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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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56161276 No.56161276 [Reply] [Original]

> have a comfy six figure WFH job
> crypto portfolio hits 7 figures in 2021
> foolishly buy a $600k house just for myself while only putting 20% down
> fell for the 2021 quit your job psyop while having $3300 mortgage payments
> After the ftx collapse and NEETing for 2.5 years my crypto is almost gone.
> apply for many jobs with little luck
> ask my old company for my job back
> they give me a 6 month contract at $75hr instead of my previous $120k that came with benefits back in 2021

How fucked am I? I think that I need to take the contract and continue aggressively applying to jobs.

>> No.56161293

>How fucked am I?
That depends entirely on if you're still stupid.
you are

>> No.56161309

Idiot. Why would ever quit a comfy wfh 6 figs job. You had already made it with that. Even if I make it to 9 figures, I will keep my 6 figures wfh job. For one, I worked way to hard to get this to ever give it up. And for two, the benefits are too good to pass up. Besides, if I retired now I would 100% become an alcoholic.

>> No.56161578

I volunteered doing conservation for national parks expecting to be independently wealthy from GameStop by the end of 2022.

I still want to conserve nature full time when I can comfortably afford to do so.

>> No.56161668


Lmao, you get what you deserve.

>> No.56161676

>portfolio hits 7 figures in 2021
>NEETing for 2.5 years my crypto is almost gone
Can you give an actual breakdown of your losses?
- crypto vaporized by ftx
- portfolio shrinkage due to bear market
- actual neet expenses (besides the 3300 for housing)
Genuinely curious how a 7-figure portfolio wasn't enough to make it.

>> No.56161809

Portfolio max: ~$1.05m
House down payment/closing costs/renovations: $175k
Celsius bankruptcy loss: $20k
FTX bankruptcy loss:$100k
GME investment: $140k (I still haven’t sold a single share)
$30k of cash left
The rest was crypto drawdown.

I’m thinking about renting my house and moving back in with my parents. I can make a decent amount selling my house, but I can’t stomach giving up my 2.45% interest rate.

>> No.56161844

nbah bro just refinance your house and put it all into stocks thats what my dad did and he lost everything it was so smart

>> No.56161852

if you could redo everything, do you regret NEETing for 2.5 years to take a minor career setback? or would you relive your experience again? I cant stand my job and considering dropping everything for a bit

>> No.56162018

Overall I think being a NEET for a couple of years and becoming house rich/cash poor in a record low interest rate environment are both good decisions.

However, I think both at the same time was a mistake. I also should’ve been more structured with what to do. I took a few months renovating my house and many months in 2022 volunteering for the national park service.

However 2023 is almost over now and I have almost nothing to show for it. I just went on vacation to a few countries and watched a lot of tv.

>> No.56162024

>GME investment: $140k (I still haven’t sold a single share)
Why haven't you sold this yet?
>renting my house
>2.45% interest rate
Rent it out. You'll come out way ahead in the long run.

>> No.56162147

> Why haven't you sold this yet?

In the last quarter, GameStop lost $2m compared to losing $100m Q2 2022. This may be their first profitable year for them in over a decade. Plus, they are making a competitor to steam/twitch that could bring many more profitable years.

>> No.56162163
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>GME investment: $140k (I still haven’t sold a single share)

>> No.56162187


But the market doesn't care about actual use cases and profits - if it did - Shiba wouldn't have been anywhere near the top 100. It's a dead investment and you won't change that by shilling us with the top post of the daily WSB thread

>> No.56162241

I’m not trying to shill you anything. I’m just telling you my reasoning for holding gme like you asked for.

I personally think that lowering operating expenses by over 25% without taking a hit to revenue is super impressive. Something that’s a pipe dream for most companies.

Elon musk lowered Twitter’s expenses by a similar amount and it destroyed their revenue.

>> No.56162282

Even if they were coming out with a steam/twitch competitor, (source?) how would they overcome steam and twitch and how would them being profitable bring the shares back to delusional cultist prices? Your money is gone but I would like you to hold your shares indefinitely, I don’t want you to think I’m “le indian shilly!!”

>> No.56162340

Simple: MOASS

>> No.56162395


This is the platform that GameStop is making that’ll both be a way to digitally download and stream.

They’ll compete with twitch by giving popular twitch streamers sponsorship deals (GameStop already pays twitch streamers to advertise). They’ll compete with steam by making it easy to sell your digital games when you are done playing them.

As for prices of GME, as long as GME stays alive shorts will eventually close at prices that shareholders set. Profitability is how they stay alive.

>> No.56162817

What I don't understand is.... how do you buy a $600k house with a $1 million net worth and you expect that you don't need to work?

>> No.56162849

>Portfolio max: ~$1.05m
there's your problem anon, you need at least a few mil to really make it as a NEET

>> No.56163196
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>> No.56163524

>95k year
>about 1.1 mil at end of 2021 bull
>cashed out 750k (no taxes here) and just straight bought house in cash for peace of mind
>everyone made fun of me for not locking in low rates and doing 10-20% down/pay back rest later route
>everyone told me owning home is meme, renting for chads
>250k that I had in crypto is 50k now.....
>lost my comfy job
>market value of house is 1.3 mil now.
>reading shit like this reminds me how lucky I got jfc

>> No.56163832

I expected that I would have to eventually work. I didn’t expect to have to come crawling back to my previous job.

>> No.56164209

> house rich
> owes a ton on his meme house because he was a retard

> cash poor
> lost all his cash by blowing hundreds of thousands on memes

i fucking love life so much lmao

>> No.56164389

yep take the contract job, pay for healthcare and aggressively apply to WFH jobs. you need to budget. 7 figures of memes is worth about 100k of a sp500 fund, as you found out.

its going to be a really rough next year or two in tech. google did round 2 of layoffs today and word is amazon and facebook are not far behind.

>> No.56164429

This. Why don't you sell the GME and pay off your coomshack.

>> No.56164600

congrats on turning your liquid 7 figures into imaginary unrealized gains