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File: 1.38 MB, 1194x1068, 654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
56162313 No.56162313 [Reply] [Original]

sibos tv interview here we go boys

>> No.56162328

Imagine her reaction when she reads the pregnant Sergey pasta.

>> No.56162341


>> No.56162357

>checks price

>> No.56162389

> muslim woman

>> No.56162404

meanwhile Chris Barrett functions in the "fluffer" role off camera during breaks

>> No.56162409

Sergey is really dominating the entire sibos conference.
He's like the golden child

>> No.56162423
File: 69 KB, 714x779, Sergey Suit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They removed the unfinished plank of OSB wood from the set?

>> No.56162437

the theme changes year to year, obviously

>> No.56162465


hopefully fransesco didn't hire her to explode

>> No.56162481

beautiful framing of the shoes. well done chris.

>> No.56162484

Sergey looks a lot better this year. Last year was way funnier though

>> No.56162504
File: 69 KB, 800x800, sergayisondonuts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that nigga is FAT! Is he holding donut?

>> No.56162534

Sergey just betrayed me on live television

>> No.56162618

>so what we do is provide data to smart contracts
>what are smart contracts? well i'll tell you
>blah blah old world contracts blah blah new world contracts blah blah trustless agreements
>something about collapse of ftx
>something about quadrillion dollar derivatives market
>"and thats all the time we have thanks sergey"
>nothing new revealed

>> No.56162647


>> No.56162705
File: 1.01 MB, 1190x836, 432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sergey filling up cassette tape after cassette tape here at Sibos

>> No.56162720

any talk about banks? I don't know if you guys heard, but they have ALL the money

>thats what banks do, r right? Like I used to to think they just made money and were like ok, lets make more money
>then I understood what banks do better, because... they have all the money
>thanks everyone for coming. Please leave your donation check in the coffer being passed around

>> No.56162765

HAHA, dude I know right? Banks actually DON'T have all the liquidity, they don't really do anything dude. I don't care how many elite banking conferences Sergey goes to, he clearly is just paying them to get a spot at their elite conferences

>> No.56162805

What filter did Chris put on this pic? Sergey's shoes are blue. Looks like Chris tried to make the shoes less jarring lmao

>> No.56162829

Haha wow yeah, I sure do remember that one talk where Sergey was not on his A game. Nevermind his performance this week haha, that's an outlier for sure. And SIBOS is a nothingburger event anyway LOL! ;)

>> No.56162854

He desaturated the blues and greens lmaooo look at the plants

>> No.56163184
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>> No.56163408


>Y-yeah, trillions of dollars. It's all coming, it's all happening. Banks are bringing all the cash

>> No.56163814

this dude wearing bright blue tism shoes

>> No.56164161


>> No.56164203

Meh, price is still $6 and dumping while shitcoins have been doing 2x and 3x since last year. I’m over it desu, I don’t have millions of link, billions of dollars and decades like Sergey

>> No.56164258

it's absolutely fucking batshit that this can exist and literal dog coins are still worth more.

Imagine ANY other shitcoin had this kind of publicity, they'd 3x within an hour.

>> No.56164260

>comments turned off
yall niggas need to stop misbehaving

>> No.56165334


>> No.56165354
File: 105 KB, 800x900, 1695339900156032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sirgay owns a suit?

>> No.56165374
File: 1.09 MB, 1171x614, autismshoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.56165389


>> No.56165444

look at >>56165374: he is utterly dominating the scene
your eyes naturally gravitate towards "it"
look at their gazes, they have witnessed it and cannot unsee it
they are constantly trying to avert their eyes and try to act casual, to no avail
sergey has completely crushed their social norms and vanities of fashion
he is a fucking eyesore but he doesn't care in the slightest; in fact it makes him stronger
he is playing a completely different game, one that he has already won

>> No.56165452

i don't even care that this fat fuck is going to dump chainlink to 0, he beat the jews at their own game and wears bullshit chinesium sneakers while doing it

>> No.56165461

checked and yes that is the correct read

>> No.56165462

Damn checked

>> No.56165477

Checked and it's interesting that SBF did the "slovenly genius" thing too. I think it's an actual tech meme to make people think "He's transgressing our norms so casually that he must be on another level".
In Serg's case that's actually true, though.

>> No.56165482

>and wears bullshit chinesium sneakers while doing it
Acquaintance of mine is in the army and he owns that exact pair of sneakers and said he ran over 1000 miles in them and they were the most comfy shoe he's ever run in.

>> No.56165495

ok i watched it. he believes every bank, and even divisions within banks, will have their own tokenized assets and unique stablecoins? the fuck? that sounds highly unlikely considering how hard it would be to litigate bad actors... yeah sure just try to make heads or tails of the millions of transactions between our 500 different wellsfargo stablecoins when our bank fails. absolute retardation

>> No.56165518

that's already how things are desu, except right now it's all just written on coffee stained napkins and faxed between departments.

>> No.56165529

what a shitshow we've made of our economy

>> No.56165535

checked. he completely dominated the talk with that hunger games hag as well.

>> No.56165540

Buy chainlink you fucking nigger

>> No.56165563

It was set up so he would dominate. This year's SIBOS is essentially a debutante ball for Sergey.

>> No.56165585

I got this one. No occult significance. It's something that upper-echelon business folk can overlook if the product is good, while being something the lower levels will admire when they would otherwise be hesitant with full business attire. It's a gravity well to attract people from all walks

>> No.56165595

No it doesnt do anything. Just because Sergey taught the banks how to use blockchains doesn’t make the token necessary and it certainly doesn’t make it valuable with only 60% circ supply

>> No.56165606

Stay poor nocoiner

>> No.56165621

He also probably has foot problems considering he is overweight, which will be exacerbated if he is flat footed or has high arches. I can't tell if he's wearing the Brooks Ghost or the GTS Adrenaline since they look the same, but if it's the GTSA then he's wearing support trainers and thus likely needs them because wearing dress shoes would be cause him significant pain.

>> No.56165635

>gravity well.
LOL. I bet you believe in "electrons" too. Idiot.

>> No.56165637

I have coins they just also happen to have fair tokenomics

>> No.56165652
File: 120 KB, 962x788, FGGpp1wX0AMoIfU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hear what you are saying, but there is difference between autism-trainers and clusterfuck shoelaces.

>> No.56165654

maybe but i doubt it. these broadcasted events are pure optics and anyone can stick it out for an interview in uncomfortable shoes. this is most likely deliberate aesthetics imo

>> No.56165656

She's hot as. 100% would colonise

>> No.56165878

Truly. Can we assume Swift will go live with full staking?

>> No.56165888

It's a turn of phrase. Don't assume anon is a particle/gravitytard