggers really this dumb

>> No.56171376

i bought at 15 cents and made a plan to hold forever. now i'm staking and making more money than you ever have made by trading. simple as.

>> No.56171442
File: 190 KB, 600x616, 1644711124044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's not a balance sheet nor remotely credible as a proof of revenue.

Why does Chainlink not have proper financial filings and disclosures?

They did sell a security to the public after all, that obligates them to put out regular filings and financial statements to the public.

Oh right, it's an illegal scam in the Caymans in violation of almost every securities act rule there is, LMAO.

You fucking worthless niggers. Realize that NO ONE.

Will be buying your bags.

>> No.56171458

Didn't read; never buying

>> No.56171479

I unironically know why... CL Labs is so fucking slow... I was there in 2016...2018..2020... barely any progress... the github repos are moving like fucking snails, it's like only 3 dudes commit once in a while... the fucking whitepaper 2.0 was a joke...

Potential clients literally left... from crypto

>> No.56171536

Bitcoin generates $0 revenue and actually costs money to run, the price hinges on new money retards buying up the supply or “stablecoins” issuers to print up their own $ to trade for it. Link is the same but with more steps

>> No.56171570

Bitcoin is a universal currency/store of value. The first decentralized, digital commodity.

LINK is just a shitcoin from 2017.

>> No.56171596

Doesn't really make sense to compare BTC and Chainlink though. It's like comparing gold versus Google.

>> No.56171689

You are experiencing something called cognitive dissonance.
Bitcoin is a "store of value" because it is considered to have value.
And it has this despite generating negative revenue.

Holding any other crypto to a higher standard is a priori bunk.

>> No.56171695

>Bitcoin is a "store of value" because it is considered to have value.
by midwits, yes
actual rich people just use it to move money around, and store value in gold

>> No.56172490

All value is subjective retard.
Gold is only valuable because people believe it to be.

>> No.56172618

CCIP isn't public right now you dumbfuck.Its literally being tested on mainnet
It will be public post smartcon.

>> No.56172654

>implying seething bagholding cultists understand math

>> No.56172728

You could have bought at 5 and be way up already but you're too stupid

>> No.56172877
File: 125 KB, 716x960, 1662185117371491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Revenue will soon be millons a month. Within a few years. And link will keep its 11,563x multiple btw

>> No.56172920


>> No.56172983

Yes clearly id logically sell now after 6 years of breadcrumbs being confirmed beyond even our wildest dreams. Please stop fudding it's so boring that's probably the worst part of the boring low quality fud is it's made the board go from amazing and fun to oh wow another faggot with zero effort fud that doesn't even make sense. Prior fud was tongue in cheek this is just pathetic now.

>> No.56174266

Looking at all current number of CCIP test transactions, they're currently generating around ~$6 revenue per tx. Eth is running closer to $0.40 per tx.

Given that there is rumblings of high demand from reputable sources, I could imagine seeing tens of thousands of transactions per day by end of year.

If it works as expected then by EOY 2023 the per annum revenue generated will likely be in the tens of millions just from CCIP. If 2024/25 is the bull run we expect, then it's not unreasonable to imagine a 5-10x + increase in activity and subsequently 5-10x + increase in revenue.

If CCIP captures the kind of adoption that many are hinting at, then Chainlink will be one of the highest revenue generating project in the space (if not #1), with the most robust integration into the actual financial system.

We're all gonna make it.

t. Sept 2017 og

>> No.56174497


>> No.56175777

>All value is subjective
What do you think "is considered to" means, esl vindapoo.

>> No.56175868

>muh altcoin should be worth bitcoin because I AM a special snowflake
Youre in denial bro.

More denial. Youre in for lots of pain when instis buy btc hand over fist

Babby takes econ 101. Classic retard fudding gold which has a history of value over literally any other asset. SURELY that will change “soon” when your virgin squad plaid wearing geeks breaks through modern finance

You couldve bought btc at 16000 or eth at 900 last year. Or Tesla stock. All crush limpdick cuckold Link “gains” (opp cost losses)


>Incoherent cuckold ramble

>> No.56176318

>10pbtid fudding an investment
I know for a certainty that you've never touched a woman (n. adult human female)

>> No.56176351

why would a speculative crypto bullrun affect an interoperability protocol for banks? there is zero correlation

>> No.56176378

t. midwit

>> No.56176383

t. butthurt shill

>> No.56176386


>> No.56176532

Crypto bull runs substantially increase engagement (in the form of buying, transferring, borrowing, using financial products, etc).

If you can't figure out how this will effect the number of CCIP txs then that's on you.

>> No.56176884

Kek this. I tried to warn linkies back in 2021 but they were convinced there will be billions of dollars worth of demand for smart contracts and the only reason they didn't launch their smart contract yet was because they needed link. The crypto market is still way too young and new for legacy firms to dive into. Any product released is going to have very little demand since it's only crypto native projects that would use it.

>> No.56177011
File: 277 KB, 799x552, 1693909115551066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they were convinced there will be billions of dollars worth of demand for smart contracts
Wanna know who else is convinced of this, but with trillions instead of billions?

>> No.56177041

Go read the Wikipedia article for DTC(C) and see how rapidly it scaled. Also notice there were holdouts. A few years off yet. But it's a few years off from taking over the entirety of banking. I hope all my linkie brothers use their new found wealth to not do evil and fall into drugs or lose it gambling or on women.

>> No.56177951

>10 more years

The chart

>> No.56179265

>I hope all my linkie brothers use their new found wealth to not do evil and fall into drugs or lose it gambling or on women

the linkies who were going to do that already did that